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Everything posted by Paisley

  1. i'm afraid you are safe lass....by the time you guys finally finished packing i was almost dead to the world... now..... if you wake me up early again.... MUAH-HA-HA *evil laugh
  2. didn't "TBM" grope some people on the street?????????
  3. yep...same
  4. i don't think that clothing opt in key west would be the garden of eden...i was thinking more like the gates of hell
  5. i think 801 and burbon st were the same bar.....but i could be wrong
  6. ok ok hold up there missy i didn't get to see your piercing! and where was i for the mutual flashing??????
  7. next year baby...i have plans!!! gotta visit aqua q too!
  8. 801 was the bar we always passed and it never had people in it....we were going to go there sunday night and you were going to sit between me n doc for saftey...lol remember?
  9. thank god no condoms....that was the hotel room...: i didn't take inventory, but the last time i looked there was: 1 box of carb-solution bars (which animal ate going to miami) large handfull of beads 1 tankard 1 bottle of pepto....
  10. Nigel Male English Champion. From the Irish and Scottish Niall. Nigellus Male Latin Champion. Latinized from the Scandinavian Njal: (Niall) in Normandy. fish??? lmao...don't think soooo not too sure bout champion either
  11. excuses...excuses...lol get my other msg about all the stuff you left in my car?? i'm pierced...merrydeath knows where and skot doesn't
  12. did i also mention that you and your drunk feet must have stumbled in the bathroom sunday night? how do i know this you ask???? you left a smear of pink writing on the bathroom doorframe! sorry amy...i tried to scrub it off
  13. i heard something about diosa disrobing and trying to save you with a sash!
  14. i'm trying to make the effort!
  15. Mojitos BAD!" "Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!" NIGEL!!!!! she was my lesbian!!!! i ...well....once again....go to "key west" i'm trying to censor myself!
  16. you love me!! *kiss!
  17. to continue nigel, it says: i will never forget the oh-so-special time we shared...next time don't fall asleep first.
  18. nigel my dear....shall continue this post under "what happens in key west"? What happens in Key West
  19. awww my little nigel-wigel...you know you love me besides....my marks dont scar or require medical attention would a mojito make you feel better??????
  20. and can you get rid of the nasty smell and putrid color????
  21. not sure how large or small this will be...but here it goes:
  22. don't forget the pink wig
  23. you mean the bar where teal bikini man hangs out at?
  24. *paisley bumps into nigel's bed... SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHHHHHHHHH
  25. SHIPS LOG DEC 6TH, 2004 1:32AM nigel is sleeping soundly in bed...... paisley happens to find her pink sharpie....
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