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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Had to get into this conversation here. I bought a book when I was in Canada, "Pirates and Outlaws of Canada-1610- to 1932", by Harold Horwood and Ed Butts. It's a new book just out last year, I'll be doing a review of it for NQG in the future. Anyway, on page 97, there is an old drawing of a ship that was processing cod, and the caption underneath states: In case they were killed, sailors wore a gold earring to pay their debts and funeral costs. Now I'm sure not every sailor could wear an earring at all, but I think those that did, were making a decent living on the high seas, whether it be in piracy or general seamen. It would also depend on the country in which the person came from that might dictate if an earring was worn or not. Rumba Rue ** **
  2. Good grief! Those aren't even the right coins! Somebody hogtie this guy! Rumba Rue ** **
  3. And make sure the site you are ordering from is well known and has Security on bank transactions. Rumba Rue ** **
  4. I couldn't have said it better, thanks BoneHunterLane!!!! Rumba Rue ** **
  5. Well Hurricane, I am one of those women who can walk through a crowd and not say a word, but get the eyes of approval from the men and yes some women too. I am confident in myself, and I don't feel I have to push my boobs out to outer space to get noticed. I'm not skinny either, but I carry my weight well and besides in costume, no one can really see what's underneath anyway (Thank goodness for long full skirts!). Aye, my hair is long and getting longer, I won't cut it. But alas I do lighten it - though I have baby pictures to prove I was born blond and stayed that way well into my teens. Technically I have what is called 'dishwater blond' hair - blond/brown yuck, which is why I lighten it, it also looks better on me. So there you have it, from one whose sense of humor as most of you have seen on these boards from time to time, is funny, wierd, downright strange to rib tickling guffawing, that's the true me. Though I'm not much of a talker in real life, my writing does my talking for me. Rumba Rue ** **
  6. Well considerin' I have a REAL parrot (Senegal), I don't need a fake one. There's quite a few o' us here with real parrots. Rumba Rue **The bigger the bird, the bigger the bite**
  7. I might add here, the supposed dress that Elizabeth wore and the slippers that were selling on EBay, were also incorrect and fakes. Take a very good look at the dress in photos from the movie or just watch the movie, you'll see the difference. BUYER BEWARE!!! Rumba Rue **Eagle-eyed pirate**
  8. I have that coin, but witht the skull on both sides. For those who might want to know, when I was at the Disney Studios back in May and saw the real coin, I can tell you it is very thin, much like a real coin. Also, it was a bit of a dark brass as opposed to bright and shiny like the ones in the treasure chest in the movie, and nothing on the back. There are actually three different coins used. There's the one as I just mentioned, there's a double-sided skull one, and the one with the Aztec stuff on the back. BTW- Capt. Grey, if ye have any more o' those coins left, let me know, I'd like to get another one. Rumba Rue **Yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me**
  9. Lady Barbossa, I joined the group to see the things, but I couldn't find any pictures you were speaking of. Where do I look? Rumba Rue
  10. Baggy pants are always good for roaming female hands. Rumba Rue ** **
  11. Depends on who you want to impress. Rumba Rue ** **
  12. Thanks! The ocean is vast and there's no doubt in my mind there are speicies yet to be found. Rumba Rue **Hey I belive in UFO's too** :)
  13. Whoa! Ok kids, listen up. The Casting companies will ONLY call for open casting in the EXTRA departments, nothing more. Regular parts are already assigned by the time the rest of the background Extras are added in. Unless you are SAG, have lots and lots of head/body pictures, a web site, have a promoter, and you have the 'look', done lots o' stuff for the viewing audiances, forget it. The few Casting companies I signed up with when I was still living in L.A. were only Extra work. Unfortunately, at the time I didn't even have the 'look' they wanted. So my try at being even an Extra went down the tubes. Iron Bess can correct me if I'm wrong. But I can tell you, she knows her business well. Pass the popcorn. Rumba Rue **I can imagine quite a lot**
  14. Thanks for sharing Claire! Looks like it was a grand time you all had. Though I have really snicker at the name Casa De Fruita, House of the Fruits.... Rumba Rue **Overly active imagination**
  15. HUZZAH!!! That's terrific news Iron Bess! We of the "EAGLE EYES O' PIRATES", will gladly help in any way we can! Rumba Rue ** **
  16. I have to admit, when I use to work the Southern Renaissance Pleasure Faire (the one that started it all) here in Calif., many years ago, I mostly did it for the partying afterwards, but then I was much younger too. But things have changed a lot since those early days of Agoura and the young people now are far more of a major problem than ever before. There is no respect for anyone else in other encampments, neighbors who live near the event sites, and just general havoc. Trust me, in PRP, we don't have those type of youngsters. We are a more older and gentler group. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the after hour fun of singing and such, but that's not why I'm in the group. I don't go for just the partying. I'm there to entertain the public, I enjoy what I do, the after hours is not something I feel that I have to be at, especially after a long, probably hot day in S. Calif. Capt. McNamara is absolutely correct however, if all you do is show up for the drinking and party after hours and don't do anything all day long, stay home. Rumba Rue ** **
  17. A person in our group just posted to our personal forum in PRP, claiming that she prefered to do the Ojai faire as opposed to others, because partying was allowed into the late hours of the night. Now I couldn't help but respond with: I don't go to events for the 'party' afterwards. I go and have the party all day long entertaining the guests. If all a person goes to an event for is the party afterwards, you're in the wrong group for the wrong reasons. So my question here is to those of you who do events, do you do it for the fun of the event, or for the partying afterwards? Rumba Rue ** ** P.S. You can't see the PRP forum unless you're a member, sorry. Them's the rules.
  18. Regarding the dress supposedly worn in POTC, apparently it is a copy. The person selling the dress cannot show any paperwork to prove anything. Also, according to my insider friend, two other copy dresses were for sale earlier this year on Ebay - one from Provo, Utah of all places. Rumba Rue ** **
  19. Well tis a shock to me! Oh I wish we'd had known sooner! Alas, he will be missed. Another star sails the stars of the heavens. Rumba Rue **Smile, life is too short not to**
  20. Well at least the dirt is still older than I am. Senorita Rumba Rue **The spice of life**
  21. Well I ordered my doll today from Amazon. Shipping states it will happen on Nov. 8, and I should recieve it on the 12th. I can tell you with tax, shipping and all that stuff it came to $48.41. I ordered the smiling Jack, ah me new bed buddy....LOL! NOT! Rumba Rue ** **
  22. Ah, let me try to set the record straight on this subject. Wicca (the legal term for witchcraft) is now a legal and recognized religion in the military and has been for a long time. Those of us who choose to follow the Mother Earth element are well accepted. However there will always be that one or two idiots out there who think otherwise who give the rest of us a bad name. Trust me there won't be any sacrifical anything except for the person doing so in the military, and in that case he'll be sacrificing his military career. Rumba Rue ** **
  23. Aye then, perhaps I shall have the pleasure of meetin' ye then should ye all be sailin' down my way! Rumba Rue ** **
  24. Hmmmm, when did Jack Sparrow get married? Rumba Rue **Eyes like an eagle**
  25. Well I not be livin' there but I do know a fine person who be a deck hand on the Irving Johnson, an' he may even twiddle with it's sister ship the Exy Johnson , goes by the name o' Crack Err Jack, (look fer that New Yark accent and big eyes, scraggly hair), an' once ye get beyond the facade he be right good guy. Other than than I can't be helpin' ye out, I'm south in the San Diego area, an' no I don't know anyone down here either with ships. A small one ye say, well that's good fer sneekin' up on them big ships and stealin' treasure right out from under their noses. That's one good thing 'bout a small boat. Rumba Rue ** **
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