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"Broadside" Long

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Everything posted by "Broadside" Long

  1. I'm 32. Gettin' pretty old. Pyrates of the Golden Age averaged 27 years. However, treachery and old-age will beat youth and enthusiasm any day. Cheers, Broadside
  2. Mary, If ye want to accentuate yer "treasure chest", they have patterns fer low-cut bodices that lace up under yer, ummm ... bosom, that will really put 'em out there instead o' covering 'em up. (Hope I don't sound uncouth). Try Simplicity pattern #9966 View A. It has just such a bodice. If that's not yer style, there are many different types of bodices if ye look around. Hope this helps, Broadside
  3. Per'aps Zath is right and the sleeve issue has something to do with which size was used. Seems like folks who used smaller sizes had more problems than those who made the bigger coats. Mine was a Large and I didn't have any problems, which I'm very surprised about. Cheers, Broadside
  4. Congrats, mate. That's a right nice find. Ye'll be apiratin' in no time. Cheers, Broadside
  5. I didn't have any problems whatsoever with the sleeves. I put the ease stitches in, but didn't use them. The sleeves went it perfectly. I wasn't too sure about the sleeve length at first, but now I like it and don't think I would want them any longer. I really didn't have any problems with this pattern. It was my first project of this scope, however, so maybe it was beginner's luck. Cheers, Broadside
  6. I don't hafta worry about where to keep me tankard since it's always in me hand. Arrrr! I'll drink to that! Broadside
  7. Try Simplicity, McCall's, and Buttericks patterns. They're not historically accurate, but are good if you're just looking for something to wear to the faire. Simplicity #9966 looks like about what you're wanting. You can look at it on their website www.simplicity.com. And if you have a Jo-Ann Fabrics near you, they regularly have specials on these patterns for 99 cents. Also, you might want to move this topic to the "Plunder" section. You'll probably get a lot more suggestions. Cheers, Broadside, his mark
  8. Thank ye again fer the kind words, Jill. Hobbes, what kind of tips are ye lookin' fer mate? Cheers, Broadside, his mark
  9. Well, I finally finished the coat. This is me wearin' it. Got it done just in time for Hallowe'en, unfortunately I won't be able to wear it. I sent some pics of it to my brother and unbeknownst to me, my 3 year old niece insists that he be a pirate for Hallowe'en (she's really into Peter Pan right now), so I (graciously, I thought ) offered to give it to him since he's been runnin' 'imself ragged tryin' to find one in Charlotte. Oh well, I'll just make another. Cheers, Broadside, his mark
  10. Great videos! I especially like the realistic recoil. Cheers, Broadside
  11. I gotta get me a pair o' these. I've been wearin' Vans since I was a kid. I haven't been wearin' the same pair since I was a kid, but the ones I have now are so beat up you might believe I did. Off the Wall, Broadside
  12. Congratylashuns, mate! Yer kit's comin' along nicely. I'm still workin' on mine. Per'aps I'll post some pics soon. Cheers, Broadside
  13. Thank ye fer the kind words, mates. To answer yer questions: 1. The fabric is 100% cotton. It's a very rough weave (I believe it's called hopsack or basket weave) and it weighs a ton. This jacket must weigh 5 lbs., but I wanted a heavy material. I found it in the value flat-fold section of Jo-Ann's. It was only $3.96 a yard and I had a 40% off coupon, so it only came out to $12 for 5.5 yards!. 2. The pattern said it would take 6.5 yards to make the Large size, but I had plenty left over from the 5.5 yards. 3. I guess the only thing I did different from the pattern was the faux buttonholes on the cuffs, pocket flaps, and front. I said I embroidered them instead of using the recommended braid. All I did was put the sewing maching on a very short stitch length (like .5) and zig-zag on the widest setting and followed the stitching lines. Hope that helps out, Broadside
  14. That is some DAMN fine work! Makes me wanna run out and get some more ink. Did you come up with that design on the spot? If ye did yer a creative genius. Arrrr! Broadside, his mark
  15. Thought I'd share with ye some pics of the coat that I am making from the "Jack Sparrow" Simplicity pattern: Close up of the cuff: I made some changes to the pattern. For example, I embroidered the decorative "buttonholes" instead of using braid. And I used really heavyweight fusible interfacing to give the cuffs that really stiff look that I wanted. I think they turned out pretty good. I think it looks more authentic. It's not quite finished so maybe I'll post some more pics when it's done. Hope ye like it, Broadside
  16. I believe my sash is about 11 feet long and about 11 inches wide. I double fold it, wrap it around myself and tie like a karate belt, only on the side instead o' the front. I'm not sure but I think I used 2 yards of standard width fabric split lengthwise 3 times. I then sewed the 3 lengths together end-to-end to make one really long piece. Hope that makes sense and here's a pic of the finished product: Cheers, Broadside
  17. Take a few yarns twisted together and burn using a candle. Observe the behavior of the yarns as they approach the flame, while stationary in the flame, and withdrawing from the flame. Cotton approaching should ignite at first contact. While stationary it will burn rapidly and withdrawing from the flame it should smolder, glow, or smoke. They odor (that Master Blackjohn spoke of) should be like burning paper or leaves and the ash should be very little and soft gray. Silk should draw away from the flame when approaching it, melt or burn while stationary, and self-extinguish when withdrawn from the flame. The odor should be of burned feathers of hair (Master Blackjohn, again) and the ash should be crushable, black, and brittle. Hope this helps mate! Cheers, Broadside, his mark
  18. I'm workin' on it right now, Charity. (Well, not RIGHT now! 'Cause I'm chattin' with you fine folks.) Anyhow, it's time consuming what with all the material that needs to be cut, etc. I haven't run into any major problems putting it together , but I hafta agree with Capt. Grey that this pattern runs very large in my opinion. I be 5'10", 196 lbs. with a 42-42.5" chest and the XL coat is MASSIVE on me! O' course I didn't realize this until I had already cut everything out and sewn some of it together. Oh well, back to the drawing board, or cutting table in this case. Hope this helps, Broadside, his mark
  19. Congrats again, GOF Just in time to sew your new togs in time fer Hallowe'en! Cheers, Broadside, his mark
  20. A true pyrate can never have enough plunder (rum, weapons, garb, etc.) and I'm no exception. I look fer garb that'll work in a number of different scenarios and time periods that way I don't hafta buy new stuff if I wanna be a cavalier, Scot, or whatever. Also, taught meself how to sew and that cuts down on costs considerably, that way I can save me money fer the expensive stuff that I haven't figured out how to make yet like weapons and boots. Cheers, Broadside, his mark
  21. I was plagued by bullys when I was in high school. Wasn't much of a fighter at 5'10" and 130 lbs. either. But my favorite "retort" began with an F and ended with a U... with some other letters in between. Sometimes you get yer @$$ kicked, but you just might earn some respect, too. Good luck mate, Broadside P.S. I'm not sure where ye live mate, but if he's usin' words like "mong" and "mosha" maybe he's "special". In that case, let him have his fun.
  22. Your name Occupation Gunner Ship Name Shinigami # of ships you sacked 259 How you died A cannonball in the gut Lived by the cannon, died by the cannon. They don't call me Broadside for nuthin'! My Homicidal Rampage Weapon of Choice: Agent Orange Your Favorite Target: Tourists Your Kill Count: 1,924,476,081 Your Battle Cry: "Moo!" Years You Spend in Jail: 39 How Much Money In Damages You Cause: $23,049,297,468,859 Your Homocidal Insanity Level:: 97% Sounds 'bout right! Cheers, Broadside, his mark
  23. Those contacts are too cool! Now, o'course, I'm forced to try to paint the Jolly Roger on me own contacts. I 'ope yer happy! Cheers, Broadside, his mark
  24. I was in Grand Cayman just before I went to Belize (on a cruise). We swam with the stingrays also. The people were also very friendly and I hate that they got blasted by Ivan. Now Ivan has his sights set squarely on some property owned by Mrs. Broadside's relatives. Hope they can weather the storm. Cheers, Broadside
  25. "Do not vex me, ... or I shall have you dragged awhile." -Cunningham in Rob Roy. Countess Mondego: "Is the Viscount Tourville dead?" Count Mondego: "Unless his heart is situated somewhere other than the left side of his chest, I suspect he is." (just after he killed Tourville in a duel) -The Count of Monte Cristo Cheers, Broadside
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