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Everything posted by theM.A.dDogge

  1. bosun.....boatswain coxsun....coxswain......!?!?!? Davey Jones.....divey(spirit/ghost of) Jonah where do ya think these words came from???...proper english?....poorley pronounced misinterpruted english??
  2. Who ever said that those "damn Beach Boys" wern't cuddley....??? ....NOT ole'JACK....!?!??!
  3. Coffee......Arabic with Cardomon...Turkish...Greek with Sugar(cut from a sugar cone)....then some watered down kind(american i think)...all coffee came with a free Coffee Ground Reading....oooooooohhhhh
  4. Tiger Bill Bess & Tiger Bill Tyburns Drop
  5. a special thanks to the motley crewe of the River Pirates....for always thinkin of us and asking our crewe to participate in the Battles.... 'course...you folks were shootin at us...and clubbin us with oars...tryin to stab us...and firin the cannons at us....so we took that as an invite...!?!?
  6. you my dear...are a real character.....tehehehe
  7. i have Tiger Billies.....and he dont know i gots em....How much you offerin?? ps....i gots some nasty arse wig....thinks its a Rats...how much??
  8. thats funny...i am doing the complete oppisite...paynestown is by far closer to me.....ha!?!
  9. dunno?....did i get invited back?? ...wait...did i get invited the first time??.... kinda not really almost maybe thinkin about it...... .......waitin for the Sterling chap to sweetin the pot.... i do like to see the Captain squirm...
  10. i find myself in aggreement with this Mr.Tignor sir.....for the very same reasons.....in the Archangel crewe...we strive not to look like each other...or wear the same garments or wepoans etcetc...so that we may show the variety and subtle-t's of the era....the more not like evryone else the better....and i allready have pewter on mine...soo there... i say the dorset.... wait...do you have any Pewter Dorset buttons??
  11. ahhh, Master 'Dogge Ye never know where I might show up I might be at PIP, I might be at Blackbeards, I might be at the Lock house, I might be at yer back door or hiding in yer car that is the pleasure of me character, ye never know where I might appear. Animal that reminds me...i need to spray for vermin...
  12. go easy??...go easy???...i haven't even started yet!!?!? i too know the trials and tribulations of trying to have the best dang event possible...and costantly having your legs kicked out from underneath ya from ...the folks who give the oks'...who simply have no idea what the hell your tryin to do or understand where your comming from...can be a daunting venture to be sure. but it is this very reason...that you...i ...and others who take up the reins as it were...and speaking for the rest of us... be the liason 'tween the ones on their side of the desk and ours.....and not just reach some kind of compromise...but an understanding...that we wiill not be ruled by those who dont try and understand the goals and accomplishments of the community as a whole....lest we are all the worse off for it. so, in short,(too late)...no....i will not be easy on you...or any other event coordinator...including myself and those of my crewe...in our venture ...to be always dilegent in pushing the bars of our hobby/craft..... i beleive this was allready demonstrated at your event(as an example)...with our hanging...where before it was even seen...ha dmisgings and those against it....but when it was performed....not only was it accepted...but asked to do it again!!!....this has happend nearly evry event we have used the HANGING in several different genres...for the past 12 years...oofff.....and the outcome is always the same...oncet seen.....loved it.....why??...because now they understand it. imagine all the things that could be accomplished...if first we are allowed to try it...then after a descision could be had....insted of just saying....nope in the begining...how much time that would save. *side note** these oppinions are for every event...not one in paticular nor any event organiser in paticular....i and the crewe of the Archangel have always supported Nathaniels's endevours as well as the event itself...and only due to scheduling conflicts...have decided to split up he crewe in attendance....and will continue to supprort both Nathaneils and the Paynestown event in the future. this soapbox...was for all events together...past and future...and as a reminder for those who run them....that you are our liasons...and all your efforts are greatly apprechiated...if not for you (s)..then we would not have any events to call home. end of side note...resume soapbox.....
  13. so...once again....its the issurance companies fault!! this is whats gets my goat.... everyone wants to improve saftey...we all agree that we dont want to see anyone get hurt...or hurt anyone...or get hurt ourselves....given....but sometimes the changes to saftey just make other injurries!? for example...off topic.....i climb telephone poles fro a living....have for 15 years now....every year...there are changes to how we do it...and our equipment...for saftey...what we have found is that the new improved changes...actually caused more severe injuries...than the original ideas...so in the 15years...we have come full circle...this years new improved changes are.....go back to what we did 15 years ago...they were fine the way they were!?!?!! i fully understand the NEED for certain saftey practices...as well as advocate them..but what we cannot have are the insurance companies running our events...we cannot have a few running the majority....we cannot have those who cannot teach...in a seat of leadership.....otherwise all of these hobbies will be run into the ground. we should always question our methods...as well as those of others....to seek improvements into our hobby....but please i beg you....make sure they are truly improvements....and not (once again)...a way of strangling the events steps off soap box....and falls of pole...ooof
  14. good riddance to bad rubbish says i...... ...be off wit ya now...an be quick about it!!.... ...wait.....he's comming CLOSER this way!??!.... ahem... ....my good sir....ahem....i....i..... oh...VIRGINIA.... ...still far from me....whoah....that was a close one. aye Cappy....heard ya goinna need to whip him into shape.....you goinna need to borry me WHIP!?!?.....
  15. good look...nice shot...very ominous....errr...or is that yur upbeat happy go lucky look??
  16. is taht a really big basket??...or do you have really small hands?? really like that one...whats the ball park figure for sumpthin like that??
  17. theM.A.dDogge

    Santa Maria: Columbus

    Columbus Ohio event aboard the Santa Maria
  18. From the album: Santa Maria: Columbus

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