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Rumba Rue

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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. All you have to do is the same thing you did to upload pictures at the Buccaneer site. Just copy the photo address from where you have the pics, and click on the IMG button, insert address, hit CLOSE ALL TAGS, and bingo, it should work.
  2. I think one of the more interesting things that can shake the followers of Christ is the picture of the Last Supper. I'm telling you now, that is Mary, or some female, next to Jesus, not John. I've looked very closely at the picture, and I stand by what I see.
  3. Not a chance! I'm waiting until mid week, during the day.
  4. Well having not gone to any cons this year, what convention would that be and where, cost?
  5. Thank you Red Maria, that's a fantastic read!
  6. Unfortuntely, I don't have the guy's address so I cannot contact police.
  7. Well it's no teenage boy who did this, it's a man, and he's married. I'm betting his wife has no idea he is doing it.
  8. Could you post the story here? I just don't want to become a registered member in order to read something.
  9. So ya be wanting to know just how the ranking at Pyracy Pub works and what ship duties need to be done ta rise in rank. Well basically, all one has to do is post messages to the forums. The ranking system be a sort of message post counter, the more messages a shipmate posts the higher up in rank said shipmate climbs. Here be the secret formula for figuring out such things, liberated from a previous message posted by the Commodore, BloodyBuckets and reposted here. Bilge Rat 0 posts Deck Swabber 20 posts Deck Hand 50 posts Ship's Master 100 posts First Mate 200 posts Plunderer 300 posts Pyrate Captain 500 posts Notorious Pyrate 750 posts Dread Pyrate 1000 posts Scourge o' the 7 Seas 1500 posts Pyrate Legend 2500 posts & Immortal Pyrate 5000 posts And you'll just have ta wait to see what these icons be looking like.
  10. I never claimed to be a 'know-it-all', and sometimes when I write I don't explain things very well. Yes Blackjohn is a bit more realistic than I am- since I come from more of a science fiction background (the license plate on my truck says STAR WRS), and one wonders how the hell I ended up here.... and Phil is correct in his assertion also. We all see things differently and react differently. That's a good thing. This planet would be so boring if everybody was the same!
  11. I've done past life regression when I use to have my own little coven eons ago. Some of the interesting things in your life, perhaps you like certian types of foods, dress, artworks, animals, etc., there's a good chance you were probably born into that culture somewhere in the past. I had someone take a ring I like to wear occassionally, and he told me I use to be a Chinese woman at one of my past lives. I can relate- I love Chinese food- yet for the life of me, I have a horrible time trying to understand the Asian sect when they are speaking English- what was that you said? Since both sides of my family come from Russia, there's a real good chance I did have a past life in a region of Greenland as was stated in my diagnosis from that site. I also am a preformer on many levels- I sing, I've danced and acted, so it's all correct. I did a past life regression on a friend, who told me I had been his wife in the Nebraska territory in the early migration of man across the USA. It's a really rather interesting subject of how some people in your life have more than just a common friendship. I've been regressed to the time of Atlantis and was a priestess there. Without regression I also know I have been in the Medievil era boardering on the Renaissance era- hence my love for the garb of the time. Also interesting, I also know I've always been female, never male as some that have done cross over from genders in different eras. I also know due to my sexual areas that I was probably one hell of prostitute! I do know for sure though, is that I was never a Pirate.
  12. Phil, I think you need better drugs....
  13. Unfortunately it's true. I suppose by your way of thinking that us 'white people' pirated your lands, which of course would be true. We all know this, yet we still dress up and 'play' because it's something we've somewhat glorified with fantasy from the movies and television, this includes the hardcore person who insists on doing everything as historically accurate as possible (just as you say you do). All in all though, it's done in fun at Renaissance and Pirate Faires. We are there to ENTERTAIN the public that come to see us. It's the same way with Pow-wows open to the public- you are there to ENTERTAIN. I will tell you what I don't agree with regarding the current trend in Native American garb - the use of sparkly modern day beads, bells, feathers etc. that are not of the region they come from, and jewlery that clearly is modern. Items sold to the public are modern in their making, as I've been to a few Pow-wows and seen booths set up to sell jewlery and things certianly are not from a person whose mind is of 'this is what they did back then' kind of attitude. So in that respect, Native Americans may 'think' they are doing what their ancestors did, but in reality it's not. Just as I stated before, regardless of whatever lore may be handed down, whatever may be written in books or pictures, the dress and attitude are different, because we are a nation of literacy that has grown and changed with the times, so the fact is, you are re-creating what you believe. Do you go around killing people today because the white man took away your things in the past? Of course not. Just as we are portraying pirates and wenches doesn't mean we really do those things in real life either. We people as a whole have real lives, jobs, cars and interests that go far beyond just the one part we do. Just as you have a computer; didn't have those back in old days of yore did you? It's all done in learning and fun.
  14. I find it very sad that those who eagerly said here at the Pub they wanted to be involved with the group---only to truly show they are not interested. Yes there is a membership fee - not by our choosing, but by the governing group Miroplex. It's $25.00 per adult and you must be at least 18 years of age. However, the fee is waived if you are out of state and clearly cannot come to an event/can only come one time during the whole year. Ok I truly understand some of you not liking Kent, however, he truly has gotten a much better attitude since his new love Cyneful, has changed him. I know some of you pulled out because of difference of opinions with Kent, but he's not the only one in the group. We have a terrific, but small group of people who work hard to make the group work. We would love to have more Pub patrons join us at the events we have been doing. We teach about reading- i.e. learning about pirates, sailors, sailing ships and anything else that deals with that type of learning. We set out books for the public (not to buy) to look through, we hand out scrolls (age defined) with lists of books that are recommened for reading and learning more. We do crafts, like decorate paper hats for the kids, or do readings from some of the books if we can get enough kids around. So please, we'd like to see more of the happy faces here at the Pub be with us, do consider it. Rumba Rue
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