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Everything posted by CaptainSatan

  1. Does that price include a servant to clean and polish the boots?
  2. The Church of Satan!
  3. One more thing.... You have to be signed in to Deviant Art to view any of the images that contain nudity. But it is a painless and SPAM-FREE process.
  4. I had some people ask about my attempts at photography. There are some works in progress that may be viewed at Deviant Art. These images are rough drafts of some photos that I want to do in the near future. A bit like doing a sketch before starting a painting. There is an ungodly amount of nudity. Most of which is rated PG-13 to rated R. But I have to caution you that some of the bondage pics are NC-17 images. If you are over 18 you are welcome to take a looksie. If you are a conservative Muslim or a liberal feminist I advise that you do not view these images. NUDITY WARNING! http://art-terrorist.deviantart.com/ NUDITY WARNING!
  5. About a 100 years I ran out of books to read. And I ended up reading a book about the historical Best Little Whore House in Texas.There were many references to people having sex while wearing clothes. This was especially true in the winter time. I suspect that most brothels were like drive through windows. And the patrons probably didn't have time to fully undress.
  6. Do you like 소주 ?
  7. My favourite restaurant in the US has to be Commander's Palace in New Orleans. It is literally across the street from the Lafayette Cemetery (Ann Rice, Easy Rider). The lunch specials are very affordable.Be aware that there is a dress code. But I have seen the occasional Euro-trash tourist in shorts & t-shirts. But only at lunch. Commander's Palace It's a classy place to take a date and treat her to Bananas Foster prepared at your table on a little cart. Then impress the lady by preparing it for her at home :)
  8. WOW! An image of a book with a woodcut of nude woman on the cover was censored by Photo Bucket (lol)!
  9. Allegedly the screen play was written by David Franzoni. There is also suppose to be an ALIEN prequel in the works. Frazoni wrote the screen play for GLADIATOR BTW.
  10. I loved the Venture Brothers take on ghost pirates.
  11. Mon-Thur I usually read at least 100 pages a day. This is what I'm currently reading.
  12. Here's another one. Photo by Juhitsome
  13. I thought that this was an interested read. Everything from self pollution to widespread polygamy.
  14. Maybe the producers learned their lesson with Dead Man's Chest? And they will not start filming BEFORE they even have a script (lol)!
  15. In the old days you could fire weapons and blow stuff up.
  16. The last two screen plays were so gawd awful. I don't really care if there is a fourth film or not.
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