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Lucky Penny Hawkings

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Everything posted by Lucky Penny Hawkings

  1. Lucky Penny's Bad Joke of the Day .... Humor me, oh those who might know this one or a variant.. So....Captain Jack Sparrow walked into a bar in Tortuga with the wheel of his beloved Black Pearl dangling around his waist. He promptly swaggered over to th' bar and sat down, flagging the bartender for a drink. The bartender gives him a lookover, an' he says, "Cap'n, 'as somethin' come over ye? Ye got th' wheel o' th' Pearl tacked on to yerself!" "Aye, mate," ol' Jack replied. "An' it's been drivin' me nuts!" Did I not tell ye, mates?
  2. Aye Gent, I 'ave t' agree with ye there.... I'm sure that people will look at me funny when I grab the DVD up an' go "ARRRRRR! It's mine ye landlubbers!"
  3. All th' sudden, I'm startin' to think of the pirate version o' the movie "Friday"... "I know ye ain't no pirate..but I'm gettin' ye on th' ship..because it's Friday, ye ain't got no job, an' ye ain't got nothin' ter do!!!"
  4. Oh how temptin' it would be...though many o' my jabs no one'd get, so I'd be the only one laughin' Hate it when that happens... As for the sequel..oh do I 'ave m'theories already. We're gonna be seein' that beastly monkey again. Lil' blighter...
  5. Ye picked a lovely place to start if yer lookin' to be properly (or improperly) educated Watch an' learn, luv...an' ye'll pick up an' awful lot from the people here! There be those who are far more than fans here, an' their knowledge is worth tippin' yer ear to. When yer done with Scupper's grog, I 'ave some lovely Private Stock that I'm willin' to share..
  6. That ye did, Cap'n. That ye did! An' look! Yer grinnin'! That could only be meanin' trouble, it does! ARRRRRR!
  7. *LOL* An' I be one without an inkmark on 'er! Mind ye, that doesn't mean that there isn' a bit o' metal in my navel t' make up for it, but I 'aven't found anythin' of an inky persuasion that I really wanted put on me for good. That might change in th' future...but I dunno when!
  8. An' let's hope that they're GOOD ones.. It would not 'elp to 'ave a bunch o' rotten pirate movies come out all the sudden.
  9. Gah. I think m'fingertyper is fried from the drool that starin' at the Harper's Ferry caused... *smacks own hand* Christmas, Lucky. Christmas.....
  10. Too much rum? Impossible! Now sleep on the other hand....
  11. Yer spoilin' me rotten, Cap'n...ye know that, right? *big cheesy grin!*
  12. Mmm.... *glassy eyes* Boom! Did I mention Boom? I think as soon as I return from my birthday trip I will start the search..no spending money on kitschy Disney garbage... Okay, well, maybe that pirate antenna ball I saw someone have a while back. But it would be nice to have a car to put it on!
  13. I believe that was EXACTLY what it did. And I had to take a moment to go "Wow. That was bloody loud! I want one!!!" Now how could I forget that??? *ahem* ARRRRRRRRR!
  14. I think the list above hit all the ones I could think of.. Plus, there be Peter Pan coming for Christmas. Jason Isaacs as Hook... .... .... .... Sorry, Mates, I was distracted. Ever since that blighter was Lucius Malfoy I sort of have a habit of starin' at his eyes.... Bad Lucky! *swats forehead*
  15. 'Appy Birthday, luv! *slides over the Private Stock* It's a new bottle, I 'aven't even tapped it! *hic!* That was the other bottle...
  16. Speakin' of coins... I'm contemplatin' the idea of having the closest thing to a "penny" that I can wear...being a "lucky penny" an' all, it would seem fitting to have something along those lines hangin' about me neck I have a very nice coin that was given to me by a friend, but a) it's a gift, and I don't feel right drillin' a hole in it, and b ) it's not a penny (or similar)! I'll have to take a look at some o' the stuff comin' up in here...
  17. I do have to add a couple o' bits of my own memories to the day that I realized I didn't....I'll be as brief as possible Memory #1: Lucky Penny Hawkings and The Twisty Stairs of Evil Mates, I've never seen a set of stairs so narrow! They were barely over a foot wide, I swear! Going up the stairs was hard enough; we made far too much racket for our own good...going DOWN them? Even more a fright. Needless to say yours truly 'ad a considerable time makin' her way down, what with the ol' cutlass an' all. Mutterin' and janglin and tryin' ever so hard not t' bang about! How I managed t' beat Quill an' Saber to the Birthday Boy was beyond my understandin'! Memory #2: Dude, where's my press gang? So as mentioned, by the lovely Quill, yours truly spent some time makin' sure that our prisoner didn't try to make some dramatic escape off of a balcony. So what's the Lucky Penny t'do in this situation? Here's the rough summary: *Lucky Penny an' the Prisoner, standin' in a hallway, face t' face, the Penny brandishing her cutlass* Me: "Yer not plannin' to run off now, aye?" Him: "Er..no." Me: "GOOD!" *pause* *blink* *looks in the hallway behind her* *look at the kid* "They're takin' a bit..." *peer down the hallway again, pensive fidgeting ensues* Me: "Yer sure now? I don' wanna 'ave t' chase ye.." *pause, look AGAIN* "Bloody..where in blazes are they? Worse than that Sparrow fella, I tell ye.." *sound, finally, of incoming backup* Me: "Aha! That's it..." *run to the only way he can get out, stick the cutlass up like a gate, grin like a blinkin' idiot* Memory #3: That's my line..or is it? There were a set of girls talkin' before we set sail a wee ways away from where I was standin', and I could hear them going through the lines of a scene from POTC. For your amusement: Girl: "...he says 'Where'd you get all these swords?' "I made 'em! And I practice with them three hours a day!' " Me: *while leaning over towards them, just off the shoulder of one, in the closest thing to a Jack Sparrow voice a pirate wench can have* " 'Ye really need t'find yerself a girl, mate...' " I think one jumped a bit. :) Memory #4: Yo ho ho..that's my coat! This one's kind of a funny, more personal one..but there was a point where we were sailing that I happened to be looking off at something behind me, when I caught this movement outta the corner of my eye. Look down, and there's the tails of me coat, flutterin' all dramatic in the wind-like. I don't know why..but it just made me all grinny and happy. An' not one button fell off. ARRRR!
  18. So if someone asks why yer rum is gone, we know who to point at, aye? Bloody Birds.. ...or may'aps monkeys? Aye! Bloody MONKEYS! The same ones that did naughty things to yer camera! ARRRRR! I'll catch the wee blighter t' be sure if I see'm!
  19. As I told ye, good Cap'n, it was an amazing day, to be sure...to be out there on the ever-so-lovely Royaliste! An' I'm honored as anythin' t' be one o' yer official types..Y'got this pirate beamin' from ear t' ear again! *elaborate bow!*
  20. Woohoo, Quill! Sink one for me, will ye? I'll be in the city on Friday wishin' my schedule would revise itself..... I might 'ave some old bills floatin' around 'ere.. The weekend has been pried free an' clear, however....
  21. Wanting to go. Will have to take a look at the travel arrangements and such...Plus...the last payment on my birthday vacation kind of put this lass a bit low in the purse. Bloody 'ell. An' when it's full, it makes such a good weapon *sniff!*
  22. Ohyes. "Like the rose garden? Look closer, luv..oh...what's this, a blade too? Oh how did -that- get wedged in ye like that hmm?" *innocent eyeflutter* We lasses can be quite the dangerous folk
  23. I will confess to being in the midst of stealing clothing ideas from Jack Sparrow at the moment, and no one has so much as blinked an eye. I think there are quite a few of the women here who raid the closets of menfolk for their piratical clothing, so your lady should be fine
  24. *happy sniffle* Awww.. thought o'me ye did... As for the talkin' right bit..that'll be fixed soon enough I'm sure.
  25. Got some housework and some sewing to do. Mostly fix-up work. Figure it might be good to get it all done before Halloween... Waiting patiently for a coat pattern to arrive so I can start a few other things. So many projects, so little time...
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