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Posts posted by theM.A.dDogge

  1. We are the Forsaken : Pyrates - Privateers - Pyrate Hunters....we are whatever pays the better.

    Tales of Kings and Queens...and Poppycoks

    such things matter not to the likes of us,

    for we are the Forsaken.

    presently gathering supplies and allies round the Great Inland Seas, looking for new adventures on distant horizons.

    ye have been warned,

    the M.A.d'Dogge

  2. I heard rumors that you wear a period chemise under your kit, not drawers.


    yes well i.... :blink: ...well back to the point...ehem.....tho most of us "cheat" with our kit in some fashion or another...i for one wear contacts instead of period glasses....there are other aspects that the public never really get close enough to see....but we still keep it period correct.....i could see the definate advantages of having a genuine screw off barrell and i can see the market for such a queen anne...tho most would not be able to see the difference upon the battle field....the owner of such would know the difference...and that for me..would make all the difference

  3. It would be interesting to learn why those who choose to camp are being required to remain inside the fort now. From my experience it's usually stuffy in there.

    it is my understanding that the descision to remain inside the Fort was 2 fold....

    1. to draw more attention to the Fort itself...the Beach camp was getting bigger than the Fort area

    and more importantanly....

    2. the Park Rangers were having difficulty supplying adequate security for the Beach Area...the Beach was still public access...and not well supervised, there were a few complaints from wedding parties that the area was inhabited by Pirates(even tho many others loved it), and many "beach goers" were walking in the back way into the camp without paying to experience the festival side...so it was asked by the Park Rangers to set everyone into the fort proper area until an adequate measure for security could be reached....

    tho i too will miss the beach camping...i do believe this will do more to enhance the paying publics experience within the fort....and it is the fort why we are all there.

    and as far as "Limited numbers"...there is no descision to limit numbers of registered participants...only to limit how many camp at the fort, as many more usually choose to make other accomodations on the island....and in the years to date...tho growing every year...that number has yet to be reached...once it does then a reavalution will be made to possibly once again include the beach.

    please keep voicing ideas and questions...better to hear from the horses mouth than the horses arse says i.... ;)

    (an tho tis true, i am not the "Horses mouth"....no need to point out the subsequant logical conclusion...this means you Hurricane!!) ;)

  4. Aye, true enough.......... However if Pedersoli made the Queen Anne pistol as an actual turn-off piece, it would add quite a bit to the price. For our purposes, which is mostly firing blank loads, a turn-off barrel really serves no purpose. The Pedersoli piece is still considerably better than what comes out of India as to quality and reliability right out of the box. I have always thought of it as a great entry-level pistol.

    >>>>> Cascabel

    Most people who want to fire a ball are going to want a different pistol anyway - something longer and possibly rifled - so making it as a screw-on barrel would just add to the expense without adding anything. After all, you can't tell by looking at it that the barrel doesn't screw off. The few people who do want to fire one can carry a separate rammer.


    yes...but i where period "drawers" while in Kit as well...not that anyone may see those either... ;)

  5. oh nooooooo....it's...it's......DoggeZILLLAA!!!!!! :D


    and Who is this man?...and why is he so damn pretty?? :D

    actually as someone so quickly pointed out....what a beutiful portrait of ...SALTY...

    too bad some mangy "mutt" got into the way!!


    all seriousness aside...i absolutley see no resembalance what-so-ever....and caint figure out why folks were pointing it out??


  6. just pulled into port...litterally moments ago....i am physically exhausted...ehich means i must have had a great time.

    would really like to thank ALL my crewe as well as my fellow Breathern who so vastly welcomed with open arms my fellow travel mates..Barnicle Brad and Loose Cannon Laura...bein their first time out and all you proved to them(and well reminded me)...that their are no better folk...than Pirate Folk!!

    tho i did have to correct Loose Cannon Laura, that it was "HUZAH"...and not "WAZ-UP"...that everyone wa cheerin....tehehehehe,giggle ,snort!!

    so raise a mug up for yourselves and those round....

    there are good ships,

    and there are wood ships,

    and there are ships that sail the sea,

    but the best ships,

    are freind-ships,

    and may they always be!!!

    Hip,Hip WAZ-UP!

    hip, Hip, WAZ-UP!!


  7. Too funny!

    I do expect you to lord over the new contestants that you are the three-time champ!

    Perhaps even lead off with a demo to give them something to aspire to? Or you could be one of the judges, which would seem fitting, given your legendary stature in the event.

    You're much too valuable to us to let you be fodder for the shooting competition.

    -- Hurricane

    HA!...dont ask some of me crewe...presently they may disagree with you!!!

    i am still deciding which way the wind faires regarding my attendance this year....but a Live Shoot off the Wolfe sounds damn temting indeed

  8. an here's Matty-NO-Thumbs...showin how he got his namesake


    Mathusala Aluitious d'Dogge...hisself...lookin grand


    an thar goes the DUTHMAN hisself of the MekaII...who has YET to buy this ole'Dogge a Drynk wats owed him!!! :D

    to Beaufort sir!...to Beaufort!!!


  9. Order of the Leviathon Member.....Willoughby Coaught...and the ChurchMouse...(sorry thats how she was introduced!!)


    Mighty Pern...looking...Mighty


    and the evr fierce....Duncan hisself!


  10. here are some more of the like.....

    SailMaster of the Explorer...out fer a row


    Silkies Cousin.....Finn...finding hisself NOT in trouble...fer once't


    and a mangey bunch of oarsmen i ever did see...even a blind blacksmith...sheeesh


  11. sorry Brigands...you would come sing at our Pyrate Hunters Camp...we would leave!??!?!.....nothin personal..just bad timing...i never did get to meet ya...tho i did save a spot fer ya oncet!!

    so for the rest of ya...here are just a fewpics i was able to get...in between the throngs of crowds...sheeesh

    loading up the explorer...with its rum ration!!


    the Royal Navy Marines...looking ...ah ...Royal


    and Captain Sterling and his Stewart...out for a pleasure stroll


  12. The New Colossus

    Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

    With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

    Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

    A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

    Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

    Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

    Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

    The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

    "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

    With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

    by Emma Lazarus


    (Statue of Liberty)

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