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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Oooo... well thank ye very kindly for th' info, sir. Will put this to m' crew and see who will attend. Anything to support this event (cause we want to attend it!). ~Lady B
  2. Aye! A very Happy Bday to ye, Lady Brower. Th' best o' wishes to ye on this special day. May ye obtain what treasures ye want. hehehehe ~Lady B
  3. :) Tis good to hear, Kate. I know, the Martha's are a nice pair. The heel is a nice wide heel for good stablity and distribution. ~Lady B
  4. Ah-ha. Well, thank ye most kindly for the image. It's very helpful. :) ~Lady B
  5. Anyone that trashes my bears gets it! :::whips out sword and pistol::: M' late Great Grandma (God bless her) made both of them for me. One of them being a homemade Care Bear - Tenderheart. Again... touch th' bears... YE DIE! :::le sigh; Brings in several pounds of Cookie Dough::: I'm realizing more and more WHY I am not married and now part of me is taking it quite well and glad. Damnit, where are the GENTLEMEN! Got word yesterday about my Cousin in Kentucky in a Domestic Situation to the point Divorce in emminant. Another Cousin may be Divorced, too. :::Shakes head::: the Hubbies of both cousins are absolute BOYS! They may be older, they may be men, they may have almost everything... but they sure as hell do NOT have what it takes to be a good man! Oh, it infuriates me. Ok... Enough with that. Men suck! Plain and simple. Men suck. :::Cookie dough around; several bottles of wine; Chocolate alcoholic truffles and bonbons:::: So, ummm... not sure what more t' do other than enjoy some good conversation with some of ye ladies. Porn? Oh... I won't even go there on that either. :::Evil looks to men::: Twisted *(#@*&$*(@!&^*@(*)$#&*#@... ~Lady B
  6. Fabulous Photos, Kate and Mickey. :) Looks like a fun time was had fo' sure. Hehehehe. Absolutely LOVELY mantua, Kate. Job well done, lass. And likewise with ye, Cheeky. Gorgeous mantua! Ummm... dare I ask who was th' big Ape dancin' 'round at the Ball? And fabulous weather t' boot this year, aye? Got lucky. ~Lady B
  7. :::Shakes head::: Don't be feelin' bad about that, Bo. I've spoken to several and saw their footwear from Fugawee before I purchased my pair. The Townsend ones I went out on a limb for. I don't like ordering online either, I prefer to see the item right there in front of my face before I make a purchase. But with these shoes, I went out on a limb for but not after doing some "research" on these products first. ~Lady B
  8. Ooo... thank ye, Foxe! This one I couldn't see when I googled. :) Amazing difference in these two pages than a couple other books. Nice detailed info there. Shall read what is written more when I have the opportunity. Have any of ye portraying Captain's kept a Log book? If so, what does it look like and what have ye written in it? ~Lady B
  9. So many bdays! Insane! Happy Bday to ye, Jacky. Hope ye had a fabulous celebration of yo'r day. ~Lady B
  10. Hmmm... good point, Mission. I don't remember my life before age 4. Earliest memories I have at that age is my getting run over by a car (yes, you read right) and being in the hospital (the old hospital it's called now which has since been torn down a couple years and replaced with a new extention to the hospital... but anyway, that old hospital was suppose to be haunted. Hell, never recall seeing or hearing a ghost. Course, I was only 4 when that happened.). But just remember any imaginary friend. Not when there were so many friends around to play with, the cats and other animals... and of course my sister who was only a year and 3 months younger than I so, yeah, we were constantly playing. Oh, and some of the toys we had, too. Plenty of toys to play with I suppose. ~Lady B
  11. A name like that warrants a heft knowing chuckle. Nice name, Bess. ~Lady B
  12. Honestly! I beg to differ. Yes, I have heard of US Airways. They do exist. One of those small airline companies. Sullenberger did what he was trained to do. Being a former Air Force pilot and now working in the airlines industry... he kept his cool for the sake of all those on board. Worked swiftly, too. Styaing on top of things as they developed. If ye don't believe it was birds... then go look at the damn sky! One can nitpick all damn day and find every little thing as some conspiracy. Hell, I bet someone is doing that witht those massive, deadly fires in Australia. Stop being Fox Mulder! No offense, PEW or any one else. But ... seriously.. come on. Conspiracy Theories... WAY over rated! ~Lady B
  13. Aaahhoooh... that was you!? Thought them faces were familiar. Hard t' tell with this small monitor screen and it bein' fuzzy on my end unfortunately. And fabulous mention o' Barbossa. Ye brought a tear o' joy to m' eyes. Ye gents deserve a share o' gold. Congrats, Oder! Ye did fantastic, mate! :) ~Lady B
  14. Might not be totally period... don't know. But it's awefully close to a couple of period writing desks. For those of you who may want it. Found this while googling for images of a ship's log and found this desk: http://www.overstock.com/Home-Garden/Ships...99/product.html Rather decently priced really. ~Lady B
  15. LOL.... Poor Jack... Hehehe... Oh, what we all do at the expense of Jack Sparrow. That was well done. Now... who be those gents? ~Lady B
  16. I know that someone had posted an image or two of an actual old log. But can't seem to find it now. Wondering if it was lost. Curious though if someone has some info or images of what a period ship's log would have looked like, the pages and what was written on those pages, how the layout of those pages looked, etc. ~Lady B
  17. Wow... three threads in seperate subforums on the HMS Victory find. Anyways.... It's a catch 22 about these shipwrecks. But, I have to fuss a bit about the Governments... I haven't seen them actively seeking these wrecks for the past 200 yrs non-stop! Just infuriates me when these Governments want an "all or nothing" claim to these wrecks. You REALLY think these Governments will dive for the artifacts and no the gold and silver? I don't think the Governments would have an interest at all in recovery of artifacts plus the wealth. They recover ONLY the wealth and definitely destroy the artifacts just like Graverobbers. Granted there are some marine salvage groups out there that seek the wealth and care nothing about the artifacts or little about artifacts. But what there is retreivable then it's more than welcome. :::Shrugs::: I guess we shall find out with the HMS Victory what they are able to retrieve. I joined up on the Odyssey's update list to get the low down of the HMS Victory. ~Lady B
  18. :::Shakes head:: I admit.. I'm probably one of that 35% who didn't have an imaginary friend. Toys to play with - yes. Recreating and playing out my fav kiddie shows or some movies (Jem, He-Man, Goonies, Mysterious Cities of Gold, etc) - yes. But never did I have an imaginary friend that I can absolutely remember. Dreamed more about adventure than I did creating something unreal. ~Lady B
  19. LOL... Wolfe... I wouldn't know. I don't usually fancy th' companions. Doc doesn't have many male companions. But I think the current Doc is mighty dashing. I mean, what woman wouldn't fancy him? Hell, ANY episode that has the Doctor vs the Daleks is exciting! Tis a pity Madame Pompadour didn't get the opportunity to have some adventures with the Doctor. Sophia Myles was a lucky woman. Playing with the Doctor dressed in the finery of the King's Mistress and now she's a friend to a Vampire in Moonlight! She's an awesome actress. Well, Doctor Who is on this evening here in Iowa on Public Television. 11pm is the new Doctor Who with David Tennant, episode tonight is "Gridlock" (the Shakespeare Code was on last week; awesome!). Then after that is one of the older episodes, they have a repeat of the 7th Doctor. I absolutely love IPTV for showing and reshowing Doctor Who! ~Lady B
  20. SARAH! Ye made it! Great t' have ye here, lass. Now.. take a breather.. it's gonna be wild ride here. LOTS of info fo' ye here. And even more fun! Hehehe. Oooo... ye buyin' us a round. Awww. Well, I'll just take some sweet red wine thank ye. Lookin' forward t' more chatterin' with ye. ~Lady B
  21. The human remains they find, they must leave them alone, halt operations on the wreck site and contact the British Ministry immediately. Aye, that causes LOTS of strain and haitus time but it's necessary in respect to those who lost their lives. Odyssey won't continue on unless the Brits give them to OK to continue on after discovery of each remains they come across. That's what was stated on the show. Rather awesome if ye ask me. If anyone gets the opportunity to view the episodes again, they are titled "Legend" and "Return to the Legend". Legend was the code name they gave the site for the HMS Victory. ~Lady B
  22. Which Jas. Townsend shoes? Ladies have two types - the ones with the heels and is a distinctive woman's shoe and the one's with a flat heel as though it almost doesn't have one looking more like the men's style. I like the women's shoe with the heel. The heel is not as big as some think. It gives some elevation to the heel and I LOVE the squash heel of the shoe. John and Michael said it mighty well. All in all, comes down to what style you like, how much you want to spend, what is comfortable (Fugawee will allow you to return and trade out for a better fitting pair though), etc. Fugawee, Townsend and Loyalist have some of the best period shoes. So either way, you really are not losing out. ~Lady B
  23. Mentioned this on the "Treasure Quest" thread in Pirate Pop.... Two episodes back to back on "Treasure Quest" last night showed their discovery and recovery of a couple artifacts from the HMS Victory. Incredible! Absolutely incredible! They brought up two cannons, one was a legendary massive 42 pounder cannon weighing in at 4 and half tons made of bronze! They found the rudder, a copper kettle oven that made massive amounts of food for the sailors and officers, and even human remains (which showed their absolutely discomfort and dealings with the British Ministry in how to handle the remains. It was one hell of a 2 hours ride! Eager to see it again. And more so, eager to see more of what they find! Incredible find! I'm more than thrilled! I think the English Government will cooperate with the Odyssey group on this one. Unlike with the Spanish Government who was very harsh upon the Odyssey for their discovery. Sickens me when the damn Spaniards are doing it all over again. I didn't see THEM searching and discovering the shipwreck. At least with the Legend aka HMS Victory, the relations between the Odyssey group and the British Government appear to be going decently. Now... only if the French will stay out of the way, too. That was shown on a previous episode where the French Navy did a fly over a half a dozen times, WAY too close and endangering the Odyssey group. Good God! These Governments are so damn tense! ~Lady B
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