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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. each sailor would carry a marlin spike? why?
  2. Whot! Ye mean they haven't finished the script yet? I be in me fifties.....I haven't got all year.........
  3. Sounds great! Heading to the site next.....funny, while reading colours thought...hmmm sounds familiar....spent the weekend......! can't wait to see the pictures....... It's great! The little windows are perfect!
  4. I had the temerity to do an idea sketch for the flag....but I haven't been able to figure out how to get pics up?.......... Ye upload the scanned sketch to your own webspace, then link to it on yer post. :) It doesn't seem to work...................darn, it's pretty nice....... ......I used to get a message that IMG doesn't support "active" something...wrote it down somewhere to show to more compu-literate-friends.....anyway, no longer says that...but doesn't show (scan in this case) pic either.........
  5. I'll bring the henna next Hallows...do a nice tattoo..R on each cheek.....well, ye'd have to stand fer six hour for the colour to be good. I had the temerity to do an idea sketch for the flag....but I haven't been able to figure out how to get pics up?.......... am I guess'n that me rhyme was so bad..............?...............
  6. QUOTE] No apologies! We love long-winded! Speak'n fer meself at any ways.......if I were look'n fer the short and brief I'd not have so many books (or be on me ownsome, but that be a different subject)...excellent dissertation! can ye recommend books that give a description of the actual life of seafaring later 1600 to middle 1700? I've seen some good books on all aspects of life for the middle ages and renaissance....but not for the time of the great age of piracy...the more detailed (long-winded) the better! 2.....Do let me know if ye find one! I've been searching the internet looking for details of HOW they made their flags...etc..... 3.....The early wood cuts....I've read described as "impressions" not one of them to my knowledge of reading was done by any person who had actually seen the pirate or event...though I can imagine the pirates might deck themselves out while working on the ship.....industrial safety is a newer concept and these were rebels and drink'n rum punch at any chance.......while work'n....arrrrr
  7. icky band! Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft I had a friend in high school who played that damned song every night waiting for the aliens to come and get him. he had all five of their old albums and no one was allowed to touch them. but then again he watched dr who and used more drugs than is good for a sane person much less a mental wacko like him. :) ...but we all have our obsessions...
  8. Michael Rennie took ill, the day the Earth stood still, and he showed us where to stand... Science Fiction Double Feature from The Rocky Horror (Picture) Show The actual phrase is Klaatu Barada Nichto. Does anyone remember the band Klaatu, and can name their "Hit"?
  9. Wonderful photos! Good of ye to keep snapping while all the adventure was going on! Nice portrait of the moonchild too
  10. a lime rose bud
  11. Aye, well and this all be very tidy lyke with that SonofaSeaHagBarq put'n the blame on the bloody mange weasel, but that not be a pyrate who's ire (or undies) ye'd stirrr without due thought, matey be warned, there be few here about (meself included) who'd rush to yer aid if ye be caught at it, be not think'n that when the scurvydog be in 'is cup 'e be all lost to the world, there be one eye open or I be a fool (well, maybe I be a fool).......but I'd not put my neck to sneaking past 'em though he be snorrring to fill the sails and full a' rum). Aye, poet-try and underwear! Ye be drink'n sea water Sir? It be faster than the rum punch for work'n like the sea worm on yer feveredsunblenched brain! Next ye be hanging yer cutlass and doing the settle with some likey wench...and...... pay'n fer yer rum! if ye be not come to that already. Soorry it is to see a pyrate go to the blessed artistic, the Muse be a wiley wench a give back naught what she claims as her own.... Ye be warned and me obligation fulfilled
  12. And having Marcel Marceau give the only word spoken aloud in the film was sheer brilliance. "No!"
  13. Better pyracy through chemistry. Ye be clothing aging arrrtists! though I'm forced to observe that I never met a male who wasn't....... well there was one..... we used to roll up our jeans with rags inside em and rub em on the sidewalk...when mum wasn't looking...... prehistoric stone washed!
  14. Aaaaarrr, Jack ye be a young lad still....though mix'n red meat and chocolate will age ye almost faster than most food I can think of. Chocolate be better eat'n by its lonesome. Ye be not the crews cook I'm hope'n.......
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