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Everything posted by Zephyr
That's an interseting one. Any clue where I could get my reales made into rubber stamps, preferably in Virginia since I am not sending my reales somewhere to get made, better yet I would rather not send them.
I'm slow.....I'm realizing you're THE Penny....?.....as in.... costume PotC? Congratultations, the costuming was absolutely superb! ...... I've notice even most movie reviews mention it.
I'm still picturing taking measurements on the monkey, seamstress "here, try this on" ........monkey ("it makes me look FAAAAT!").............. "NO, it's the lastest (17th century) fashion! You look hot!"(or whatever the latest In word is ...edgy?) ............seamstress ("you look GREAT in red, It brings out the colour of your.........")...........Lassie and Flipper never gave problems like this
Aye, but part of the glorious scenery of the Bay Area ........(past posts...... puking over the rail, peeing over the rail, hey, there goes the Royaliste!) It's not a wonder sea voyagin be so popular! Artemis Pepper....no, haven't run into any stamps...(but I"m realizn' I didn't throughly serach the site (looking for "cute" halloween shapes, ghosties and the like)......you know a "printing/copy shop" (most) can make a stamp from any picture, then you could reverse the image so you'd get the proper coin relief...(can you stamp both sides? what do you use to make the mold?........no forget that, you're making a mold of it, not using the stamp......and I did (I'm imagining you've seen) see a lot of inexpensive metal and probably plastic "treasure" type coins on a lot of the "pirate" sites.........so, instead of plunder n' your gonna mint your own lad? For my own self...I found an e-bay site with sterling (not atocha silver but maybe I'll pay a bill instead!)......going to check it out more throughly this week end....the pics looked pretty good .......
Aye, well the limerickn' Capt. Weaver takes the cake.....(an' anything else the plunder n' pyrate can get er hands on)
(so it's usually churney? They need more stalls in the ladies then, had to roust someone every time nature called) ........... more likely the pastries than the bars though My favorite was the channel between the New Zealand Islands, waves washn' (crashn') over the deck........a challenge just to say on your feet.............spilled a bit a' me diet coke
Considern' the general tempo of this crew, I'm not even gonna ask about the "Jack Sparrow sock puppet"......not even gonna' think about it......
by far too tame for this scurvy lot...you know about the dread and dangerous old and toothless Egyptian pyrate? His barque is worse than his bite.
32 years! Theres' a lot a' companionship (compassion, npi) must 'ave been like runnin' up on a reef. Aye, I've seen a few friends, doin' the "glamour shot' thing, airbrush out the chins......"witty and outgoing" (moody, menopausal).....I looked at one questionaire on a dating site once (after prolonged pep talks from happily datn' friends...one of whom be' married now, the others....), none of the answers seemed to fit and I decided I couldn't describe myself in 25 words or less and didn' want to see anyone who could (unless he be' very ZEN, then two o' three words would probably do). But then.....I come closer to Royalistes description than not.... Sigh.... (exceptin' not being lame.....or seasick......only once in my very life (crossing the English Channel on a very rough waters and it had more to do with a week of French food................an' more like sea-sick-ish)
"Why yes, that coat is SUPPOSED to drag on th' deck, mate. It's the latest fashion from London. Trip over it, ye say? Yer a pirate, ye 'ave such lovely reflexes." "No, th' stripes don' make ye look fat..." *cough**cough* Lyke I said.........fashion...... Who sewd' the garb for the ruddy monkey?
and then there's fashion (as in Fashion Island, the sequel to Treasure Island)
looks a bit like the monkey be swallown' the ship.... ye make a good visual match with Jack, put it up on a yahoo PotC site and let em' begn' to speculate it be a promo for the sequel .....(or will ye sail afoul the dread copywrite.....?)
Aye, lad, few ever brag about their bad habits. Mostly they be the Sea Gods gift to any woman.......This site be lackin' a subject for the love-lorn, like, "Ask Blackbeard", lonely pyrates can be askn their relationship questions and gettn professional advice from a pyrate who, if it be truth, has more experience with marriage (if not love) than any of us (an certainly more than me, who be qualifyn for a nunnery some time soon and lookn better in a habit anyway). I'm sure that no matter how many seas one sails the most difficult be the sea of love. An the juggln of a love (or three or four) in every ports got to drive a pyrate to distraction. Burnin (sic) questions like, "the last time I passed time (two days) with AnnaBella in Tortuga she give me change, what does it mean? "......and "We got a new mate on board and I'm thinkn its a woman...how do I let her know I'm interested?" and "does mercurial medicine really work? Or is it best to stick with the ole' hot poker?..... .....but then maybe I'm wrong and ye already know it all.........
Ahh...good thinking.....
An' did the cyber relationship translate well ino physical proximity? I've a friend who's goin' t' sail the internet date seas.....(her most recent plan). I can't help but wonder that persons maybe so different than they type,,,,,,
Favorite movies ever or Da dadada dadadadadada
Zephyr replied to AliasGraceO'Malley's topic in Pyrate Pop
Am I way off of this? I didn't like the "two Towers" (not as much as FotR ).....thought they scrambled it, changed the plot in ways that were not essential .....no longer fit the story, added silly scenes (what waaas the deal with Aragorn and the warg........a vision of Arwen as the horses mane brushes his face, obviously the horsey breath brought memories of his dearest love.....), changed characters (always loved how noble and wise and insightful Elrond and Faramir are (were)).....Frodo is sneaking into Mordor with the ring...then suddenly he's dueling with the Wraith, on the top of a tower, in broad daylight....on the borders of Mordor........ and they don't now know where it is and who has it? ........... he's going to sneak in after making such-a-sceeeeene...........sigh........Lord..........of the Rings. Rantette. I do imagine you've all perused "Bored of the Rings", young I was when I read it (younger, anyway) but I remember it gave many moments of mirth. Movies? other than the piratin' kind (olde and new) ....remember "Nate and Hayes"...(was it?)..........Indiana Jones......I'm sure there are more, I'm a "Pride and Prejudice" (A& E version) fan...bit of a"Potter" fan too (books, CDs, not movies as much) -
AY, it's an old and sadly common piracy story......brings to mind, "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" (who said that?) .....but if you put a M____y M____e face on anything (an acquaintance knitted a MM sweater for a charitable donation , which, unfortunately found its way to the news photo on the event, another painted the mermaid clan on nails in a nail art competition...shown in a magazine....sigh)...they'll have your b___s faster than you can say M___e C__b (whether you have em'or not).
Has anyone figured out why William, and later Elizabeth were not "cursed" while in posession of the Aztec coin? Since one didn't have to be one of the original raiders (Sparrow wasn't and the curse affected him when he palmed a coin) What a dad! Imagine sending a cursed coin to you kid! Every pirate childs Christmas wish......Dear Blackbeard, (Yo ho, yo ho ho), I want a cutlass, a Jolly Roger, a fast ship...and oh, yes a cursed coin of Aztec gold! Still haven't made it to my second viewing, hope it stays in the theatres another few weeks while I catch up on all the dull stuff.............tiny TV, no Dvd, must see it on the BIG screen....
For those interested in the rigging of tall ships, I would suggest two books...the Sailmaker's Apprentice and the Rigger's Apprentice. They tell more than you'd probably ever need to know about the superstructure of these fine wooden ships........would they be comprehensible to an amateur?
Some of the pirate flags were captured...must be in museums or mentioned in books...has anyone read how the pirates made them? lots of info on what the designs were.....not a mention of what-they-were-made-of (how could they skip that? ....inquiring minds want to know) (kind 'a pirate what doesn't have a ship matey, we makes do with what we got 'til some fair-treasure-laden-gift-of-the-sea crosses our path). me flag will hang on me wall 'til it has somewhere else to go...
Redhand, I'm glad you brought up the red-sky thing, but I was going to ask about that one....I see plenty of red sky in the morning and our weather is blasted monotonous, aye, the local puritans run screaming at the barest bit a' precipitaion so unused are they to water falln from the sky. 'Fraid it will dampen their nachos I imagine. Dilute the margaritas....speaking of which...... walked around the Queen Mary one afternoon lookin for ghosts......must have been their day off..........union?
I'd say "greedy lass" but then I don't share neither. That's a wonderful tale of your meetn, warms my heart. Aye, Royaliste, if he can hold his water, thats a plus. Well, I'm lookin at a nice repro at atocha1622.com, (59), and thinkin hard, waiting for that gestalt moment (I guess).
That's a fantastic story! I think..... I read a bit somewhere about the "salvager" showing up and the towns people interfering until he gave up and left ...may have been the Wydah site. It went down in realtively shallow water didn't it? There is story about a group of pirates stealing the treasure the Spaniards were retreiving from a wreck off Flordia (?), mentions the Spaniard using "diving" equipment .....what did they have as "diving" equipment in the 1700's?
Ive been looking for a book on the progression (developement) of ship shapes and sails (for amateurs?), the various riggings are interesting and I'm interested to read why.....