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Posts posted by theM.A.dDogge

  1. we used to make rope (from twine) with a 3 bent nails on a handle, a plank with 3 holes and 2 caneback chairs....my great AUnts down in Tennessee were still makin rope by hand til i was in High School...i got an old tape of it somewheres....mind the hillbilly talk and the eighties hair...but actually pretty simple to do ;)

  2. well...just thinkin here.... ;) .....but many were made of plaster or other such (easy breakable) substance(thinkin paper mache).....filled with flour...or other such "poofy" powder....ash or something like it to make little poofs of smoke.....

    now of course would not make a sound....but a paper mache "grenado" filled with ash/flour...tossed at folks...visually might get close to what your lookin for...would kinda be like watchin a water baloon toss..pirate style.... ;)

  3. i must admit, my favorite group was the Salvation Army Ladies

    with there "Donuts thru Time" and fresh squeased Lemonade....woke me from a dead sleep it did!!! ;)

  4. Just looked through Sterlings photos of this event...Man those are enough to make a pirate want to switch sides. Screw the life of a pirate...The Crew of the Archangel knows how to live!

    If you ever find yourselves in need of a smithy at an event...drop me a line!

    Consider the line dropped...come talk to me at Fells Point... and not to fret... always remember one colony's privateer is another colony's pirate...besides someone has to play the bad guys and that is so much more fun.

    'course its goinna cost ya... <_< ....lets say...oh i dunno....a new blade for the Handsome & Charismatic Captain of the Marines???...perhaps???


    merley a suggestion

    Ha, cost me? Thanks for speaking up Captain. Now I know who to come to for my Dowry. As I am sure having a smithy making swords at a judged event would bring quite a few extra points.


    Your Welcome...that'll cost ya a blade fer the idea.... <_<

  5. Just looked through Sterlings photos of this event...Man those are enough to make a pirate want to switch sides. Screw the life of a pirate...The Crew of the Archangel knows how to live!

    If you ever find yourselves in need of a smithy at an event...drop me a line!

    Consider the line dropped...come talk to me at Fells Point... and not to fret... always remember one colony's privateer is another colony's pirate...besides someone has to play the bad guys and that is so much more fun.

    'course its goinna cost ya... <_< ....lets say...oh i dunno....a new blade for the Handsome & Charismatic Captain of the Marines???...perhaps???


    merley a suggestion

  6. Do you mean to tell me....THATS why all those guys with camaras were following me 'round?!?!? <_<

    and here all this time i thought they just liked my cookin??



    Edward O'Keefe, LeatherBack, Dead Eye Scarlet Jai and yes....little ole ME.....were the guest Sous Chefs for the Episode. We had 10 hours to keep Robert Irvine and his two cohorts Cuddley George and Snuggly Dave in line to come up with a Pirate Fare fit for ...well a Pirate. which pretty much translated to 10 hours of insults and 1 upidness.

    how did you JUST NOW here about this???...i think its only been posted about a dozen times so far!!? :blink:

  7. again....Kudos and a heart felt appreciation goes to Cookie for not only feeding us animals the whole weekend...but bringing home the Blue Ribbon on his first time out against all the reenactment groups in the Black Powder Division..whic included up to the Cival War...well done


    and his reward


    Cookies Ships Stove:


  8. my 3 and a half year old daughter now thinks i am TRULY the Coolest Daddy EVER!!!

    1. her Daddy is a Pyrate

    2. seen her Daddy on TV

    3. just saw a Picture that proves her Daddy knows that guy from Yo Gabba Gabba!!!!

    that last one really impressed her.... :blink:


    YO GABBA GABBA (for those without a 3 year old) is a childrens show on Nickalodeon:


  9. oh and a special thanks to Dogge for not dying at the dinner table

    with absolutely NO HELP from anyone at the table i might add.... :blink:

    Sterling in the middle of telling a story about drummerboys...


    ..my throat closing.......

    ....caint swallow meat.....

    ......hard to breath.......

    ........drinking glass of water to wash down meat....

    ..........no good.............

    ............caint swallow water....

    ..............now caint breath with mouth full of water....

    .................drowning at dinner table.................

    ....................water spewing everywhere................


    Jack & Cheecky run to cover their plates!!!.....Sterling: "what? dont like drummerboys?"


    remind me never to be near you while having a near death experience again...sheesh

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  11. Don't watch the show, but I'll make an exception this time. I am curious as to what went on.

    Marking it on the calendar. :unsure:

    it was about 12 hours of insults , one upidness, and us correcting him every 5 minutes as he bellowed at us.....

    a grand time was had by all... ;)

  12. the Episode was just listed on the Dinner Impossible site....



    Dinner Impossible: Pirate Peril

    For this mission Chef Robert Irvine heads to colorful Key West, Florida to take on a boatload of pirates. At part of the annual Pirates in Paradise Festival, Robert I has 9 hours to feed 150 pirates. The folks at Pirate Fest immerse themselves in total pirate lore and expect Robert to do the same. Robert is met by a peg-legged, parrot-toting, Captain Stitch, and is given orders to cook in true pirate fashion. Like any cook on the high seas, Robert has to concoct authentic pirate fare including bone soup, hardtack, sea turtle, pickled preserves and dishes to ward off scurvy.

    Tune In:

    Mar 31, 2010

    10:00 PM ET/PT

    Apr 01, 2010

    1:00 AM ET/PT

    Apr 03, 2010

    4:00 PM ET/PT

  13. starting this sat...finding my Kilt....hen looking for my sporran/hose/shoes...and other insundries....then procedding to get yelled at by the Wife for asking her 1000 times where the hell is my "wanna pet my sporran?" shirt and probably settling on my "Guiness made me Stout" or my "Guiness is Gaelic for Genious" shirt instead.... B)

    Sunday...heading DownTown D-Troit...for the Annual Corktown Parade....walking the Corktown Mile....heading home to nurse my "cammara Flash" burns from under my kilt....and probably (if all goes to plan) passin out

    we usually have so much "FUN" on Sunday...i have yet to recupe by St Pats Day...!!!???!! B)

    corse thats ok...my family wears orange anyway... :unsure:

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