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"Broadside" Long

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Everything posted by "Broadside" Long

  1. A grand place to visit, to be sure! Unfortunately, Mrs. Broadside might not agree! Thanks for the tip, however. Maybe, I can plan a 'business trip'. Arrrr! Broadside
  2. Just got back from a cruise in the western Caribbean. We set sail from Tampa (home of the Buccaneers!). Made port in Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands; Costa Maya and Cozumel, Mexico; and Belize City, Belize. Had a great time. Got to swim with STINGRAYS! in Grand Cayman and with some other fishes in Cozumel. Met an ol' mate in Georgetown, Grand Cayman. Here's a pic: Broadside
  3. Anyone else tried the 'Moonlight Becomes Ye' special feature? Just pop your POTC DVD into your PC and transform a digital image o' yerself into one of the cursed pirates. Here's what ol' Broadside looks like:
  4. Welcome Home mate, from an old soldier. Hope you enjoy the movie! Broadside
  5. Just thought I'd share some pics of the sash I just finished sewing. It is 10 inches wide and has 2 inch fringe. It's made from 2 yards of satin-backed shantung that I found on clearance at me local Jo-Ann's. I wasn't about to pay 40-60 pieces of eight for something I could figure out on me own. Hope ye like it! Broadside
  6. Just thought I'd share a picture of me latest sewing project (the sash). All straight lines so it required very little skill. Enjoy, Broadside
  7. Just thought I'd share a picture of me latest sewing project (the sash). All straight lines so it required very little skill. Enjoy, Broadside
  8. Just got a new suede hat. It's more of a musketeer style (I'm going for ye buccaneer look) with one side turned up. But it's a nice brown suede with brown and green ostrich plumes and a pheasant feather. It's an Excalibur Leather hat. Got it off Ebay for a pittance! Pics coming soon! Here's Luck, Broadside Well, mateys, here are the promised pics of me new hat. Hope ye like it! Broadside
  9. Zephyr, Sounds like a grand idea. I'm a new hand to the costumin' game, but showin' potential. BTW, sorry 'bout the tardiness of this reply, but me Grandma be in the infirmary. Please pray/think (whatever yer fancy) for her, as she is very ill. Many Thanks, Broadside
  10. Mates, Just order the "slops" pattern from Kannik's Korner. I'll let you know how it is and I'll try to post some pics of the finished product. BTW, any suggestions about color, material, etc? I be goin' for a 1660's era look. I think white is an authentic color, but I'm a dirty pyrate. Many thanks, Broadside
  11. El Pirata, It appears ye have more buried treasure than ye can keep up with, mate. A problem I bet we all wish we had. Cheers, Broadside
  12. A lot of the first buildings along the coast of Georgia (and throughout the rest of the Southeast, I think) were made of "tabby". It was made with crushed oyster shells. Made for some interesting textured buildings. Broadside
  13. Ah now, ya got me all excited and then it wasna t'be. I've been looking for the dutch cutlass that Museum Reps had a couple of years back. A really sweet shell guard with knuckle bow on about a 28 inch curved blade. It appeared in their catalogue for about 2 issues and was gone. Never been able to find one since. Hawkyns Hawkyns, I know the cutlass yer lookin' for mate. Follow the link. Too many pieces of eight for this pyrate, but very cool lookin'. It's at Dutch Cutlass. Also check out the Dusagge Cutlass. This is the cheapest place I've found it. I want one, bad. Arrrrr! Broadside
  14. That's all I be needin' a cutlass for as well. Don't do much combat. Just need somethin' that's gonna look cool. Thanks for the info. Arrrrr! Broadside
  15. Pictures! Let's see some pictures, mateys! Broadside
  16. I was goin' for ye mid-17th century Buccaneer/Sir Henry Morgan look, etc. so I went with the cavalier/musketeer hat. Although I like the tricorn look, they were from a later period as Hawkyns was kindly pointed out. BTW Hawkyns, thanks for yer info on the history of the Musketeer hat. I didn't know that. Arrrrr! Broadside
  17. Don't forget Anne Bonny and Mary Read, two tough women pyrates. Arrrr! Broadside
  18. El Pirata How do ye like yer new cutlass? How's the quality and such? I be in the market fer a new cutlass meself. I was thinkin' about the one you have or the Dutch cutlass from Loyalist Arms. Much Obliged, Broadside
  19. I'd be mighty interested to see some o' the hats you good pyrates got from Jastown and hear about what you think about them. A pyrate never can too many hats. Much obliged, Broadside
  20. Saucy K, Set a course for Harper House. They have many, many, MANY patterns ranging from medieval to early 20th Century. They have a pattern by Costume Connection called "Cavalier Woman" that might be your cup o' rum. Here's Luck, Broadside
  21. Just got a new suede hat. It's more of a musketeer style (I'm going for ye buccaneer look) with one side turned up. But it's a nice brown suede with brown and green ostrich plumes and a pheasant feather. It's an Excalibur Leather hat. Got it off Ebay for a pittance! Pics coming soon! Here's Luck, Broadside
  22. Birds don't like me for some reason. Not even my own pet birds. Maybe animals really can sense evil! Arrrr! Broadside
  23. Scupper, I'll try to be alongside on said date at the appropriate time. Here's Luck, Broadside
  24. Mates, Just picked up the aforementioned book about Cap'n Kidd. The full title is The Pirate Hunter: The True Story of Captain Kidd by Richard Zacks. I only finished the Prologue so far, (I'm a pirate, not a bloody clerk!) but I'm hooked. There's also a book comin' out Oct 21st called Return to Treasure Island and the Search for Captain Kidd by Barry Clifford. However, I want to read Booty: Girl Pirates on the High Seas by Sara Lorimer and Susan Synarski. ARRR! Sounds like a fine read! Here's Luck, Broadside
  25. Mad Kestrel and Captain Sage, I try to drop anchor at least once a year at the Carolina Ren Faire! Along with the rest of my crew. Maybe I'll hail ya this year if'n i sees ya! Here's Luck, Broadside.
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