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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. What a great list! I'm printing some of this out for a trip to the video store! Ghostbusters...still cracks me up Alien....still tense Music CD's of Halloween Hits...monster mash....etc.
  2. Aye, it be the same here.....we be expect'n the full tale....liven' vicariously
  3. Pity! Would have added a nice touch! Fog sounds good though... Had horses, aye, the big bangs in a parade....can make things very....uh......exciting..... Love the fringe-water! I was gonna suggest crinkled mylar, reflective/watery...........but mylar won't stay crinkled!......
  4. Anyone have any clue how big this is? I'd like to get one for my daughter. I bought as playschool one for her a few years ago but she's lost the parts and outgrown that one maybe this one is the age she needs.
  5. Hadn't been for years (sorry to say), a friend and I had decided to go up for the faire next year (visit'n the Ole North and all).....so.....when is the Pirate Faire?
  6. Excellent! It's a Boat-Yard!
  7. did anyone ever see a movie called "The Stuff"?
  8. Please, don't be use'n the "E" word. The crowd in the Pub be the scum of the sea (and shore......and plain......), scury urchin stung sons (and daughters) of sea hags and kelpies....but the "E" word is...well, it's just........ consider'n I go to the movies only slightly more often than I watch television I'm reaching back a bit........Titanic. I'm surprised the Sea Gods did nay spit that one back out. The boat is sink'n and they're chaaaaase'n around shooting and hiding (at least the dreadful suspense was over and she finally DID make up her mind ........Aye, bet she had an E___ on the side too..........
  9. next full moon.......not for many weeks.....
  10. could ye keep put'n up pictures a' yer progress? Would be fun to watch it grow.....the windows are great!
  11. Happy Birthday! I'll be hav'n an extra glass with dinner tonight, in yer name, I'll select something nice ta go with the pasta......... so many Libras....what was so inspirational about March?
  12. and modest....I have only some talent (and less application) and I'm still impressed
  13. Nay, this be why they're called 'she'. A ship is always referred to as "she" because it costs so much to keep her in paint and powder. -Adm. Chester Nimitz Coastie
  14. Happy birthdays ye scury threesome. I hope to hear the celebrate'n from me own port!
  15. Wonderful work....ye have true talent! :)
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