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Everything posted by CaptainSatan

  1. It's my understanding that the Japanese are exploiting a controversial loophole in the law. But a legal loophole never the less. Littering is against the law but that doesn't mean that other cars can ram you if you toss a Diet Coke can out your window on the freeway. If I was at at sea and a group of civilians rammed us with their ship and tried to board us. I would use deadly force to repel them.
  2. Nice work! Wooden boxes beat the hell out having plastic boxes cluttering your shore camp
  3. クジラのベーコン I suppose that it is called bacon because of the fat to meat ratio? The steaks are great with just a smidgen of green onion, garlic, and ginger.
  4. If it is actually from the 19th century the pewter may have a high lead content. Modern pewter is made from a lead free alloy called Britannia metal that substitutes tin for the delicious lead. Other pewter like products use aluminum as a base. Wilton Armetale is popular example of a modern aluminum alloy. Britannia metal was invented in the late 18th century. But lead was still being used in pewter well into the 19th century I have no problem drinking from lead crystal occasionally. But I would never consume alcohol from a period pewter mug. Unless I had it tested for lead first. Are you certain that it is an actual antique and not something from the early 70s?
  5. For the record. Whale bacon tastes great. Especially when served with chilled vodka!
  6. I have the seen the video where the pilot/captain of the Steve Irwin intentionally rammed the Yushin Maru 3. There is also footage of the eco-pirates illegally boarding a Japanese vessel. Plus there is footage of the peaceful protesters hurling glass jars of Butyric acid onto the deck of a Japanese ship. At least two Japanese nationals have been injured by glass objects thrown the crew members or the Steve Irwin. One of those injuries was to an eye. See the video! The second video was shot from the Yushin Maru 3 as it was being rammed. You can clearly see the the crew of the Steve Irwin throw objects at the Yushin Maru 3 and try to board without permission. In my opinion these acts constitute piracy. The captain of the Steve Irwin should be prosecuted for endangering human lives when he intentionally rammed a ship at sea. You can argue that Japan may or may not be violating international law by harvesting whales. But I have to draw the line at endangering human beings to save sea life. Personally I don't like Nancy Pelosi's politics. But I don't advocate renting a U-Haul truck and ramming her car!
  7. Sounds ghastly (lol)! When I am in Vietnam I stick to drinking bia hoi.
  8. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix ( Caesar's Uncle and a bad ass Roman in his right )
  9. Christopher Columbus reported seeing three mermaids in the ocean off of Haiti in January of 1493. He reported that they "came quite high out of the water", but were "not as pretty as they are depicted, for somehow in the face they look like men."
  10. It only got up to 95 today in Dallas.
  11. And there is always the option of getting calf implants. If you think that you'd feel silly wearing leg warmers underneath your boots
  12. It sounds a bit 80s, but perhaps wearing leg warmers would keep the boots up?
  13. If you do not play pyrate very often I can understand the motivation to age your garb. I often age costumes for features and photo shoots.
  14. XENA ...or Zeener for our Oz & Kiwi crew mates.
  15. Stunt Guild of New Zealand
  16. What pray tell are Sea Boots? Other than the rubber boots worn by modern fishermen.
  18. It's about 12:30AM Republic of Texas time and I have been awake for less than an hour. Missing sleep for four days in a row finally took it's toll and I slept all day. I need to go Wally World to find some blue thread to repair a kimono (yukata really) that is one of the robes that I keep for my models to wear. Juts to be weird I am going to pick up a few king size sheets in different colours to try out as underwater backgrounds in the swimming pool tomorrow.
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