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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. I've watched that Most Haunted and laughed my fool head off! First, I wouldn't go into such a place, second stay away from cemetaries!Why? Because I'm a friggin' magnet- and these things tend to follow me home!
  2. maybe this is where all those crazy questions about ninja's vs. pirates comes from!
  3. and golf club? Are they teeing off from the thing? Looks great except I would have made the middle with higher sides. The thing would easily flood if even small swells were moving about. People overboard from slippery deck!
  4. I'm not sure I want to join, but I was reading some of the messages already there. It's interesting, so I hope to learn a lot more. Unless of course you decide to make the site for members only to read the goodies there. Then I'll have to join.... Thanks!
  5. I thought the same exact thing! Friend? Gasp- what has this movie come to?
  6. What else is new? I use to like this guy, now I think he has more screws loose than President Bush- and that's not saying much...
  7. Well congradulations for finding this place. Some people wander for years before they find the correct compass direction. Here be treasure of the best kind, and remember all treasure is not silver and gold. So behold the opening of a great treasure that lies within these forums and learn, enjoy and have a good laugh should the need arise.
  8. Welcome, hope you like it here- you can never leave you know. Otherwise you get keelhauled. Just kidding Have a rootbeer float on me, think I'll take one too.
  9. Now here's a site that's different. Type in modern day phrase and it comes back in pirate. *Note- up above you'll see the pirate words in small red. I can't even print what I got- and no I'm not telling. Pirate Talk
  10. I saw nothing that would even come close to being anything. Now if you want to try and spot one or two or more, go here: Library Ghost
  11. Pirates carrying big sticks....hope they are men. I just love a man with a big shtick....
  12. WELCOME! Gawd you look good to me, and oh the dog too! So were you born in Germany, or are you there for other reasons? I believe when the Pub started we had someone from Germany, but they disappeared. Dang I like the way you look... I'm sure you'll find plenty here to keep your mind going and learning about all kinds of things related to pirates and nautical stuff. Geeze I'm finding you better looking everytime I look at your picture...
  13. put some action between your legs ride a horse!
  14. But, Rue, if we wrote in English, you'd find all the cuss words and edit them out! I can't edit them out. I don't moderate this forum here.
  15. I've had surgery on both hands for carpal tunnel. It took a bit, but I can do all that I could before. No problems.
  16. It may not have been necessary in the old days, but at faires, you must have all weaponry sheathed.
  17. What do you want, a letter of Mark? Well I'm sure I could get him to do one, just as soon as I find a guy named Mark. Just kidding. Well I don't quite understand why you are here, if you walked away from it. Are you coming back to it in another form? Beginning a new character or similar? Help us out here, explain please.
  18. knock it off, i want to read it in english...
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