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Everything posted by theM.A.dDogge

  1. sooooo....lets seeeee here..... exactly WHO is the HANGMAN for this group???? thats what i thought...... apologies should be sent in beer.
  2. a thing they do quite well..... as fer me...i shant wait fer me Capn to buy a round, a man might die of thirst before tyme,..... so set me up wit o bit o STOUT...or anything i caint see tru....an i'll puts it on yer tab.... the Capn can gits the 2nd round
  3. who is this guy??...is he part of this crewe?? have we EVER seen this guy?? good riddance to bad rubbish, says eye!!! FB's everywhere....i am surrounded by FB's.... we have GOT to git better standards for admittance(or any)
  4. removes Urine you say??? Thar ya go Katie-darlin...can never have too much stuff that removes URINE..... or just dont pee on yer self....(or others) maybe we should send some to William Red Wake for PiP????....think it would have come in handy last year.....
  5. or have a BEUTIFUL NEW GREEN COAT made for you..... oh yeah...i forgot....i dont have one yet.... nevermind
  6. OI!!!!! i CAN read ya know!!!! ifn ya REALLY want ad-vice on how to wash the garments...just do what i do..... wait til it rains......
  7. regrets...unfortunately due to a scheduling conflict with another event. hopefully next years calander will be more fortunate. lovely event.....hope all goes to yur expectations
  8. finally....another group trying to do what i (an others) have been trying to do fer the past 20 years.... good fer them..... wait..they got boats?...where they out of??
  9. oi...second round....on HIM!!! i'll take any ale i cants see tru....thankee kindly...... toast: may those that love us.....love us and may that dont love us....may GOD turn their hearts.... an if HE dont turn their hearts..... may HE turn their ancles so's that we may always tell our enimies by their limps!!!! SLAINTE!!!!
  10. a BALL huh? Gee.....i wish i had a brand new GREEN Coat to where to it...... but since i dont.... ...maybe it was a good thing i wasn't actually invited to it. and why are all the piss-poors want to loaf ON me???? git it...ON the BEACH....hahahaha..last name Beach...hahahaha...ha...ha...? oh nevermind.....
  11. dont worry Micky....Ball or no....I'll bring me "prettier than everyone elses" yeller smock....just fer you....(that means you gots ta wear it tho).... i dare not....all the women hate when i'm the pretty one....just not fare i suppose.... tis a curse...i know...but i have the shoulders (and the cleavage)...to bear it.
  12. here's some FREE AD-VICE...from an ol'married fella to a to a guy still on his "honey-moon"..... never...and i mean .....NEVER.....look prettier than the wife!!!!
  13. what BALL?? man ...i dont git invited to nothin!?!
  14. Thats right...Capt' Mc had to nearly fend off a gang of stick weilding 11 year olds who tried to steal his boat!!!!....with naught but a pocket knife...(a 17inch pocket knife)... battle a typhoon....an ride a huricane to safe harbour....lossin a rib in the contest.... while we...ah...while we...well ok we were in the PUB drynkin....but me tent did blow down durring the night...and i got a splinter!!!...a real nasty one...no it didnt hurt....much....but....oh just forget it!!!!
  15. lets see now..... i met most of ya around a rum barrel or two... so let me see if'n i gits this rights.... 1. there was the guy in the hat 2. the guy with no hat 3. guy with the patch 4.cute girl who brought the mead 5. i forgot her name 6. ahhhh 7.the guy with no rum.(still lookin fer him...he owes me money) 8.someone had a bird...i think 9. ? 10- 200....the rest of ya lot maybe i should stop meeting folks around the rum barrel??? nah.....til we meet again....SLAINTE!! an if'n we hav't met yet....well ... ....well hurry up...i'm the guy 'round the rum barrel!!!! and bring more rum!!!
  16. sorry ratty oh boy...look like i will be a no show....that would be 3 weekends in a row from home.... 1. wisconsin 2. north carolina 3. illinois (for a wedding) then right back to work on call for the 4th weekend......the wife would tan my hide ifn i was gone that long.... but if (at the last minute) i think i could swing it(if stars and planets aline)(or i cant switch my on call rotation to go to the wedding)...i might be a last minute arival... but safe to count me out.... this year...... might want to ask Billie and Gwen...they might be around...and they missed last year!?!?
  17. to appease me split personaliies and multi characters i portray..... i ordered one of each.... 1 rough brown....fer everyday common type 1 smooth black.....fer the fancier tymes... yeah i'm a clothes horse...its been pointed out by me wife that i now officially have more (period) shoes then her....and have vastly more period clothes than i have everyday real world clothes..... course really all i need is 1 kilt....what more would a man need??
  18. yeah....BUT.... your a MARRIED woman now!!!!!...... in the trailer ye go..... wait.... ....wot kinda cookies??? nope...no matter ....in the trailer ye be..... oh yeah...i forgot.....aye maried woman...means no commitments............... Aye...bring LOTS of cookiesANDmilk....and ye can have yer seat back...in the backseat...but at least not in the trailer.... but the hubby???.....in the trailer now...and be snappy about it...and dont bend me swords!!!
  19. ask Brother Billie.... when he was designing the hanging rig....he would haul himself up to see if adjustments need to be made...in a tree out front of our Folks house....as people drove by...seeing him trying to hang himself....would yell.... "well LET GO of the ROPE....DUMMY!"
  20. actually....the trailer in mention...is of the "opened air" variety....plenty of time(nearly 12 hours of it)...to catchup on yer suntan fer the drive....hence the "windblown look".....but no fret...should be comfortable back there...on top of me sword bag...or possibly the cast iron cooking gear....but definately bring a hat to share....might be expectin rain......
  21. yeah...... i had a bit of a reputation with the court when last i worked there... only damn scott...to make the QUEEEN....break character in front of the public.... i did a "staged" bow to the queen as the prosession go by...."HIT" my forehead(actually a well timed hand)....on the table of the booth...knocking me and all the swords for sale...as well as nearly all on the back wall into a big heap....knocking over signs....and 3 of her guards....finally "RUNNING MESELF THRU" with the claymore a wee one was holding....complete with sound effects and blood..(fake)..... and a kilted flash to the QUEEN.....and screamming..."I think i broke me clavicle!" to which the QUEEN exclaimed "HOLY SH-T...is he ok!!!!"...... yeah....wasnt allowed near them the rest of my time there..... god i miss it
  22. WOT????....the WHOLE reason I and me brother were commin all the way down that a way....was cause Sterling convinced us we could look at the "Explorer" up close and personal like!!!!???!!!! damn Sterling....gonna have to "re-think" this trip methinks.... oh yeah.... i too have a baldric...but i also have a heavy-arse cutlass and pistol....used to have a sword belt....found it handy if'n iwas was wearring a small sword...and didna have to take if back off much....baldric was handy foe the whole off/on/back off in a hurry...plus a pistol or two....but sword belt right comfortable for wearring just a small sword all day.... 'course just got a small sword for me burthinday...mayhaps i will make me one of those sword-belt again??
  23. my wife saw the silk hair bag ya made me....held it up.....and asked ifn ya had seen me in my kilt!!!!..... ......then said ya used WAY TOO MUCH material.......
  24. WOT!!! ....ya had yer selves an event...that close to me....and forgots ta call me????..... oh yeah....that trip to Beufort might have just got a bit longer fer the tew of ya...... ya might just be both ridin in the trailer.....its ok kate....that "wind blown" look is in now.... my wife an i were down that away a year or two ago for a st jude benifit(she's a survivor)...and we went down and looked at the Santa Maria... always wanted to bored her as a pyrate...or conquistador....or not wearring any pants ...... ...... anyway...i was busy this past weekend....sittin there....doin nuthin.... oh yeah....gonna be a LONG trip to North Carolina now....
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