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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. These are great recipes! Shall have to try them. keep 'em comin'! ~Lady B
  2. With a grand numerous pair of weathered eyes sharped enough to spot the finest of information on the World Wide Web... I'm looking for sheet music of period songs to learn on my viola and play at events. I do not mind if they are treble clef or alto clef (I've learned my Music Theory well, I can convert), just as long as they are period songs. As I said, would like to learn songs and play them at events. Thank ye most kindly, Pubmates. ~Lady B
  3. Be there sheet music somewhere of the music prior to 1720? Would LOVE to learn these on my viola and play them at events. ~Lady B
  4. Still around, still active but in dire need of events and crew! We DO have a functional website with all that you need to know and a Forum. I don't give up that easily, mates. ~Lady B
  5. Thank ye. Land sakes, have I missed this Pub! Great to be back with the lot of ye. ~Lady B
  6. Aye I remember ye. :) Welcome back! Appears some of the old Pubmates are returning. ~Lady B
  7. Ahoy to all! Apologies that I disappeared. One my wander off but they ALWAYS return! My thoughts have been occasionally on the Pyracy Pub for a while but life has a wonderful way of diverting one from places that matter with people who are brilliant. So, hopefully I shall be visiting the Pub more often. Nothin' beats this place. The past few years have been hellish at attending events but with gas down a little lower, I hope I can get back to events, too. I have a LOT of plans & still trying to keep the Resurrection alive but definitely in need of good folks willing and able to partake in events. I've begun learning the viola and am looking for sheet music (violin and/or viola) to play some tavern songs, period music, etc as demos at events. Despite life still being crazy (who's life is NOT crazy, as it gets busier and crazier the older we get)... I shall do my best to be on here more often. Those who do not know, I'm working in radio as an On Air Announcer, been branching out to volunteer in theater, and hoping someday soon to go into larger market Radio as On Air Talent as well as perform on more stages and other areas of Entertainment like TV and Film. Following that path that God is Gibbs Slapping me to do. Glad to be back, mates! ~Lady B
  8. PLUNDER ME CHERRIES!!! Aye, sounds good, too. Back as well. Glad yo'r back, too, m' Sister of the Sea! ~Lady B
  9. Belated entry into this topic... I have LOTS of goose quills that I make my own quill pens. But I do have a brass nib pen I obtained from Barnes and Noble that looks much like the old 17th/18th c styles, plus I have a simple wood stylus with interchangible nibs, also... obtained that from Barnes and Noble. But many of the 17th/18th c vendors/Sutlers like Jas. Townsend & Sons, Smiling Fox Forge, and G. Gedney Godwin would have these items, as would the Print Shop in Colonial Williamsburg. From time to time, some historical places MIGHT carry a quill pen. Ink however is in the powder. I obtain my ink from Barnes and Noble then I put it into a period container. Knowing what to look for... you can then find it anywhere. ~Lady B
  10. Belated birthday wishes to Oderlesseye. :: offers rum :: One of th' finest... and.. :: clears throat :: an incorrigible Libertine! ~Lady B
  11. Aye! A happy belated bday to the Corsair. ~Lady B
  12. Oooo... Right wicked there, Gertie. :) And a right good story there, too, Bright. ~Lady B
  13. Dare I say... I ADORE th' image ye have in your signature... of a certain masked gent playin' a violin? ;) :: sighs :: He be counted among us for sure! ~Lady B

  14. A belated welcome to thee, Sean. Glad t' have thee with us on this fine establishment. Shall have to look at yo'r link soon enough. Ahhh, ye've connected with a group! Right good! Right good! :) Goodness! Ye are an active one, aren't ye? ~Lady B
  15. A hearty belated welcome to ye, Jake! Glad to have thee numbered among us! Aye, an interesting bloodline! ~Lady B
  16. Many fine Bday wishes to ye both, Coastie and Ivan! :: offers rum :: ~Lady B
  17. RANSOM!!!! Happy belated Birthday to ye, fellow Midwestern Hurricane survivor. Aye, we survived Calypso's Fury that weekend, didn't we? Jill! Lass! Tis been a while! and happy belated Bday to ye as well! :: offers rum to both; and hoists etched glass high :: Cheers to ye both! ~Lady B
  18. Congrats to ye, Daniel! :) Hmm... a Pirate Lawyer... or Lawyer Pirate... Hmmm... :) Interesting ring to it. All th' best, m'dear. I pray ye find somethin' might soon! ~Lady B
  19. Thank ye all for the fine Bday wishes. Much appreciated. Oooh, how I have missed this place and many! Word of wisdom... do NOT get involved with family affairs! Don't get swindled to assist. I swears it! Unless ye want to put yo'r own life on hold for Lord knows how long! And now... I be partially out of that mess and starting to return to MY life and projects, etc. So... no.. the Navies nor Hunters have not captured me and hung me. No doubt the rumors have gone flyin' about circumnavigating the globe about my demise. I assure ye... the noose has NOT found m' neck nor will it ever! ~Lady B
  20. Aye! the BucCornEar Festival shall go on for another year! The first year was great! Truly enjoyed the radio production of "Treasure Island"! Join the Pirates and Buccaneers of the Resurrection for a weekend of devilishly good merriment the 3rd weekend of September - the 20th and 21st - in Helmsburg, Indiana. Granted, getting there will test the metal of yo'r Navigator, but tis worth it! To keep up to date with what's happening, check out their website: http://buccornear.webs.com/ or the facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BucCornEar?fref=ts Hope t' see ye there, mates! ~Lady B Oh, PS - yes.. there is historical camping!
  21. As of Sunday morning according to reports, no Captain Walbridge has not been found. That's a nice tribute, Sam. A reminder to all.... the Moment of Silence will be held at 6:30pm Eastern/3:30pm Pacific/11:30pm London to take a minute to remember the HMS Bounty, the late Claudene Christian and say silent prayers for Captain Robin Walbridge who is still missing, and the 14 Survivors of this tragedy. Keep spreading the word, my friends! Light a candle, ring a bell, blow your bosun's whistle, say prayers, or anything else before or after your minute of Silence. ~Lady B
  22. Many grand Birthday wishes to ye, GoF! And many rum blessings to ye, too. ~Lady B
  23. Ahoy, Braze! Happy Birthday to ye, m' good man! May it be a piratically perfect party for ye. ~Lady B
  24. Ahoy to all! We are all deeply saddened to hear of the tragedy of the HMS Bounty and the loss of Her endearing Captain, Robin Walbridge, as well as Claudene Christian. Join the many in remembering the ship and her lost crew in a time of a Moment of Silence. For more details, go to the event page on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/events/444101025648730/ Also, there is a link to the HMS Bounty's Facebook page. A Relief Fund has been established to help the surviving crew as well as the loved ones left behind by those lost at sea. ~Lady B
  25. AYE! Count me in! :) Always have enjoyed this in years past. ~Lady B
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