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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Ahoy, ducky! Glad t' have ye here on this wonderful Pub! Ye've come to th' right place! Illinois, says ye? Well, ye not be far from the likes o' me. And a few others here on th' Pub. I hail from Iowa, tis no secret now where I live... in that unfortunate washed out city of Cedar Rapids. I do hope t' cross paths with ye soon 'nough. There be plenty o' pirate events poppin' up 'round the midwest, too, lass. Now... since ye be new an' these gents failed t' pick up on that tradition... tis tradition that the newcomer buys us all a drink. So... I shall have my drink be HPNOTIQ if ye don't mind. But again, a hearty welcome to ye. And hope t' see ye in future events, lass! ~Lady B
  2. ::: with a wicked smirk; looks at the portrayer::: Ye've been discovered, mate. I said nothing. They know ye all to well. Oh, perhaps he'll return as Horatio Hornblower and his wily bunch of gents. ~Lady B
  3. Bored outta m' blessed mind! Lots to do, but absolutely have NO motivation to do it despite my dad coming to visit this weekend. NOT looking forward to his visit and pessimism. And some of this stuff that doesn't belong here... is not being moved out fast enough. ~Lady B
  4. Hmm... makes it far more difficult when camping - historical or modern - isn't allowed. Hotels are not cheap especially when traveling from so far away. This puts a damper upon attending the event. Hmm... will see now how it goes. ~Lady B
  5. Just watched about it on the World News on ABC. Sounded like it was a heck of a ride. ~Lady B
  6. Yuppers, Dutch. Most defintely noticed that. Thought that was a heck of a way to go to the bathroom! :::whimpers::: Torture, Rumba. Absolutely torture. :::le sigh::: too deprived here. Admittedly, would be nice to see another period film, especially a nautical one. I know "The Duchess" will be coming soon (if it's not out already). Eager to drool over men in breeches and the attire of the films. Oh, so glorious! ~Lady B
  7. Aye, the acetone works great thus far. I've the black dye but having troubles locating a red dye. Sucks when the only other leather store was washed out! Question though with the red dye. Good brand anyone recommends? And should I be concered about coloring if I want it to match or close enough to my crimson outfit? ~Lady B
  8. Oh, understand that one, Christine! Ditto here, the folks above me are spindlely Indians but they stomp around like a herd of elephants sometimes. Spooks th' crap out of me. Glad t' know ye all be fine. Shall be looking forward to hearin' 'bout it on the news. Dear God, yer startin' t' sound like Iowa! But instead of tornados and flooding... it's fires and earthquakes! ~Lady B
  9. ::le sigh::: wish I could have been there. Glad everyone had a fantastic time. Hopefully this will spawn more folks to be interested in doing a variety of eras (as coinage 'll allow) and both learn and portray history. Ooo! Ooo! Not sure if this was posted already, but spotted this on YouTube! A video up there of Reenactor Fest 2008! LOVE the interview with Mr Bellows though. Again, hotel room is booked, I'm already getting prepared for it, STILL working on that damnable gown I'm making for myself. At this rate I MIGHT have it finished. Can't say the petticoat will be completely quilted by then but at least the front will be. And the stomacher will be finished that's for sure. Just making sure I have enough fabric left over to have one of those new fabric shoes made by Fugawee to match the outfit. ~Lady B
  10. Double devil! Bo, wish I could enjoy some fun with ye and th' others, mate. Another time I suppose. PICTURES! Shall demand PICTURES upon following this event! See, this be the whole reason for my desire t' move closer to the Chicago and Milwaukee area! So I can be closer to do events such as this! ~Lady B
  11. ROTDLMAO!!! Well, said, Ransom!!! Neener neeer... So, Master Abdikarim... pray tell, then NOW ye managed t' escape from th' Warlords and the men who self proclaim themselves as the "police" of the vicinity? And pray tell, sir, who be yo'r benifactor in connecting to the World Wide Web. Hmmm... I assure ye, mates, the name is real enough. http://www.news24.com/News24/Africa/News/0...1880859,00.html The issue is, who be this impersonator portraying a man already captured. Now a man who goes by another name... that be a devilish ploy there I be more than willing to raise anchor and set sail with one who uses another to leave himself untraceable. Now, be this vessel ye spoke of... that fine French vessel that was commandeers but a few months back? If so, I'll be eager t' accomodate in releasing that said asset from thy hands. That is... until I gain th' vessels I so truly desire. ~Lady B
  12. The resounding "Oooooooooo" is heard from all here!!! Rock star? What th' devil be that? At th' risk of attempting to sneak us out of the US unnoticed by Homeland Security and untraceable practically, the escape off to the shores of a dangerous land with delusions of grandiuer in our heads in hopes that we won't be shot and killed or captured/arrested and taken to Guantanemo Bay... Have ye any brilliant ideas HOW t' make this a reality, good sir? Unless ye know how t' deal with those satelites up above th' earth and scramble the GPS systems... unless I be guaranteed that I shan't be findin' m'self swingin' from th' gallows or a bullet through m' heart... then this Lady won't be makin' such a venture yet. Unless if be more possible t' just disappear off th' face of th' earth. B'sides, ummm, ye might not be wantin' this Lady's mug followin' ye... or maybe so. Course, my goodness, what would those of the region state for a woman who is not Harem and out and about, mixing with the men, who is not in accordance to Allah? Hmmm? What more then would happen to ye, dear Abdikarim? Reputation lost, to be sure. But then again, I be th' type o' woman who hath no care for a religious "law" be they Hindu, Christian, Catholic, Muslim, etc. Know them an' honor them, but I won't abide by them t' rule this Lady's life. Now, would ye be willin' to allow a woman with such vinegar in her veins to roam free upon thy vessels at the cost of the Warlords havin' yo'r hide? What, pray tell, would be yo'r gain in such? ~Lady B
  13. Now, don't want t' fo'gets the Niagra & Pride o' Baltimore! I know there be a couple other vessels out there that I can't seem t' recall from atop m' head. Hell, th' rate this be goin'... there be a hell of a grand Tall Ships fleet based outta th' Americas!!! We need t' commandeer a couple other vessels that are right nice out of th' Caribbean, Gulf, and other areas of water between North and South America. I've seen some mighty fine pictures of some mighty fine tall ships, mostly wooden mind ye, that I know I'd fancy! Hmm... we need a whole thread or section/sub-forum for just the vessels of this wide world. ~Lady B
  14. M'dear Abdikarim, tis a loosin' battle with Sterling here. Mighty fine Pirate Hunter with his mighty fine crew. Tricks of the trade in stayin' alive around Captain Sterling. But I shan't be givin' 'em out. I dare say, religion has no basis here for me. Living in a community damn near washed away with all sorts o' religions. Now, this venture of yo'rs... if ye say who ye say ye are... why advertise here? Why risk yo'rself greatly in being tracked down, hunted down. As to Pirate Hunters... look at the global Naval powers in those waters. I consider those Pirate Hunters enough. Sickening that men and women hold that much money and wealth? Nay. I've seen them rise to the wealth and then see them fall. It's the wise ones like Trump whom I don't fear especially when he's bitching about oil prices, ye know he's on yo'r side. I don't seek to remove their wealth from them for the sake of bein' their savior into Heaven. Ye know damn well that there be one way t' get t' heaven and that's not by bein' righteous. Let th' damned Beckett wanna-be's do as they will. The issue is... yo'r ventures, be they for YO'R profit? I know ye state that ye do so t' be a Robin Hood to yo'r people. That sounds less like a pirate and more like some... wanna-be hero. Dear Abdikarim, Hang onto those vessels and items. Wait for Judgement Day when the Tribulation starts. Then, we shall see what happens. Ye still be upon this earth as I, THEN we shall hook up cause Lord knows I wish t' give the Anti-Christ Hell in those 7 years of Hell on earth. But, here... ye have struck m' curiosity as to WHY ye decided t' advertise upon this here PUBLIC Pub for all th' world t' see, and learn of who ye be, where ye are, etc? Does that not sound rather stupid a risk? And with we pirates, what share do we gain? Remember we be pirates... we abide by as what makes us what treasures we desire. Do ye understand the rights in crew with SHARES? Be this yo'r answer to a 2nd Golden Age o' Piracy, Master Abdikarim? Hmm? Ye've taken an incredible risk comin' here and state such. ~Lady B
  15. ::::whimpers:::: Ye sure know how t' make a lady drool an' whimper in want! :angry: ~Lady B
  16. I think in this case.... Pirate SPAM hunter. ~Lady B :angry:
  17. Poor Matusalem. Most definitely feel thy pain. But, could be worse... could be totally deprived of any tall ship. And I tell ye... tis torture to the soul. ~Lady B :angry:
  18. Aye, tis mighty nice, lass! Loves th' black necklace. Great pirate booty! ~Lady B :angry:
  19. Be ye kiddin'?!?! That type o' stuff I used upon m' nails a few times t' remove fignernail polish if needed! That be hilarious. But I shall take int' consideration th' protection. Thank ye, mates. ~Lady B :angry:
  20. I GOT's t' wish this gent a Happy Birthday! Why? He be usin' th' name BURGOYNE!!!! Ahhh, now, mate... be ye "related" t' Gentleman Johnny Burgoyne? But a merry Happy BDay to ye, piratical o' not. ~Lady B :angry:
  21. Hahaha... aye, Ransom. Tis funny actually in m' family. I guess will find out this weekend at m'cousin's wedding! :angry: But aye, the riders didn't quite expect the welcoming and the festivities. They were quite overjoyed. North Liberty committee plan to stick with the pirate theme cause it received such a great outcome and approval. Kudos to those of North Liberty. Again, thank ye. But I swears it, I had ye all in mind the whole o' th' day. Every one o' ye. Bein' m' piratical best in honor to ye all! ~Lady B
  22. :::le sigh::: I truly wish I could be there. Alas, unable to. Damnable! I swear one o' these years I'll make it. ~Lady B :angry:
  23. Sounds like a plan, mate. Tis th' hope that if I make it there, Master Greg aka Barbossa might be there. Now, I have t' make sure I've at least a bottle o' Pirate's Choice rum for th' devil. But again, never know if I will make it down. We shall see. Be there camping on the site? ~Lady B
  24. Cute, Kenneth. Thank ye, mates. I shall take a look for it 'round here. The leather places I am aware of were washed out so.... but there be rumor there be another one on the otherside of town NOT washed out. I'll give this a shot. I like my pair o' shoes and don't want to be rid of them. Figured attemptin' t' make them more of the old style might help... well, sort of. Thank ye, mates. Will give this a shot. Deglazer. Gotcha. I'm presumin' I'll be needin' protective geer t' do this? ~Lady B
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