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Rumba Rue

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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. You didn't state what you were making the haversack out of. If leather, don't line it. If material, might be wise - will add extra strength
  2. Well us 'cheaters' out there use those nifty transportable metal drums that have been cut down, put it over some bricks to keep it off the ground, fill with wood/charcoal and bingo - fire pit. Course in the group I belong to we have a guy with one of those nice fire pit things you sit around, just put a flat grill over the thing instead of the domed mesh screen and it works great. Target even has one that folds up into it's own carry bag.
  3. Thanks all, it's been much hard on Boat's sister since it's her son who married two years ago- she had been looking forward to being a grandma. Even harder for the two parents who were expecting - to come home from the hospital to an apartment full of baby stuff and no baby...that's one I can't even fathom. Never having kids I don't have the maternal feelings that parents of kids get so I am rather neutral on this. I do hope they won't give up and try to again for a family.
  4. Getting back on track here (I removed my pic): Regarding the pattern and final actual outfit, I'm afraid the majority of the general public wouldn't have a clue about who or what your garb is suppose to be other than another Elizabethan person in fancy duds with only a few in the participant group who would know what the outfit was. But then none of us who have attended the Ojai Pirate faire can figure out why Queen Elizabeth is there if we are suppose to be presenting the age of piracy in much later years when she wouldn't have even been alive!
  5. Cadillacs--GAS HOGS! Personally I will NEVER buy a used car again. Over the years I've sunk tons of money into trying to keep used cars I owned working. Once buying a new one, I've become spoiled ---but dang I'm worth it!
  6. We've got a similar thing going on right now in PoTC - to be absolutely historical or whatever one wants... I appreciate those who wish to stay with the historical approach, I myself have accurate outfits, but I also like to be hysterical. That is of course, there weren't battery operated scooters around back then so it sort of makes what I'm wearing rather irrevelent so that's why I went to the comic relief bit with Dead Fred attached to the front of the scooter. I get lots of laughs and pictures, and for me that makes my day!
  7. Welcome! I hope this place can provide you with all the needed things to write your thesis.
  8. Don't know if PoTC - Pirates of Treasure Cove, would interest you, but we have some great people in the group (no ego trips here), but we have certain guidelines we have to follow (doesn't every group?) due to us being an actual non-profit group. Our goal is to teach reading and true stuff to kids by putting out a number of books for people to look through. We also hand out scrolls with age defining of what books are good to read. We've also done crafts, reading stories to the young ones and interacting with the public. Arthur of Kent is our Captain, so he's the one you'll need to contact. Here's some more things about the group: http://pyracy.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11275 If you are interested go to: Pirates of Treasure Cove
  9. Well we never did go to the baby shower for Boat's niece....sadly she lost the baby a week before it was due at the end of June...
  10. Buy Toyota anything! They have the highest resale value, are practically maintence free. Best investment ever done.
  11. Interesting article. Though not a straight rum drinker, the best stuff I've ever had, was some rum that was just wonderfully sweet and tasty and smuggled into the USA and man did it give a punch to me!
  12. Having done embroidery on outfits (Irish/Celtic), it looks good, but beware you can't wash the outfit in the washing machine and in fact you'll be lucky if the colors don't run from the embroidery thread onto the rest of the outfit. I know a gal who took her beautifully embroidered Irish dress to be cleaned by some dry cleaners in her town, and the colors of the embroidery thread not only ran onto her pretty green dress, but some threads actually disenigrated from the the stuff the dry cleaners use. I would be very careful when it comes to embroidery. I've managed to carefully handwash my Celtic needlepoint in COLD water when I'm done making something just to get any dirt off before framing, but I've had a few colors run on me and totally ruin the artwork....
  13. Very true, it seems most Renaissance Festivals (as much as I still love them) have thrown history by the wayside or at least encompass a very broad time period: Robin Hood & Barbarians meet Musketeers & Golden Age Pirates! Gee you haven't seen the Wilds or the Vikings we have at some of our events....
  14. Wow! Thanks William, this is the first time I've seen a true close up of the Dutchman and see things I hadn't seen on screen.
  15. I knew the show wasn't going to last, but I am surprised it was cancelled right in the middle before the their run was over.
  16. As soon as I saw this elsewhere, I ran to the closest Hallmark store and got the very last one on the shelf! They sell for $16.50, and the representation is very good, better than a lot of the toys out there. It's heavy so hanging it on a tree might not be feasible, mine is sitting on top of the computer screen.
  17. Ah getting into the spirit of things with the newest pirate participant! How about a family pic?
  18. Welcome Map Maker! Good thing all our tunnels are hidden....
  19. Welcome to the best port around! Hope you'll find lots to read and have a laugh or two, learn some history, and just have a great time!
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