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Everything posted by CaptainSatan

  1. Actually I like to cover certain parts of the female anatomy with thinly sliced strawberries.I save the whipped cream for the second floor -CS
  2. Sometimes you just have to eat cheese
  3. I'm thinkin' along the lines of wasabi enemas and pouring boiling parrafin on their pink, little naughty bits! -CS
  4. I suppose that they call me that beacause I'm such a fancy licker. -CS
  5. Meanwhile back at the tavern.
  6. The ladies sometimes address me as Grand Marnier.
  7. Don't need any fancy outfits. Just an eyepatch and a smile is enough for me. -CS
  8. Yeppers like the candy bar! -CS Almond Joy fun size chocolates. Smaller than the regular bars, but slightly bigger than the bite size... They're fun sized!
  9. She be a little tall for my taste, but I've always had a sweet spot fer Kaylee.That be one wench who needs to be spanked and have her hair pulled. -CS
  10. Always room fer a shiny new wench - CS
  11. Only when we play shiver me timbers. The most important thing to me is that she be fun-sized and have a big sexy brain . -CS
  12. Wouldn't suggest doing anything that might actually warp the wood For the tables you can file/sand down all the hard edges. You can add small knicks & scratches. Use a stain that will build up in the nicks & scratches, making them darker. You can put small bits of chain, rocks, and scrap metal in a heavy bag and use it to beat the wood.Some people use a chain to beat and distress the wood, but that can cause a regular pattern to appear. Same techniques can be used for walls, beams, etc. -CS
  13. Any list without Yellowbeard be crazy talk! -CS
  14. Sleep be fer the living. The cursed have rhum and their books. CS
  15. Didn't catch the title.I was too busy averting me eyes from the treacherous plasma screen Medusa in me humble pyrate hovel. Ya know I still feel a little traumatised from that dark day?I should probably go pour me self a proper measure of rhum to ease the pain. -CS
  16. Ironically he played a pyrate in a terrible childrens film that was shown on the Disney Channel. Twas woefully wretched and painful to watch. Had to drink several pints of rhum and wash me own eyes out with soap after merely catching a glimpse of it. -CS-
  17. I did like Davey Jones but some of his damned crew of cursed sea monkeys looked like refugees from the bloody Power Rangers. Me thinks that Dead Man's Chest would have been a much better film if they would have had a completed script before they started filming. A pox on sea monsters, bring on the doxie mermaids. -CS-
  18. Time for pipes, tobacco and whiskey punch. -CS-
  19. Captain Satan is still on Bangkok time. Aaaahhh......Mojitos, Spinners and Pad Thai -CS-
  20. I like any show on the tele where they curse in Chinese! -CS-
  21. When I'm working on a show we go out and Splice the Main Brace when we wrap for the day. -CS-
  22. I fer one like BLACK JACKS signature pic. All pirates should remember to pack a lunch. -CS-
  23. Finishing up Stephen King's Salem's Lot -CS-
  24. Mebbe' it's my art department training talkin', but I think that aging the wood on the walls and the table might add a bit to the display.Some dirt and stains as well -CS-
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