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"Broadside" Long

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Everything posted by "Broadside" Long

  1. Tar Bucket Bill, Thanks to ye for the link to the fabric website. I'll be addin' it to me Favorites, ya kin lay to that! Broadside
  2. That sounds great, capnweaver. I love vintage fabrics and I'm sure the fading gives it a more authentic "scurvy" appearance. If that's what you're after. Here's Luck, Broadside
  3. Scupper, Sounds great. Let's see some pictures, mate. Broadside
  4. Arrr! Right you are, Cap'n! Weren't usin' me head. Broadside
  5. John, Thanks fer ye warning about Lords Armoury! Couldn't have come at a more opportune time. I was just anchored at their website last night looking at that cutlass! Sounds like they be the real pyrates! Here's Luck, Broadside Long
  6. cap'n weaver, I can't take credit for being the first scalawag to post a link to that website. But yer welcome just the same! "Broadside"
  7. Cap'n Cronus, I'm sure someone else suggested this earlier, but try jastown. They have a nice tricorn for only $35! Not to mention other 17th-18th century clothing including cravats and jabots for the aforementioned "cap'n" look. Here's Luck, "Broadside" Long
  8. Captain Cronus, Set a course for www.scaboots.com. They have 3 styles of cuffed "piraty" boots for blokes and one style for wenches. Sail on over and check 'em out. Best of all, their boots are all under $100 so you'll still have plunder aplenty left for carousin' and debauchery. Here's luck, "Broadside" Long 1st Mate, Cutlass Supreme
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