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Rumba Rue

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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Clearly the article is old. Yes we already know there will be a 2 and 3 of POTC and we have it on the words of Johnny Depp that Keith Richards will in fact be in the next shows. Ah the secrets o' Disney, lest the public find out--- the reason for the closed set. T'will keep ye guessing on any kind o' plot twists and turns, so I don't even think presuming anything would be good. All I do know from Iron Bess is that when the monkey took the coin, things changed. Rumba Rue ** **
  2. Great job! See glue does work!!!!!! Rumba Rue **I can glue anything together including my fingers**
  3. Being a costumer who specializes in large size people, yes there is a need, however, if you price the coats and pants for too much, no one will buy them. You have to look past the extra materials needed and put a price tag that will bear the market. Trust me, there ain't a whole lot of people here or elsewhere that are going to pay more than a couple of hundred dollars for a coat, the money just isn't in the pockets. So before you decide to do this, think real hard. I sew because I like to not because I'm looking to make some bucks. If I get a few dollars out of something I made for someone that's fine with me, but I'm not going to make a living out of it. I keep my prices at what I know I can afford to pay, not what the general cost of materials and time will afford me. Rumba Rue **The best part of valor is discretion**~Horatio Hornblower
  4. What luck! Dang I've heard all about people finding parakeets, cocatiels, parrots, love birds and the sort in their yards, but I haven't had the luck. I've had a bird feeder out on my balcony for years which always draws the Wrens and the Mourning Doves, but I've never seen anything else there. But if'n I do, you can be sure I'll try and catch it. I think my fine parrot Gilligan wouldn't mind another birdy friend to have to converse with. He'd probably teach the new bird all his best pirate lines (currently he's squawking 'Pieces of Eight') so's he can have first mate! Rumba Rue **A bird in the hand usually means poop.**
  5. Aye me dear Patrick should we ever have the chance ta meet up, I'll be more than willin' ta scratch yers as long as ye be willin' ta scratch mine. I'll be holdin' ye to it! :) and so the sordid tale goes..... Rumba Rue ** **
  6. It's a deal! Now when we can have the real technology to transport ourselves about that would be terrific! Rumba Rue **I got rum!**
  7. The HMS Rose which currently resides here in San Diego is currently unfit for any real sailing. It needs MAJOR work. Anyone who has been down to see it, will tell you it needs to be hauled out of the water and her undersides, sides and a multitude of other work needs to be done. It's the major reason why there is a charge to tour her, in hopes enough money can be raised to make the repairs. I suspect what your sister saw is a mock up model, not the real ship. I'll see if I can track down a site for all to go see. Here is the site: HMS ROSE Rumba Rue **A balanced diet is a mug of rum in each hand**
  8. Can't go, but I got tee-shirt from a friend who went last year. Rumba Rue **Someday my pot of gold will come**
  9. Oh I wish I could! Unfortunately, me stomach has other ideas. Rumba Rue **She who chums alot**
  10. Heheeeee, and so can us women! Rumba Rue **A wicked mind is a wonderful thing**
  11. I've got an old Bernia 1010. It sews and that's pretty much the best of it. The worst thing I do are buttonholes. I want a machine that all you have to do is put the material in and push a button and bingo, it does it all by itself without hand guiding. Gads, my eyesight is going! Unfortunately, getting a new machine isn't high on my list of needs. Rumba Rue **Someday my pot of gold will come**
  12. Aye Jill ye gots the right idea. When it's too thick, ye gots ta come up with a better plan. Besides, I leave my blood on everythin' I sew by hand. Very bad on white ye know. Rumba Rue **Nothing is fool-proof to a talented fool**
  13. Cool paperweight Enigma! Very talented indeed. All I can say about my situation is thank goodness I live in a small apartment, it keeps the 'stuff' down to managable size. Gawd if I ever win the lottery....geesh I don't even want to think about it! Rumba Rue **Despite the cost of living have you noticed how popular it remains?**
  14. Aye a fine ship she is. Came a few times to the Tall Ships Festival in Dana Point. Well I hope her voyage to the east coast will be good. Fair winds. Rumba Rue ** **
  15. T'was a difficult decision, but I cancelled my order through Amazon. The release date of their shipping was really ridiculious. Plus the fact when I really thought about it, I really didn't need it, and again, no room. Better stick to the stuff I do need as opposed to want. Rumba Rue **Thinking realistically for me**
  16. Arrgghhhh! While some of you already got you Jack dolls, I got a message from Amazon that they won't be shipping their orders until after Jan. 15th! Gosh, that whole set looks mighty interesting, but to tell the truth, I have no where in my home to put it! Booo-hooooo! Rumba Rue ** **
  17. Arrgghhhh, I've tried many o' time to use those wonderful gold and silver threads, and my machine jest doesn't want any part of it! The thread jest either balls up before it even hits the needle or if it does get through, then it messes up with the bobbin and breaks. Even tried to hand sew with metallic thread and still have problems with the thread unraveling and breaking. Someday when I win the lottery I want to buy an new sewing machine. BTW- What brand of sewing machines are people using here? Rumba Rue **Fumble fingers**
  18. Unfortunately when it comes to attaching hat trim not everyone's sewing machine can handle the thickness (I know mine can't). It's the ONLY thing I don't sew. All of my costumes that I make with trims are sewn on. I have seen one gal here in S. Calif. whom I know, who glued her jewels to the front of her Court dress and did a horrible job and it shows. Rumba Rue **Cecil B. DeMille wannabe**
  19. Have glue gun will travel an' if that don't work, then it's the handy-dandy superglue, an' if that don't work, it's Fabric Tacky stuff. An, if that don't work sew it as a last resort. Depending on the thickness of the trim and hat, sewing may not be applicable. I've hot glued most of the trims on my hats, works great. An' if none o' the above works fer ye, then jest stomp on the dang thing, cuss a lot (be sure an' use them pirate cussing words), an' give it up as a lost cause. Rumba Rue **I can glue anything, includin' my fingers together**
  20. Thanks for the pictures (too bad some are dark), I'm hoping to see more! I know that a few PRP'rs went, they are probably hanging around Jamaica Rose/Capt. McLeod at the NQG table wherever it is. Rumba Rue ** **
  21. Well it's offical everyone. Here's the links to where you can read it! http://entertainment.news.com.au/common/st...E%5Enbv,00.html http://www.imdb.com/news/wenn/2004-10-27 http://www.killermovies.com/p/piratesofthe...icles/4540.html Rumba Rue ** **
  22. The sooner you buy your tickets BEFORE Dec. 17th, you'll be guranteed tickets. Any time after that, they may be gone, as apparently there's only a certian amount available. Rumba Rue ** :) **
  23. Here's the best deal ever to the Southern Calif. Renaissance Pleasure Faire (the one that started it all). Not that I normally go to this one, but since the tickets are so cheap, I already purchased two. Rumba Rue ** ** ***************************************************** The Original Renaissance Faire 2005 Season: April 16 - June 5, 2005 Weekends and Memorial Day Dear Friends, 'Better watch out, better not cry, only a few days left for the big Holiday Discount of 49%. Best offer of the season. Buy now! The tickets are valid for any day of the 2005 season. Save $9.50! Adult Tickets just $10.00! Save $2.50! Children Tickets just $7.00! Offer is good from November 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004. Tickets are available only through the Internet at http://renfair.com/socal/tickets/holidayTix.php while supplies last. Orders placed before December 17, 2004 will receive, prior to Christmas, a Holiday letter acknowledging their ticket purchase. This letter is a perfect stocking stuffer. All tickets will be available at Will Call during the 2005 season. Tickets may only be redeemed with identification. Make sure you specify the name you wish the tickets to be left under. Please forward this offer to family and friends. They will thank you. $3.00 handling fee per order applies. Tickets are non-refundable. No credit, exchanges or rainchecks. Advance offer not valid with any other discounts. Renaissance Pleasure Faire is not responsible for lost, stolen or unclaimed tickets. Ticket Prices include Ca Sales Tax. Keep your receipt for your records. No pets, please. Happy Holidays! The Renaissance Pleasure Faire - Southern 525 Glen Helen Parkway - San Bernardino - Southern California Advance Sales: 909-880-0122 -- Admin: 909-880-6211 http://www.renfair.com/socal/index.php
  24. Too much money to make the boat seaworthy. HOWEVER, there are those out there who do like to restore stuff. Just look at all the people who have purchased falling apart homes to restore (Hey I watch the Home and Garden channel a lot) and put far more money into restoring than what the home was worth when bought. So there may be someone out there willing to take on such a project as restoring the boat, but it's not me! What BOAT really stands for: Back Out Another Thousand :) Rumba Rue ** **
  25. Great barrels o' rum! Ye look fantastic Akasha and so does yer friend. The costumes are fantastic and yer hard work shows yer fine effort. Huzzah to ye! Rumba Rue **Cecil B. DeMille wannabe**
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