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Everything posted by theM.A.dDogge

  1. damn it man....can i vote??...i vote fer peg leg ....damn did she have a name??...i forgot to look?? personally like the name ...prairie duck....better than prarie chickin!
  2. damn man...your doin it again...stop defendin!!...no appoligies fer stickin to yer crewe is ever needed..... and what does one expect from a guy named FLINT-y......hard , flaky and quick to spark....shoulda seen it commin.... so...ya can buy me a drynk next we meet....but i do drynk expensive...and alot..... so heres to the sea rats...an' the others fer joinin our ranks.... an i do mean RANK....whooo....i might just be need a bath...it is nearly monthes end y know....
  3. un -ripe bannana the sky.....the ground....the sky(farthur)...the ground(closer)...the sky(farther)...the ground(closer still).....thud.....ground up close......ok fell off a 60' telephone pole...almost from the top...maybe 45' to 50' high...but i am ok....i bounce good...but that flower bed is goinna need some help!! my (almost 2 yearold) daughter....seemed to have quite the conversation this morning....just wish i knew what we were talkin about?? my Dad.....passed year and a half ago.....thought i heard his voice today after i landed....."ya dummy"
  4. soooo......i think me original question is out there somewhere..... anybody know where they play at....seems their crewe and ours could git along well....or be mortal enemies...either way could be fun??
  5. looks like me brother Billie will be showin up..got ta keep the "1 Beach minimum"....
  6. haven grewe up in the Illinois Sea of Corn(and beans) meself....welcome....i now hail from the Port City of D-troit(dont ask me how i gots here)..... Now...did someone say theys was buyin a round..er two??? i might be persuaded to buy the third......just dont ask that good fer nuthin sterling to buy a round...the good capn is so cheap he wouldnt buy his ship out of hock fer a brass farthin.... wait...the capn aint listin....is he?? better make mine to go...... SLAINTE!!
  7. i think i gots anuther case of somalia.....
  8. hahah...oh wait...your serious?!?!? who's insulting who here???...what is there to defend??...why are you so adament?? these guys seem passionate about what they do...so are we....we applaude them for their actions....but we are poking fun at the overzelaous writer.....as we have in the past when it was us who were misquoted in the media..... have you not seen most of our posts...the FIRST people who git picked on are ourselves...then everybody else...and i mean everybody. if you want to really help your buds...then stop defending them....your making it worse....for there is nothing to defend!!!!!.... shheeeesh...... it all started out because they are quoted as stating that nearly the east coast is in the group...been doing it for years....ultra authentic...their own brigatine.....original collections....a compound where they all live and work.... and noone has ever heard of them??? thats all....just wanted to meet them....and to see if they wanted to come out and play..... so take a step back...re-read all the posts....with a clear head...(a mug of beer helps)....and play...thats all.... and stop defending when noones accusing!!!!! thank you and goodnight
  9. you must've never met those damn dirty Beach Brothers then..... hey wait..... ah damn..... these guys seem after me own heart...and warshin habits
  10. i even had ball-holes in me britches.... but the capn made me sew them up.....
  11. i had somalia once....bad canned peaches
  12. i meant shoot the ARCHANGELS navigator....damn man has got most of us crewe land-locked..... ifn you folks were serious 'bout learnin/practicin some of the fights and sword bits....a trip to port royal may just have me leenin your way ... maybe i could be "loaned" to yer crewe for a tyme...at least for the cool trips anyways.....wonder what Cap'n Sterling would say on the matter??
  13. personally i usually bring my briki(greek coffee pot)....and make greek coffee at events....wife being greek/macedonian and all....sorta developed a taste for it...i also like bitter beer which i think helps.... course if'n ya ask me father-in-law(macedonian coffee)....hasnt changed in over a thousand years....why mess with perfection??? may have a point...and after ya drink your cup...gotta read the grounds at the bottom...as long as ya havent drank them too(i'm still learnin to stop before the sludge....much to my in-laws delight)
  14. oh yeah...definately want one of thoes.....
  15. damn....you guys are just cool.... mayhaps i should be swappin crewes??...best we go is to hot places when its hot...and cold rainy places when iots cold and rainy!!! or mayhaps we should just shoot the navigator??
  16. oi...newly wed....are ya drinking a glass a day fer 30 days fer luck in the new marriage???...you know the honeymoon?????.... tried that for my first marriage...ended in disaster....so i tried drinking UZO for 30 days....now i am married to a greek!! damn guys...i actually like chaucers...if you guys make it better still...than you'd best be bringing some for the trip to NC......
  17. poppiessssss!!!!!!!!!!! ooops.....wrong post.... ssshhhhhrrrrrooooommmmmmssssss!!!!!!!
  18. heard a rumour from a man who heard it from fellow who swore it was tru..... ya had died of thirst!!!! but glad there were 7 stout women there ta carry ya home.... SLAINTE!!!
  19. ok...fine ....you talked me into it.... if'n yer hav'n such a hard time cleaning yer nasty smellin clothes.... and as i have absolutley no intention of ever washing mine....as i assume the Mr.Kate will have as well.... we'll just have to put ALL the clothes in the trailer to air out for the ride down(over) to Beufort..... and ride there ......nekid
  20. speculate all you want..... ...long as the smile is on MY face......
  21. o'course...you'd actually have to SHOW UP to an event....hence me first post......
  22. Mathusala Aliuitious d'Dogge(pronounced de DO-shay) wot the hell are you guys talkin about?? just seemed to longwinded to type that all the tyme.... M.A.d'Dogge just seemed easier..... you guys just jealous..... so...heres to all the MAD's out there.... WE'RE MAD AS HELL AND WE JUST WONT TAKE IT NO MORE!!!! slainte!
  23. oi..a man thats too clean...caint be trusted.... their just tryin to hide sumpthin....
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