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Rumba Rue

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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Hey, I want the REAL THING! HUMMFFFFFFF! Rumba Rue ** **
  2. Quick hint: If you have a real good thrift store around check out the mens coat section. I have found 4 coats now that could easily double as Capt. coats, perfect length, and by simply adding a cuff you've got yourself a fine coat! All the coats I saw were running about $20.00 each. Look for the long coats in either men's or women's section. *I would have bought the coats, but none fit me. Rumba Rue **Always try to be of help**
  3. And that my dear Gutterpunk is why we all come here! We are a treasure chest of gems! Here we share and share alike. Glad you're enjoying it all, we are good pirates. Rumba Rue **Another smooth escape designed as a dramtic exit**
  4. May the Blue-bird of happiness find it's way onto your dinner plate. LOL! run away run away run away.......... Rumba Rue ** **
  5. Yup those prices are over the top. But I really thought the Mr. Pototoe Head pirate was kind of amusing. Rumba Rue ** **
  6. Ahoy! I don't know where ye live, but if ye be in a colder climate I suggest a good wool. Otherwise if'n ye be in a warmer climate, stay with a good cotton material. Though there are some decent upholstery materials that will work well too. If'n ye be a seaman ye don't want any fancy frills like eye-catchin' trims and such. They'll quickly get worn, and frayed. Simple gold or silver metal buttons like ones with no design are good. If'n ye be goin' the gentleman route, I can tell ye the coat won't hold up to heavy use. If'n ye be usin' wools, or other fancy materials, be very careful, some dry-cleaners don't know anythin' about such stuff an' can ruin yer outfit!If ye gots any beadwork on yer costume DO NOT HAVE IT DRY CLEANED! The cleaning solution takes the color out o' the beads! The only thing ye can do is literally hose off yer costume with yer garden hose in warm weather and let it hang dry. Some better stuff ye can hand wash in cold water and hang dry. DON'T be puttin' wool or other fancy stuff like brocades in the dryer! Stuff will shrink up and only fit a Barbie/Ken doll! Hope I've been o' some help. Rumba Rue ** **
  7. I know two people who bought costumes from the movie when they first went up for auction many years ago. Yes they are TINY! Unless you have a very thin frame, forget it! And I have no doubt they are the costumes that couldn't be sold in the first place. Rumba Rue ** **
  8. Terrific! My dad and stepmom live in Whittier. Next time I'm up there I'll give ye a call and let ye know I'm coming! Rumba Rue **Happiness is a full treasure chest**
  9. Ah in my twisted mind I got a picture of your post Pirate Ink, as something that must disappear in the moonlight. Good art work. Unfortunately I don't do needles otherwise I'd have a tattoo myself by now. Rumba Rue **Best thing of being a pirate, ye never have ta worry about what you'll wear for Halloween**
  10. Unfortunately I couldn't possibly put on a card what my character would really be wanted for or any other statistics. Might be great to give to the guys, but not for the kids! Hahaaaa! Naw, someone wants my card I give 'em my real business card. Rumba Rue ** **
  11. Aye, welcome back ta port. Lots o' readin' fer ye ta do. New moderators ta boot! (Aye, I be one here for this forum) Grab an ale an' read the tales. Rumba Rue ** **
  12. Well now that looks like a real nifty place. Hmmm, left a skull in the wall? Wonder if the place is haunted? Ooooh, must be great on Halloween! Be sure and tell us if you experiance anything strange other than your meal still alive and kicking. Rumba Rue **As a pirate you never have to worry what you'll wear for Halloween**
  13. Well my friend was just as surprised as I was. We will both be doing a further investigation into this. I really question the fact the seller still hasn't proven with anything with paperwork that the dress is the real thing and not a copy. Rumba Rue ** **
  14. I believe I know who the person selling the dress is. I've sent him an email questioning such. When I hear back I'll hopefully have clearer information. Rumba Rue
  15. Well gee in my twisted mind I have a picture of small buckets dangling around your boots ta catch the rainwater. How convient! (ducking buckets of water being thrown at me) Rumba Rue **My job is to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable**
  16. Bones? Somehow Fifteen Men on a Deadman's Chest comes to mind. One can NEVER have enough costumes! Rumba Rue **Cecile B. DeMille wannabe**
  17. Sealegs? I get seasick! Ah, I have stepped into very VIRGIN territory. *For those who might not realize yet, there are different Moderators for each forum. So if you have a complaint, contact the people that are handling each of those forums. Rumba Rue ** **
  18. Well Bess, I'm sure you can get a discount. HINT HINT HINT! Rumba Rue **HINT**
  19. I hang everything off my belt when doing events. It helps keep your hands free for other things (like feeling up the guy in the kilt ). Rumba Rue **I'm the person your mommy warned you about**
  20. I think you'll find the majority of us are not SCA and don't want to be. SCA is ok for those willing to put up with the politics and such, but the rest of us lean more towards our own individual pirate groups in various states. Rumba Rue **I don't do SCA**
  21. I have numerous striped socks that I wear. Don't know if they are correct or not, but I don't care. They usually add 'character' to my character. Rumba Rue **Which one of my personalities do you find offensive?**
  22. I don't like Russell Crowe, but that didn't stop me from going to see the movie. It was very good and it gave a pretty darn good look at life at the time at sea. POTC it's not, but the movie itself depicts the reality while POTC depicts the fantasy. Having toured the HMS Rose/Surprise, I still remember touching the cannons and walking the decks and feeling the great admiration for such things. Every once in a while our local weathermen like to go down there with the ship in the background while giving reports on TV. Very nice indeed! Rumba Rue ** **
  23. ROTFLMAF! Oh sure you were.... Rumba Rue ** **
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