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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Fabulous images, Oderlesseye... I'm nigh jealous. :) ~Lady B
  2. That shall be doin' Slappy, m' good man. I hears that there be a good amount o' celebratin' in Iowa City with the local Zombie group dressin' up as zombie pirates and paradin' around. ~Lady B
  3. Well, I'll be. Jim O'Cannon... tis a grand pleasure t' have th' likes of ye here with us 'pon th' Pub! Ye've come t' one heck of an establishment. Shall enjoy ye and yo'r stories and of course images of th' bounty from th' infamous Whydah as well as thyself without tire t' our eyes. Come now, m' good man... sit and regale us with yo'r stories an' tales... enjoy a drink, now don't ye forgets t' offer we Pubbers a loverly drink or few. :::holds out gold trimmed glass::: HYPNOTIQ if ye please, m'dear. ~Lady B
  4. A very merry happy birthday to ye, lass. A toast in yo'r honor. ~Lady B
  5. Whoa! That is one bloody freakin' awesome book, chica! Wow.. :) Loverly. ~Lady B
  6. Dudes... if I could, I'd buy the prop Ironhide truck from "Transformers"... or one just like it! It's one hell of a truck! Pimped out Pirate Style with a little Decepticon stuff... yeah, it'll be a very intimidating truck. :::Evil grinz::: I wouldn't mind one of these, too: And of course, have a lifesize version of my pirate dream, the Resurrection, built. ~Lady B
  7. There is live feed via the internet on their website. KCII radio Washington Iowa I will know this week my schedule and will let the lot of ye know when I'll be on the airwaves. :) Alas, not so much the personality bit, as it's more announcing, but heck, it's a start, mates. Ye never know... I can branch out into other things, too. Perhaps be a personality on the radio later on. But voice over work would be loverly. Psst! Iron Bess... if ye know Susan Blu... :::Winks::: tell her you know someone who's looking to get into the Biz. Again, thanks mates. Will keep you updated. BTW, here's the gent I mentioned, David Kaye: I look dorky in this pic 'cause he pretty much had me in stitches doing an improptu "awards ceremony" bit just as a friend of mine was taking the picture while at a Transformers Convention back in 2003. He's awesome and I WILL get him back for this picture, too. ~Lady B
  8. :::Blushes::: thanks, pubmates. Yes, it's incredibly thrilling news. :::Dances around with Syren::: SQUEE!!!!! So exciting! Why thank ye, Sea Rover. :) I shall do my best to live up to this new standard now. Hehehe. Reagan? Really. Wow. I know David Kaye got his start in radio... and now look where he is... I'm sure every one of you has heard his voice. If you say you haven't... then you don't have a TV, radio and computer. Seriously, you've ALL heard his voice somewhere. SQUEE!!! ::Dancing around some more::: Oh, this is great. :) Again, thank ye all. :::Gives everyone a hug::: ~Lady B
  9. Oy! Billie! Happy Birthday to ye, m' good man! Ye so well deserve what trinkets and treasures b'stowed upon ye, a lap dance perhaps... and whatever plunderin' ye want. A grand gent ye be! Here's to ye, Master Gunner! HUZZAH!!!! ~Lady B
  10. Squee!!! I'm so thrilled! Finally! After 14 months of being unemployed and seeking anything I can do for a decent wage (and not be used or shyte upon)... I got the phone call this afternoon and was officially offered the job! I'll be a part-time on air announcer for KCII, a radio station in Washington, Iowa! Though part time, it's a great start! I'm thrilled beyond measure! After I got off the phone, I screamed and cheered, danced and jumped about and cried! I still can't believe it. I finally took seriously the suggestions from many - when I worked at the IMAX in Cedar Rapids, Iowa (when it was still open) - that I should get into Radio. The opportunity arose, I applied last week, went through two interviews and a test recording. This afternoon I got the official word & accepted the job! Again, I'm utterly thrilled beyond measure. Perhaps once I get use to the radio announcing bit, shal get into voice overs! Anyone know of any voice over people that they can pass on a demo or two to? Susan Blu? David Kaye? Frank Welker? Hehehe ::Big, charming grin::: ~Lady B
  11. Hmmm... a nice playlist of music that's on YouTube (eventhough I have most of them on my computer, I'm online, so I like to listen as well as watch the vids, too). Current, listening to "Hope Volume 2" by Apocalyptica and Mattias Saye. The playlist: What I've Done by Linkin Park New Divide by Linkin Park Indestructible by Disturbed The Night by Disturbed Sound of Madness by Shinedown Burn It To The Ground by Nickelback (freakin' awesome song that deserves the volume cranked up!) Blood Red Sandman by Lordi Sons of Plunder by Disturbed This Is It by Staind Enjoy The Silence remix by Linkin Park and Depeche Mode End of All Hope by Nightwish One Step Closer by Linkin Park Bring Me To Life by Evanescence Stranger Than Fiction by Five Finger Death Punch Hope Vol. 2 by Apocalyptica Evil Angel by Breaking Benjamin Disturbia by Rihanna Die Another Day by Madonna World Is Not Enough by Garbage Instruments of Destruction by NRG In The End by Linkin Park Hero by Nickelback The Game by Motorhead King of Kings by Motorhead No Chance In Hell by Dope Tourniquet by Evanescence Frozen by Madonna Before The Dawn by Within Temptation Angels by Within Temptation Memories by Within Temptation The Siren by Nightwish (perfect song for our beloved Black Syren) A few others songs I still haven't gotten ahold of yet (tough getting ahold of them) that I'm putting on some play lists. ~Lady B
  12. Huzzah! Wish I could have been there. But can't wait to see the pictures and hear the stories. ~Lady B
  13. I'll be damned! That's bleedin' awesome, Oderlesseye! Should have asked ye to get a pic of yo'rself and Mic terrorizing a Transformer! (long story) :) Ye look fabulous, mate! Absolutely fabulous! ~Lady B
  14. Wow... shocker. Dead ringer for Patrick Stewart! Wow. I take it you had fun there? Saw some images posted on Yahoo about Comic Con.. and heard a little bit here and there. Loved the ones who showed up in Transformers Animated costumes. LOL... oh, there was another costume I saw that just blew my mind, I laughed so hard. I forgot what it was perhaps cause I was laughing so hard. Oh, the stuff you see there I suppose. Oh, Toby's gal pal in Leia outfit.. nice! I think I saw her in a group photo with a whole bunch of other lsave Leia's. LOL... had the gents of another forum I'm on panting! LOL Ooo.. good piccie with the three Doctors! :) Love the pics. Absolutely love them. Full report, girl! Full report! ~Lady B
  15. LOL... forget it, folks. They can have whatever accent they can... if their voice is shoddy - not velvety - then no accent 'll do it. Besides, David Kaye (I know you all have heard his voice) when he speaks in an accent, ladies, you will melt! LOL Course, I've been told we midwesterners have an accent. huh? ~Lady B
  16. I absolutely LOVED this version of Treasure Island! ~Lady B
  17. Yeah, belongs in Beyond Piracy, but that's ok. Will move it. But I hear ya! Child of the 80's here, I grew up watching GI Joe and (my favorite) Transformers along with Jem, He-Man and slew of others. It's rather... odd, to see a live action movie out about GI Joe now. Odd when Transformers came out on the big screen... again... not animated. Doubt I will get a chance to see it in the theater but I will definitely watch GI Joe sometime. I adored the Baroness and Scarlet in the cartoons. Shall see how well the both of them hold up in the live action movie. ~Lady B
  18. Oooo... another French Pirate! We loves th' French Pirates. so much fun. Glad t' have ye with us, M. ~Lady B
  19. Happy Belated Birthday to ye, Rumba! :) A grand lass like ye... th' lot over there in So Cal better have given ye one hell of a Piratical Bday Party Bash! I'll be highly disappointed if they didn't! Ye deserve th' cannon salute, lots of drinks for all and well, absolute chaos and mayhem in yo'r honor. ~Lady B
  20. A mighty belated Happy Birthday to ye, Silas! Here's to ye, my good man! :::toasts to ye with a tankard full of rum::: ~Lady B
  21. Tis a pleasure t' meet thee, Blackstrap. Glad t' have ye here at the Pub with th' lot of us. ~Lady B
  22. Oh, I've lost count how many times I reply "Aye" rather than "yes". Or some other slip of the tongue in all piratey lingo when I'm not even thinking. ALMOST embarassing. Almost. I just get the oddest looks by co-workers and whomever else that just has absolutely no clue. Life? What normal, regular life? :) ~Lady B
  23. :::Rolls eyes::: Oh, dear God. Will check it out. I already see a couple of familiar faces. Not that desperate though to really hook up with someone out there. God, I feel like I'm doing Recon. LMAO! ~Lady B
  24. OOC: Apologies, rather distracted lately. Back to the story, aye? IC: For a moment she pondered. "Price of payment, good sir, only be upon your accepting the goods. Feel free to wander down to the docks to the good ship, the Resurrection, inform the Bosun t'was I who sent ye. THEN we can discuss arrangements of payment there." Her haunting eyes never left him. Calculating the situation as best she could. Then she took her leave of the Sinner's Neede, returning to her vessel, the Resurrection.
  25. I really like that communicator. Really cool. :) ~Lady B
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