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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. Today is my 16th wedding anniversary. Woohoo. My hubby is busy working on his seabag and I'm working on a haversack. We're just saving our celebrating for PIP.
  2. . Thanks Jenny, I'll have to give it a try.
  3. I'm finished shortening my shifts and petticotes. Yay. Now I have to start sewing the eyelets on my stays. I'm a little nervous about screwing it up. I did a couple of practice ones and they came out ok, but to actually do it on the stays ....... Hmmmmm, now I'm wishing I had more things to shorten.
  4. I'm almost finished shortening my shifts and petticotes. Hurray. I can't wait to be finished.
  5. When I was a young lass, I married a man that I loved very much and I thought loved me in return. I knew he had a previous relationship with another woman and I was led to believe that was behind him. About 1 year into our "marriage", I started seeing a strange long distance phone number on our bill (there was no internet at the time) and decided to call it. I can't even begin to tell you how hurt and devistated I felt. He kept telling me they were "just friends", he "needed someone to talk to". I thought that's what he married me for. To be friend, wife, lover, etc..... Needless to say, he never was truely over her and our marriage ended a short time later. My point to this story is that I've been on the other foot, as I'm sure many other here have been as well, and it hurts like Hell. I couldn't get over the betrayal of trust, amongst a host of other things, that a marriage is supposed to be built upon. Does you wife know how you feel about this other person? If she doesn't and she finds out, I'm fairly certain she won't be too happy about it. Or, maybe she does know and is ok with it? How much are you willing to risk? Edit: Sorry, not trying to sound preachy, just thought you might like to hear a story from the other side. Good luck to you.
  6. I guess I can do that. As I stated in an earlier post, every year at out yard haunt, people always ask if we accept donations. Up until now, we have always said no. Well, this year we decided to put out a small donation cauldron and send the money to Syren. I'm very happy to say we raised $99.18. I really wish it had been more. Many people commented that it was too small or I should have had posters or things of that nature out. Lessons learned...... I believe something similiar may be set up at PIP. Since I'll be there, I will gladly beg, badger and pick any pocket I have to to raise more money. Ok, stealing may be crossing the line, but you get my drift. I made some extra haversacks and my hubby made a bunch of fids to give away in the hopes that people will offer money and then we will add it to the pot as well. Maybe we can do a holiday drive?????
  7. This afternoon we had a rib eye roast coated in ancho chili and cocoa powder, (It sounds strange but it's really good), garlic mashed potatoes, sauteed mushroons and roasted asparagus.
  8. I'm sorry you still have your migraine. Here's a hug and a nice cool cloth for your head. I hope it goes away soon. Since my hubby is on midnights this week, I can finally start working on shortening my shifts and petticotes. He's been kind of hogging the sewing machine lately.
  9. Connect the .............
  10. Now that I'm finished taking out all the winter clothes, I'm sorting through my summer things to take to PIP. My hubby was so nice to me today, he sewed the button holes on my short jacket for me. I really hate button holes. Now he's busy making a sea bag.
  11. Multiple choice test
  12. Stuffed. My mouth is still burning from eating Mexican food. Congrats on the new washer and dryer. I keep wondering how much longer my washer is going to last. It usually sounds so horribly loud with all it's clunking and banging, I'm surprised it's still hanging in there.
  13. Hmmm, parsnip soup??? Sounds kinda interesting. I think...... I don't know if I would make it myself but I'd be willing to try it. I made Thanksgiving cut-out cookies with my 10 year old neighbor today. What fun and what a mess we made. Needless to say, I'm taking a break from cleaning up said mess.
  14. Tonight is mexican night. Woohoo. Burritos, Enchilladas, stufffed peppers, rice, beans..............Yum
  15. Awesome video. You both look so happy. I wanna play too.
  16. I just love the cowardly lion.
  17. Oh how I love a good waltz. "Lions and tigers and bears, oh my". Care to take a wild guess what I'm watching???
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