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Lucky Penny Hawkings

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Everything posted by Lucky Penny Hawkings

  1. Yie! Would be a bad thing t'stumble off, it would.. Thank ye, my Cap'n!
  2. ARRRR! Bloody octopus took all th' character outta me coat! It's me tradmark 'tis! Kidding! My GODS that was bloody amazin'! *falling over into hysterics*
  3. Wow. Th' LandShark's going t' be a lovely marvel when yer done with it, Quill! I say the FakeGerman sign I quoted for ye should go near the "cannons" Hee. "Der BiggenBoomen is nicht fur gefingerpoken und mittengrabben!"
  4. Buttons try me patience. An' for some o' the things I be plannin' to make *cough*NorringtonCoat*cough*, I'll be needin' far too bloody many!! The one I 'ave already has about 15 or so . An' it actually needs more. Oh..an' before anyone asks at Ojai...aye, it's meant to not be hemmed!
  5. So am I the only one knee-deep in me piratical fabrics at th' moment? It seems I'll never get t' the bottom of it all, then again, may'aps I don' wanna! I figured I'd share a table with those that're slavin' over their machines an' see what we're all makin'. Pirate wares are good, others I'm 'appy t' take as well. My latest bit is addin' some stripes onto me very rough an' tumbled pirate jacket front..it needs 'em as well on the sleeves, but I'm pressed for time as it bloody well is with all sorts o' stuff. Wanna try to touch up a few items for Ojai if at all possible. I won' even touch Halloween. My bloody word...
  6. Got wind of this last night.. I think I might have seen her once, but at a distance. She'll definitely be missed...
  7. Last I saw it be 'angin' in th' galley, unless ye moved it...or the sea did! Or did the bloody monkey it came from steal it?
  8. Avast, Lucky Penny! I'm sure ye'll be excited ta' know that Jason Isaacs, ol' Lucius Malfoy hisself'll be playin the part o' Hook in th' new Peter Pan. :) Ohyes..I am very much aware. Lucius is my favorite, favorite enough that I made his costume. However, I think Jason does a much MUCH better job..
  9. Press gangs are fun! A bloody lovely way t' bring on recruits! They 'ave t' suffer wearin' me scarf though.. an' as Luck would 'ave it, I jus' washed it... I do need another one, however. Pullin' my sash off durin' a press gang was bloody difficult. I be lookin' too much like Cap'n Sparrow fightin' with that sword in th' door...
  10. I KNEW I called 'm Demon Monkey for a reason!!!!!! Anythin' going wrong of late, I blame it on that vile beastie. Keys missing? "Bloody monkey.." Paper jam in the office? "The monkey did it..." Rum gone?" MONKEY!!!" Did I mention that I 'ave a stuffed monkey 'ere that I need t' put clothes on? Maybe even in time for th' weekend? I shouldn' bring 'im with me eh? Might give ye nightmares....
  11. At least a pirate readin' Harry doesn' need a readin' lesson I'm a proud piratical reader of Mr. Potter...an' proud t'call m'self one 'ell of a Slytherin! An' not jus' cause I look good in green an' silver
  12. *snickering madly!!* Actually..here's a thought I had.. The Disneyland exhibit addresses Jack's compass as a "Cursed Compass"..at least, going by one of the pictures that someone took. Now..let's go with the remarks about the compass in the movie..the commentary was that the compass "didn't point north". Some would consider that broken. Gibbs, however, makes the statement about "well we aren't trying to find north, are we?" Now..let's go to the very end of the movie..with the monkey. He swipes a coin. That's all we see. The point? I would say that the monkey and the compass are "guides" to tempt people into finding the treasure, then taking it so they are tricked into the curse. That's the very VERY short theory. I also have a sub-theory on one needing the monkey or the compass to find the curse as well as the coordinates. Afterall, the two main people who could navigate themselves (or others) to the Isle had either the monkey or the compass with them.
  13. Ah, a pirate o' me home port, ye are! Well, former home port, the one o' me raisin' before I got the travellin' itch... Could swear there was SOMEBODY about from that area....
  14. Well, if ye find yerself bein' sneaky an' thinkin' ye can come down, do it! I'm sure we couldn't be TOO hard to find...
  15. Throw me wishes in too, Quill! Bloody..I forgot 'bout this...coulda added a bit o' somethin' to it too, but it looks like the wee one'll be lootin' mighty well as it is...
  16. *LOL* "Oh, I left pins in the inseam again, did I?" "Why yes, that coat is SUPPOSED to drag on th' deck, mate. It's the latest fashion from London. Trip over it, ye say? Yer a pirate, ye 'ave such lovely reflexes." "No, th' stripes don' make ye look fat..." *cough**cough* As for that wee bit o' short in th' crotch problem? Oh m'sure there's a way it can be fixed....tricky, aye, but do-able....oddly 'nuff, somethin' I 'aven't done yet. M'used t' buildin' stuff, not so much tearin' it apart.. Chances are ye'll likely need some o' the same fabric...or somethin' similar that no one 'll notice bein' patched in.
  17. Ah, but bein' a seamstress is a lovely cover, dont'cha think? No one would ever know th' wiser that I'm dangerous!
  18. *LOL* I don' think a few messages will hurt us much, an' if all else fails, someone will flog us! Went to school at Michigan State, have a degree in Telecommunications..ye ol' emphasis on video production. Took several classes on film theory, which more or less translates to watching movies and writing papers on things like hidden meanings of objects (say, the sled in Citizen Kane) an' stuff like that. The things ye never really look for when yer watchin' a movie, all the sudden yer prof wants a five page paper on it! M'better off as a pirate, I am. ARRRRRR!
  19. Not so much a genius as having seen the movie....five? Six times? That, and having a bit o' film study under me belt, I 'ave a habit o' lookin' at stuff that others tend t' miss...an' missin' things other find because I'm too busy not seein' th' forest for th' trees!
  20. Can you actually fit all of that on the spine of a jewel case? *makes mental note for next software release* *LOL* If ye make th' letters small 'nuff, ye probably could!
  21. Shoulda lined up the 'ole crew that way, Captain. In one brief moment, you could've redefined "broadsides." I dunno.... I think if I was t' flash me bum at anybody, I'd be blindsidin' 'em an' not broadsidin' 'em.... For th' sake of all involved, I am glad m'knickers stayed right where the were.. O'course, I was still at work when the first (and more infamous) pass of Lady Lola occurred...so...
  22. My provisions haven't been unpacked from last weekend yet! Though I will have to be makin' a few adjustments for the upcomin' weekend.... That roughly translates to yes, there looks to be a Lucky Penny on the horizon to Ojai!
  23. It's all about how the coin is handled. Will and Elizabeth did not steal the coin from the chest outright as Jack did. If you take it directly from the chest, you become cursed until all the coins come back and you give a bit of your blood. Mmmmm. I love to pick at plots :)
  24. There's a couple from Blackmore's Night that I can contribute right off of my head.. "Village on the Sand" and "Storm". The second one is less piratical as it is weather related, but I have it on my list of "Songs to Throw on a Quickie Pirate CD When My Computer Isn't Being a Bilge Rat".
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