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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. I liked "wanda", maybe it were me devotion to the monty python clan....heard the sequal was a dud.. nooooobody expects the spanish inquisition
  2. Aye, the lady sailed into the bay, apparently queen of the quay, till the pyrate most Royal, did her to battle entoil, as Pyrates be call'n Foreplay! Said her captain "this be go'n to far!" "My ship be too lovely to mar!" she did hear as she run under the pyrate'n gun from the RR a loud "au revoir!"
  3. Aye, I have a book and took a look, it had naught to offer, an empty coffer.....
  4. Aaarr ...that be the word just right!
  5. Well, what made the original so interesting is the fact that it was unique; a soft core Sci-Fi adventure, made all the more classy by some great stop-motion animation by Jim Danforth (who was so embarassed to work on this film he had his name written backwards in the credits). Definately a good movie for a few laughs. The sequel is pretty much an excuse for a boob-fest, and worth a groan or two if memory serves me. I saw the sequel once, while I've seen the original several times.
  6. Aaarrr ye be a cruel pirate to be tormenting me so! I may be attempt'n to extract a promise that ye all be having a joyous (raucous (?))celebration an be repeat'n the event next year an I'll be move'n heaven an earth to be there for it!!! And we who can't attend will be look'n forward to the pics to drool over in the mean while (where's me thesaurus...I be need'n a more pyratical word for drool.....) ????give Jefff a line about the Beverly Hills Diet....Atkins....I been on the low carb'n mate.....Aaarrr matey ye be giv'n up that food or I'll run ye through with me cutlass!!!.....it's personal I be so sick of me low carb'n friends....go'n on and on about it aat any an all events OMG! I were up late last night an me fingers are sore from curling orange and black ribbon for BIG bags a candy to give'm (thought to give em beef jerkey but....well it's just not the same at the Hollows is it?) aye, a permanent statement to be sure!.....But, Hellava's worth every remaing moment"...looks down at signature, rubs bite mark on arse, and smiles again......... ........................ RR and () (well, it were supposed to look like a bit mark........)
  7. Why does it appearrrrr to be Uhhhhmmmm.....foaming? Ye did not add the sugar first did ye? I were going to suggest that ye put yer new togs on and come on over and clean me garage...then there be the windows and mini-blinds (maybe best to do them first)
  8. more than a few.......and with the book open........ ......from scouts to macrame' to knotted bottles and such...... oriental jewelry, frogs for clothing....... and knot boards...probably not of them would hold up to the job intended at sea.........but they look good ........
  9. I think I was under-the-influence of uhhhh something at the time...laughed myself silly, we all did, hardly heard all the dialogue....remember it fondly....Barbarella was a bore
  10. OMG, I'd forgotten about that one.....I didn't know there was a sequel...was it .....up..... to par? Flesh Gordon! I need to get out more.
  11. Very clever! And you're right, painted gold and tucked under the shelf he'll never be recognized as a platic bucket! How long is the boat?
  12. Aye, then congratulations on your happiness! RR ! and to yer flag! long may it wave! I'll watch for photos.... (think'n a designing me own......no ship but ye got to start somewhere......) If ye be in So. Cal waters next Hallows, I'll certainly see the show (depending on me horoscope be'n false, as it usually is).....and that be a long way off..........). Hope ye and all will drink a toast to those with ye in spiiiiirrrrrriiit......... ........chocolate and rum....in the same sentence......it's enough to curl me hair...
  13. I'll confess to never having walked the bay with the idea of view'n a sea battle in mind (and it's been a long time....I'd be a stranger to it). Sounds great. I'll watch for the dates......
  14. That be Captain Jack o'lanterns, Lass.
  15. I'm imagining then you'd have to be out on a ship to see it.....
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