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Everything posted by Dutchman

  1. http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=sGtUAAAAYAAJ&dq=editions%3AQ2ENAAAAIAAJ&pg=PP7#v=onepage&q&f=false Regulations and instructions relating to His majesty's service at sea By Great Britain. Privy Council http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=4xCYDg6BjZMC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false De jure maritimo et navali or a Treatise of Affaires Maritime and of ... edited by Charles Molloy
  2. take a look at the ship rafted along side the one at the dock. a shelter has been made over the aft area from an old sail.
  3. It has slowed a bit, but as others have said tis seasonal. Also, members leave or just lose interest in the topics at hand and we have not had an influx of new blood. I would not say the pub is dead. While I don't post as much as I used to, I am here doing research. An excellent source to see how others are doing things or getting leads for my own conclusions. Far from dead I say, admittedly not a chatter-box.
  4. Sam bellamy had two aboard Whydah. I have also run across one count in the virginia records of a native"savage" from the eastern shore being aboard a pink caught mid-chesapeake bay where the crew was tried as pirates, but i could never determine if he was a pirate or slave much less his fate.
  5. this year is shaping up wonderfully. we can't wait to see the family again! Despite budget cuts, we are fileding roughly 110 reenactors through five crews- not including the various and numerous musicians and entertainment venues. I think that adds another 60 or so? Unfortunately, neither the Nykel or Exlporer will be with us this year- budget. But we are still going to have one heck of a fireworks show saturday night and the ever popular shantey sign saturday night after the boom-booms. I think there are an additional 8 period vendors? edit* and a teaser of us practicing, ni idea where the tax man came from though
  6. stay safe shipmate. our thoughts are with you
  7. village people???
  8. ah, i've gotten to sniff Mr. jeffersons. i couldn't drool or gnaw on it.
  9. http://www.pbs.org/woodwrightsshop/video/2900/2908.html ole roy has a nice sideboard table on his website now. he hasa lot o good how to's on here.
  10. so would there have been british troops rather than the militia? what would the cut and color have been? so would there have been british troops rather than the militia? what would the cut and color have been?
  11. so would there have been british troops rather than the militia? what would the cut and color have been?
  12. and in the world of irony- from todays articles- http://www.indyweek.com/indyweek/the-last-one-the-end-of-an-era/Event?oid=2468684
  13. virginia 1700-1720ish??
  14. bump looking through this, there are a lot of dead links and lost pictures. can anyone shed some new light onto this topic. one of our folks just asked about a uniform and i have no idea.
  15. well, i'm afraid the lack of sleep got me. We had been on site since noon and the chair was mighty comfortable at 0001 hrs. I made it to somewhere around blackbeard coming on deck then nodded off.
  16. I did my paramedic rotations in part of Franklin co., Virginia- the moonshine capitol of america. I have no idea how they came by the title or what validated it, but darned if there wasn't a lot of it and i understand it was good. especially the peach.
  17. *wait a sec- just reread this. you cannot legally buy moonshine and it's not in the pubs best interest to publish a how to. this topic doesn't warrant shutting down, but please be mindful of this when posting replies to this thread. now a discussion on period brewing and distilling would be of interest.
  18. cant log in. can ya cut and paste?
  19. cross- had em' got splinters. need to get a new pair sometime. bo- these are french fishermen off novascotia around 1680-1700. they are salting fish. while the industry is pretty well explained the clothing isn't. i'm not near the books, but first of he week i'll get a better explination of what they are doing. There is another drawing (in the fishermans hat thread i started a while back) that has aprons. they are also standing in barrels to stay clean and keep their balance while onboard ship.
  20. Bo, expect a package via snailmail. it went out this morning
  21. the fisherman needs a couple more tweeks before he's a regular. besides' its not raining. which reminds me......
  22. hey mates, what does this guy have covering his legs. It looks like an oversized pair of gators. any ideas?
  23. ahoy all, attached is the link to the Foundations 2011 Spring newsletter. In particular, take a look at page two. Capt. Bo, thank you for your contribution! If anyone is interested in submitting a historical interest article, please let me know. -dutch HORIZON-SPRING11-web.pdf
  24. yup. it got flattened. got your e-mail. i didn't realize the hat was sitting that high till the pictures came out. yeah, lots of room to squish it down.
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