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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Huzzah! Congrats to ye, Oderlesseye. :) Now, looks like I'll be huntin' down that magazine - if it be around here - t' see yo'r piratical face. ~Lady B
  2. :::yawns::damnit now ye've got me yawnin'. Ignore th' Quartermaster? Oy, never. Ok... this be a man haters thread, aye? Lemme vent just one thing at th' moment.... AAAAHHHHH!!!!! Apologies, pubmates. Tryin' NOT th' let somethin' bother me. Tryin' bein' th' key word. Those who know me, know what I'm talkin' 'bout. ~Lady B
  3. LOL Sterling...:::points to Syren::: woman! :) Of course she wants a pair. Just like shoes, ye gotta have a pair. Hmmm...maybe make the femme one more of a merman without a babe? Or maybe a mermaid with a dolphin? Or something else. They are mighty lovely. :) ~Lady B
  4. :::shakes head::: Naw... more like modern day outlaws like Jesse James and Billy the Kid. But worse. Folks who don't give a damn and make their own rules, doesn't matter who's in the way. Worse than pirates I think. ~Lady B
  5. Say huh what? Ahh... neoprene good. Coolies. When you find one, let us know. ~Lady B
  6. LOL !!! Perhaps we need to market a new line of custom kitchen utensils, with Martha Stewart as spokesperson. I can see it now......... "Blunderbeast Creations, for the Discriminating Pyrate" >>>> Cascabel LMAO! Emeril would be a good one, too. His word would never ring so true- BAAAMMMM!!!! ~Lady B
  7. Ooooo! Get th' Grullo! GORGEOUS color. :) Lucky mum ye have... with th' horses. Oh, someday I'll get a horsey. I'm sure th' knee and hip will get better so you can ride again. After all, gotta have a Pirate Saddle Club now, don't we? Oy, Bo. Did ye get a period girth with it or are ye using a different girth? ~Lady B
  8. Awesome that everyone is having luck with theirs. I'm not having any luck with mine. My doglock still hasn't fired yet. Just a continuous "click, click, click". The frizzen is terribly grooved now. Sad when It's barely been used! Suggestions, mates? Should I get a new frizzen or harden the frizzen? About ready to trade the hammer and frizzen for parts or something. I love my doglock, it's massive and wicked looking. I wouldn't trade it unless for a working doglock. Hell, my over used carbine works better than this brand new doglock. Again, suggestions? Yes, Dogge... I did try a new flint. Still didn't work. ~Lady B
  9. Hehehe. :) Oh, I gots it th' first time, Dogge. :angry: Syren, I'm sure someday ye'll get back up on a horse. :angry: Bum knee or not. :) I've a bum hip and still rode. More I rode, the better. Though, can't sit in a canter unfortunately unless it's more of a western lope. Hip doesn't allow for a good roll as one should. So, most of the time, I 2-point. Save the horse's back. Tis a nice saddle. I'll keep the saddlemaker in mind when God graces me with a horse for reenactments. ~Lady B
  10. :angry: I still get a crack from this! I think we can officially call it "The Pirate's Holey Grail"!! :angry: ~Lady B
  11. Hehehe... cute piccie with Angus, Matt. :) That's a keeper! And classic! LOL OOoooo... likes th' horses. Lovely pair. Percherons? Loely trio, Sophia. Is Moni a Rag Doll? Lovely feline. Be that th' symbol of th' Mouse on Katrina's nose? :) Lovely feline, Rumba. black and fuzzy! Gotta love th' fuzzy. :) Especially if the fuzzy is bunny soft! :angry: Fabulous pets, everyone. :) Can't wait to see more. And eventually will put more up of Magellan. :) ~Lady B
  12. Missed ye as well, Bess. :) Glad ye are back but glad ye had a grand time. Bummer it was cold though. No fun having fun and working when it's cold. Different rides, huh? How so? Hopefully th' ears 'll pop or at least not feel like yo'r in a fish bowl. :angry: Stay well though. ~Lady B
  13. Happy Bday to ye, MerryD. :) Hope it was a good one. Hope th' boys of Wylde Nept spoiled ye rotten or at least George did somethin' to ye. Hehehehe. Here's some guinness for ye, brassy lass. ~Lady B
  14. Aye, Happy Bday to ye, lassie. A darlin' ye be. Huzzah to ye! Let's bring in th' spirits an' cabana boys for th' birthday girl t' enjoy. ~Lady B
  15. WOO HOO!! Now this be cause fo' celebration! :::: has rum, and various spirits rolled and carried in::: Rum, whiskey, guinness and whatever else ye fancy t' fill yo'r gullet! An' don't fo'get t' hoist yo'r tankards high t' toast th' Twins on their fabulous win! HUZZAH!!!! Congrats to ye both. ~Lady B
  16. OMG! ROTDLMAO!!! OMG, I can't stop laughing. Not just at the movie but at the remarks! Ooooh, now THIS is quality piratical entertainment! LMAO! Disturbing? Duchess... I think the quote from PotC #1 best befits this particular moment to a "T": "This is either madness or brilliance!" Forget th' ducks! It's Rum Huntin' season! Oh, can't wait fo' more, Stynky. :) Stynky, Cascabel, & Braze... th' terrible trio. Oh, dear God! I want pictures of the memorial service! :) ~Lady B
  17. LOL.... :::nods::: Completely understand, Bo. Can't wait to see yo'r "mudpuppies" all suited out. And here be hopes that yo'r knee gets better soon. BTW, where did you get yo'r saddle from? Or where did ye find it? ~Lady B
  18. Yikes... Let's hope nothin' serious, Syren. Damn, girl! Just had surgery! Christine... sorry t' hear about yo'r friend. That is a bit much for someone to handle. I wonder what Foamy would say about that 26 yr relationship thing. I don't know if a good chat would have helped and not to be grim but with so much bashing her head in... she needs a complete escape from everything. :::Sneaks over to MadL and whisks away the rum::: No need in letting it go t' waste. Me... well, fair... I suppose. Heath ok despite the back aching from that old contusion received from a horse accident. Oh, well. Working on getting that delt with. Family drama (as always this week... and it's getting tiresome). Niece fell down the stairs, Dalton couldn't get ahold of anyone, called me. Raced up to CR to take Hailey to the hospital. Mom went with me. Hailey was fine, no broken arm. Sis went into surgery... ummm, for a boob job. I'm generally keeping silent about that. And as always, that's not the half of it. Still job hunting, applying at so many places it's pathetic. Hoping for this job at the local Vet. We shall see though. Smaller town I'm liking better though. Not all the chaos of CR and the devastation still everywhere (I don't know how all ye New Orleans people do it! I really don't.). So, tired, a little achey... but... hanging in there. Barely. ~Lady B
  19. Ooooh.... I'm floatin' around. An' keepin' m' mouth shut. Best I do at th' moment. But nature is providin' a lovely light show. ~Lady B
  20. LMAO!!!! So th' lass was behind th' gent an' not th' gent behind th' lass? Right nice saddles, Bo. Wouldn't mind seein' them on one of th' horses when opportunity is given the chance. ~Lady B
  21. ::::shrugs::: Just mentioned what I was told. Each time I ask, I get a different question and rather unsure how the hell I got that bleedin' thing. Oh, well. But, all in all, eBay or elsewhere... yes, something else is floating around. Hope ye all are spared from it. ~Lady B
  22. Been since the 80s since last I watched it but loved it! Absolutely hilarious! ~Lady B
  23. LOL... Not one t' rough it, huh? Understandable though. LMAO! Germans float? :::ponders that one and keeps mouth shut while attempting to look innocent::: Let's NOT test that one out. Spooner? Dogge... I thought ye were a pointer. ~Lady B
  24. But ye be th' loveable scum o' th' earth common pirate whom we just fancy, Patrick. :) Yes, laugh at our expense. B'sides pirates would be pirates still if it weren't fo' ye and those liken to ye. :::Takes another step away from Sterling; is waiting for Poseidon to zap him::: Awww.. come on now! I KNOW there are more out there with good persona bios! ~Lady B
  25. The cot is 6 foot in length, by 2 foot in width and sits no more than 3 feet high off the ground. wood and canvas, collapsible. Generally the length and width of a person. If quarters are too cramped, ehhh, I'll sleep on th' deck I suppose. Oh, I'm guessing the Santa Maria is oddball like the Nina. Hopefully a little bigger. Hopefully. Is sleeping all on the main deck? Or can we sleep in the below decks? Yes, I'm askin' a LOT of questions. :) Be ready for th' bombardment, Michael! :::Evil grinz::: And yes, I will check with Perkeo to see if he is attending and with friends. Awww... mission.. ye not gonna cozy up to th' lot of us? ::::sniffles::: ~Lady B
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