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Black Deacon

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Everything posted by Black Deacon

  1. Bully, glad to 'ear it mate. Ifinya could (for those who ain't upon yer shores) post a link to 'er. I'd like to keep tabs on 'er adventures.
  2. Hey Will I've bought several pieces in the last couple of years from them (Steel to Shot) and have never had a problem or delay. Thanks to this and a few other boards they have become quite popular. Sorry you are having difficulties but sems to just be your week in the barrel.
  3. Hey Savvy. I'm in the same boat as you so to speak. I was notrious for getting car sick on even short rides as a child. Couldn't and still can't go on the spin and puke rides at amusment parks. But I spent a few summers in Alaska on a commercial Salmon Fishing Boat. Alaska That boat is only (by law) 33 1/2 ft. long and 14 feet wide. The only time I got seasick was when we had some bad weather. 15 ft. swells. So I laid as close to the keel as I could and slept as much as possible during those times (only twice). Good lucj too ya.
  4. Bilge me boy'O. Try some of the links atPirate Resources
  5. Simple you have to have a SAG contract to get a SAG job. You have to be SAG in order to get the contract. You can't join SAG till you have a contract. Outside of that it's being in the right place at the right time. I'm what's known as SAG Elligable. ie I've had SAG contracts but have never joined. I can at anypoint I want to shell out the bucks. Doesn't make much since in this area of the country as Texas is a right to work state. It's also $900 to join. Then the local does nothing to protect you here. Now being in the right place at the right time may get you signed or Taft Hartlied where you have 1 year to join. I backdoored my first contract. Was doing all the special effects and scene work for a Haunted House company. We decided to make a training video. Got the owner to go down and fill out the paperwork as the producer. Then he gave us contracts to perform the video. "Haunted Houses 101: A Survival Guide For Monsters" simple lovely piece of tripe.
  6. Hey Tori Call me when you hit H town.
  7. Beautimus. Very nice indeed lad.
  8. Houston Here. Texican Privateers
  9. I get allot of my leather now days from www.leatherfactory.com
  10. My pleasure. I've been doing leather work for re-enacting for many years. And some of the best things I've seen come out of people who just had a simple design in their head and worked it out. That's what a Pirate would have done. We was the first Marines. Adapt and Overcome.
  11. Here is a pouch pattern for you. It's a simple fold over. For a good pattern for a draw string ":gold dust" type pouch. Take a part a Dixie Cup.
  12. That's like excavating an old Indian Campground. You don't find the camp. You find their dump.
  13. I believe the boat used in that movie was the Wayfairer that's docked locally in Kemah, TX.
  14. Ok folks, here's the coin. Let's see if we can help this mate out. It seems to be Prussian ie it's Wilhelm III. In it's current condition I would say it's around $35.00. But again something is only worth what they will give you for it. There's an 1866 running on ebay for $5
  15. Drop them on some web space. Hit the "img" button above your new post and insert the url link. or lloyd@livelydjs.com
  16. Thanks for the link. Now I believe it was made by the same aliens that made the pyramids because the engineering and digging seems to be too good for the time. Putting my tinfoil tri-corn on now.
  17. I thought Beauty was in the eye of the Beer holder?
  18. Um helps if you post an extreme close up.
  19. Ok, someone give me the readers digest version of this story.
  20. I would like to congradulate Charlize for being the first true African-American Oscar winner.
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