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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Wow! Thanks for all those links Maeve and Alyx!
  2. Well I did ask around to my friends regarding purchasing the cannon but all said the same thing, too much money- can't afford it. Honestly, if I had the bucks, I'd buy it!
  3. Iron Jim Hastings is on the right track. Unfortunately, we've been 'torched' by the Hollywood forever burning torches look.
  4. Well... I know that *according to the above* I am unqualified to speak on such things... but they've been working on some fun stiff for the DVD's. A fun stiff ? Hmmmmm, have you swiped one of those skeletons for your office?
  5. I've been to the one in Buena Park - in garb. They love it and so do the other guests. You don't have to let them know, just show up in whatever pirate gear you want, but beware, be sure and keep the sticky-pointy things at home (it's not that they don't allow it, it's just that you're sitting and eating in somewhat confined areas, so too many goodies on your garb could prevent you from having a great time).
  6. Welcome from one Californian to another! You seem familiar, do you belong to a group or just solo? Have you attended any Ren-faires or pirate events?
  7. LMAF! Welcome to the Pub! What a name! So ol' Willie, how about telling us about yourself?
  8. You don't have to look if you don't want to. Lots of pictures of rocks- (you can never have too many rocks-LOL), and other things. Also Blackhearted Pearl, her sister Ruby and Ruby's daughter Dana, plus our friend Bob Duvall who came with us. We had a fantastic time, got a whopping sunburn at the Grand Canyon, spent a ton of money, and have no regrets. My vacation
  9. Welcome to the Pub! A bit short on words, but I give you kudos for filling out your bio!
  10. Nowadays at many yardage stores you can get ready-made beaded fringe. Some of the stuff I've seen is terrific for bellydancing outfits. I've even seen coins sewn on trims that all you have to do is decorate to your hearts desire any bra and belt design you want.
  11. In another lifetime, I owned a triple registered buckskin, quarterhorse, Smokey Fleet, that I showed western Equitation, western pleasure, halter, color classes, trail obstacle courses, gymkana and a host of other events and won a whole lot of ribbons, crystal ware, goblets etc.
  12. Nay, I'll not be buyin' a dealer's table, jest can't really afford it. But trust me dear Blackbead, I'll be bringing more feather hat pins (aye something to discuss in private) an' such. But I'll be partyin' hearty with all o' you!
  13. I live at Jo Ann's and occasionally vacation at Yardage Town.
  14. Finally, Joe Don is gone! I just couldn't stand his arrogance and thankfully he never got back into the Captain spot, that would have been really bad.
  15. Whooo-hooo! I'm buying my tickets to the con just as soon as I can! I am determined to be there!
  16. Mine came from cruising the Internet free clip-art sites.
  17. Hey Matt, we almost cruised through Prescott for the heck of it, but it never happened. Hot? You bet your a** it was hot! I'll try and get some pictures of the new bird ASAP. He's just a baby still, well ok he's about 10/11 months old. If anyone out there knows anything about these birds please PM me. I've cruised through the Internet and found some things.
  18. Well here I am just back from Sedona and we go over to Bird Haven here in town to pick up our two birds we had boarded there while gone, Gilligan the Senegal Parrot and Poppy the blue parakeet, and surprise, we bought another bird. I had no intention of getting another bird, believe me. As usual I always go into the 'bird room' to look for feathers that the birds have moulted out. As I passed by this one particular cage, the small parrot just went nutso when he saw me and seriously wanted out of his cage. So I played a little bit with him, didn't even bite my fingers. So I ask the guy who was there if he could take the bird out so I could handle him. Now I was standing back and off to the side, the minute the cage door opened the bird flew (even with clipped wings) straight to me! This bird had claimed me, so in the end, the bird was bought. It's called a Mustached Parakeet and he's just the sweetest bird! Good thing I just happen to have purchased a bigger cage that I was going to put Poppy into, but the new family member has it until we can move some furniture out and get a bigger cage. I understand they do talk, so now I'll have a second one to teach pirate lingo too. No name yet, but I'm taking suggestions.
  19. Having been fishing and some of the best fish tales to tell, man can I understand that one!
  20. My addiction? The Pub. I love it here and everyone who comes here. I've made a ton of new friendships that I know are solid.
  21. Don't know if anyone else noticed, but I sure did. The gals were originally wearing their own bikinis. Now they are all wearing similar black suits that cover more. Guess the filmy cover up the camera was using to cover parts of bodies that weren't acceptable for family viewing wasn't working too well.
  22. Hollywood original? Oh paleeessseeeeeee.............
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