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Everything posted by CaptainSatan

  1. Bloody Screen Actors Guild
  2. Let's splice the main the brace. And see if we can tune up that pic a bit
  3. ..and it's only $30,000.00
  4. The volcano drink reminds of those buckets of rum that they serve in Thailand.
  5. Yeah, I couldn't find a pic of Gene Kelly. The costumes are very similar. Except for Gene Kelley's T-Rex quadriceps
  6. ...do you smoke (cigarettes)?
  7. Transvestite Hear the song. You know you want to.
  8. Action figures based on actors sorta' creep me out. Probably the result of working as a casting director I'm afraid that they might come to life and try and kill me in my sleep. Or in the case of Mr.Gibbs. DRINK MY RHUM!
  9. Surreal
  10. Yeah, I usually think of something more like this. When someone says pistol of rhum
  11. I was planning on frosting some empty bottles of the aptly named Pyrat Rum as well. But my poor rhum soaked brain was under the impression that the bottle I was thinking of had more of a neck? I suppose the only thing to do is buy more rhum and watch POTC 3 again. Speaking of pistol bottles
  12. WARNING! Random Rum Image I don't the story behind this. But the guy has to be a pirate. He has two wooden legs. And when he is about to die, he goes for his rum
  13. Speaking of Mr.Gibbs.... I wasn't too keen on the two POTC sequels. So I only saw II and III one time. In one of the sequels Mr.Gibbs is drinking a dark or amber rhum from a frosted glass bottle. I'm pretty sure that the bottle was shaped very similar to a modern Pusser's Rum bottle (minus the famous anchor logo). If you happen to find a still of that scene please post it here. I really liked how the rhum looked in a frosted glass bottle. So I'm thinking about etching a few empty Pusser's Rum bottles. These would be cheap, expendable, Hollywood bottles. If one me shipmates were to break one I wouldn't feel obligated to have her keelhauled. I love the period onion bottles. But sometimes alcohol and expensive glassware don't mix very well
  14. It's the Eco way to fly!
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