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Everything posted by CaptainSatan

  1. I have given serious thought to murdering several people by beating them to death with an Al Gore book. In the hope that those dangerous weapons would be banned (lol)
  2. I am fond of the Gatco sharpening system. GATCO I have found the Gatco kit to be more durable than than the Lansky system.
  3. People on bicycles that ride in traffic. Especially when there is only one lane and no shoulder.
  4. I love Wal-Mart. They sell guns there (lol). And they have the cheapest groceries in town. I still make trips to Central Market and May Hua (Asian supermarket) but I do as much of my shopping at Wally World as I can to save money for my criminal enterprises. It always amuses me that my flag burning leftist friends all boycott Wal-Mart. But none of them have any issues supporting the international drug trade (ha ha). Plus you can reduce your carbon footprint by doing all your shopping at one location
  5. To be able to turn invisible at will could be fun. That or just have a DEATHNOTE!!! Either way I would wind up being a super villain デスノート!
  6. Steam Con 2009
  7. Wally World rocks! Where else can you a shotgun, beer, and tampons under the same roof?
  8. This week I finished off two smaller books. Enjoyed Kitchen Confidential. I had trouble putting it down. If you're a foodie this is well worth your time. I was very disappointed by the Sean Astin book. I found his endless whining to be tiresome. I enjoyed The Iron Lance so I will start the second book in the series tomorrow.
  9. They make damn fine soup. Especially the endangered ones.
  10. Not exactly a pyrate ship but still fun (lol).
  11. There are so many beautiful rhums in the world. But this one of my favourites.
  12. And I would have liked to have seen that. But the back stabbing drama would has a wider appeal to the general public. The public doesn't want pure history. It wants entertainment. No conflict. No drama. BTW the reason they were hunting with bows was because of their insurance company. I found Q&A page about the show that answered a lot of questions. Colonial House Q&A
  13. One thing I liked was how well the show demonstrated was how cushy and comfortable modern life is.
  14. I suspect that an unsuccessful attack by pyrates would result in less paperwork (historical documents).
  15. I am talking about television and marketing. Not actually taking a time machine back to 1628. No need to break out your books (lol).
  16. I thought that it was decent for a reality show (lol). Of course the producers are looking for drama, personality conflict, and backstabbing. Seeing skilled reenactors who could actually survive in 1628 probably wouldn't be as interesting to the average couch primate as the trashier aspects of most so called reality shows.
  17. Has anyone ever seen the 1972 version with Orson Welles as Long John Silver?
  18. In case you missed it when it aired on PBS back in 2004. Colonial House is available on DVD at NetFlix. Colonial House Website The premise is pretty simple. The producers took everyday people and dropped them into a primitive replica of a 1628 village in New World. While it's not about pyracy. It is still an informative and entertaining program about daily colonial life during that era.
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