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Capt Grey

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Everything posted by Capt Grey

  1. Thank'ee kindly, maties. Great ideas all. Oriental Trading Company is one of my favorite on-line stores. That was my first thought but it would be nice to have something more authentic. Where do you get the devalued coins, Seven Seas? That would be great for a hospital visit - and I love getting the kids excited about learning something!
  2. Ye just wait til I be tying up me bodice and bracin' for battle, matey! It gives a woman a fightin' advantage to have her cleavage distractin' the enemy.
  3. Oh, poor kid. But they heal quickly and adapt even quicker. Thanks for the update, Claire (easy to remember name: it's my sister's). And thanks for the pirate presentation ideas. I have a lot of kids books about pirates and they're a great resource.
  4. Does anyone know where I can find some (inexpensive) replica coins? Or even not so good replica coins? For Halloween the front yard is becoming a ghost ship, complete with black, ripped mast and ship's wheel. I'm currently working on garb for the "skeleton" crew. I have mardi gras beads for part of the treasure chest but I need coins. Thank'ee
  5. Hmmm, I've be doing appearances at San Diego Children's Hospital and a center for abused kids in my Star Wars togs and handing out loot, but it sounds like I should switch to pirates - that's some pretty neat gear that young man is getting. A fine sharing of the spoils. Were they able to save his fingers?
  6. Another good online fabric place is Trim Fabric. They get end-rolls of designer fabrics and they're prices are great. I use them for almost all of my costuming.
  7. I plundered my other costumes for my pirate garb. - short chemise from Ren dress - black denim leggings - short bodice I made - thigh-high leather boots off e-Bay I use with my Star Wars Jedi outfit I also made a balderick (sp?) to hold my sword out of two leather belts. They were the belts with 2-prong buckles I bought at Target for $6 each. By connecting them, I made it long enough to go over my shoulder and down to my hip. Hope this helps.
  8. Me time be fillin' up fast on the calendar but I'll certainly mark it down for next year. I be hostin' a costuming workshop on th 27th but I might talk me Star Wars mateys in a journey north on Sunday... :) I be wonderin' if these here raids might be divvyed up by port? (Make message threads by geographic location as opposed to event) Just a suggestion considerin' we pirates roam a good many seas.
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