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Everything posted by CaptainSatan

  1. Before soap was invented the Romans used stale urine to wash clothes. This practice continued until at least as late asTudor times. But I cannot locate any documentation after the Tudor era. But just because I cannot locate any later documentation doesn't mean it didn't happen. It took weeks of exposure to air for stale pee-pee to reach the right level of ammonia. And it was a very smelly process. I am not saying that it didn't happened. But it does not seem a very practical way to wash your clothes on a ship.
  2. Airship piracy is a big hulking branch on the steam punk family tree.
  3. I think a doglock from around 1640 is reasonable compromise. It's a little post period for SCA use. But it would blend in better than a nylon tent or polycotton garb
  4. Most of the negative comments were aimed at the self appointed authenticity police and not the SCA as a whole As far as showing up in non period kit, that describes 95% of most people attending an American SCA event. I enjoy going to SCA events. But the historical accuracy is only slightly better than a ren faire (minus the rubber elf ears, plastic vampire fangs, and fairy wings). Most the people run around in cotton T-tunics and tennis shoes like 2nd rate background players in a home made Xena tribute video that was shot by 8th graders and posted on You Tube.
  5. I hope that they are able to take care of the problem. There's nothing things worse than having some loser interfere with your business like that.
  6. What's up with baltimoreknife.com? Google lists it as an attack site! And my virus software blocked and removed a Trojan when I visited the site.
  7. What's up with baltimoreknife.com? I got an attack site warning from Google when I clicked on the link Diagnostic page for baltimoreknife.com What is the current listing status for baltimoreknife.com? Site is listed as suspicious - visiting this web site may harm your computer. Part of this site was listed for suspicious activity 2 time(s) over the past 90 days. I broke out my stunt computer and visited the site and my virus software blocked a virus. McAfee has automatically blocked and removed a Trojan. About this Trojan Detected: Obfuscated Script.f.gen (Trojan)
  8. Any pics or links to your friends work? Most people associate pierced baskets as Scottish thing. But they were quite popular with the English as well. I have never seen a cutlass with a pierced basket. Other than in the movie Cutthroat Island. But I'd still love to have one for my Hollywood Ren faire persona An X-ray tech friend of mine and I took photos and radiographed some private collections several years ago and we shocked at the number of flimsy rat tail tangs that we found.
  9. Many period weapons have puny little tangs (lol). I am amazed that they have held up in battle at all. The Japanese had the right idea. One of these days I am going to attach a late 17th century English basket hilt to a slightly shortened katana blade so that I don't have to worry about such things.
  10. Juárez (Paso del Norte)
  11. I have never bought one, but here be a link to a review of a similar weapon. But truth be told I am not even sure if it's still available. *photo by Gene George Click here ye rum soaked bastard! Weight: 2 pounds 2 ounces Overall length: 33 inches Blade length: 28 inches Blade width: 1.5 inches Fullers: 14.75" and 14" long Shell: Clamshell approximately 5" long x 4" wide Guard: Recurved quillions 5.5" wide x 5.5" long Grip and pommel length: 5.5 inches Point of Balance: 6.25 inches from guard Center of Percussion: ~20 inches from guard * review by Gene George
  12. And what happened to all the merchandise with that logo? Those thongs would make excellent and inappropriate gifts for me interns, deck swabbers, and production assistants.
  13. That video is how I picture the Bilge Pumps when they are burning in everlasting hellfire
  14. Oh yeah! I have to add the Charlton Heston version of Treasure Island to my list. It still pisses me off that show is not available on DVD. Especially with all the shite pyrate films that are available out there.
  15. I'm waiting on a actress to arrive so that we can decide which pair of panties she will wear in scene 23. She needs to hurry up and get here so that I can go to lunch. Bloody meat puppets!
  16. Grace Jones Perhaps the worst vampire ever!
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