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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Hmm... interesting. Well, Thomas, alas, ye shan't see this lady's bossom in a bodice liken to that of what ye see most others in. Th' closest it would be in would be a fine Lady's polonaise but with a fichu coverin' up m' most valuable assets. But that be 70+ years post th' Golden Age o' Piracy, m' good man. Sorry, m'dear. Oh, I do so love tauntin' men. :::evil grinz:: In th' Golden Age, I be wearin' attire liken t' that of Gentlemen. All covered up an' proper like one of the era. Nothin' like that of what ye be use to. :::Clears throat::: b'have yo'rself now! ::coughs::: yeah, right! LOL ~Lady B
  2. Paisley! Welcome back to th' Pub, lass! Ye've been missed, lass! :) ::::laughs uncontrolably, slightly snorting and choking with tears::: Oh, poor Nigel. :) ~Lady B
  3. Some fabulous images there as usual, pubmates. As always, looks like lots of fun was had. :) ~Lady B
  4. ROTDLMAO! Oh, dear... :::obtains a nice complimet of Guards for Lady Brower::: I'm just waiting for one of th' gents to reply to that, lass. Wait... wait... ye know it's coming. ~Lady B
  5. WOO HOO! :) Way to go! Huzzah for th' Pirates! Thrillin' news this be, oh knifey one. ~Lady B
  6. Geez! Sounds like it! Poor Syren. Mayhaps we should get Tia Dalma t' whip somethin' up for ye to remedy all those ills, hmm? ~Lady B
  7. Oy! Silkie! Ye be more than worth celebratin' over. ~Lady B
  8. Awww... she's bleedin' adorable! Break th' hearts o' Gents she will. ~Lady B
  9. Happy belated Birthday to ye, Jamaica! Hope ye had a grand pleasant one. ~Lady B
  10. Brilliantly awesome footwear! Now ye be thinkin'! Tis one of those notions, if ye can't buy the shoes, or don't want to, made them from a cheap pair to look authentic! And the vast majority of the time, it works! In yo'r case, ye made a perfect pair! Kudos to ye! ~Lady B
  11. Blasted. Looks like the most TLAPD I will do is just wear a piratey shirt. Oh, well. Missing out on the zombie pirate march. Have fun on TLAPD! ~Lady B
  12. I'm thinking, by the looks of them, it's not just time of day, but by seasons mostly. Rather obvious with the "poofy" styles they wore the muffs and other cold weather attire. Most interesting, Sterling. ::Bows at feet and worships::: you are THE source of info, Captain. ~Lady B
  13. That day still hits me hard. It twists the gullet that it was actual reality and not something from the movies. Moreso twists the gullet when you see a film or TV series or something that still has the WTC in the background and you know they are no longer there. It's.... The weekend following 9/11, was my very first reenactment. It was at the Vermillion event near Danville, IL and I swear, was a severely surreal weekend with NO aircraft of any sort in the skies, it was silent and unreal. The flag for the event at half mast and the majority of people wearing black armbands, taking a moment of silence at each Colours. Aye, it was beyond surreal. We shall never forget... that's for sure. ~Lady B
  14. Very nice items, Brower. :) I'm tempted by the stays, I'm not really ready, excited nor looking forward to making another bloody freakin' pair. Ugh! I've been told to pop onto Etsy, just not so sure. Loathed eBay mainly for the fees and it's inability to be flexible with those fees and payment of them. Ugh. But, the lot of ye fancy Etsy? ~Lady B
  15. Kenneth... lemme check with a couple of gents who are possibly looking for Barbossa boots. Will get back to you. ~Lady B
  16. Hmm... MadL... I believe I've seen those two Gentlemen hovering around a particular "Norrington" I know from Keep To The Code. :) Navy men they be. Best be watchin' thyself, my good man. As always, Oderlesseye, ye look mah-valous! Spiffy frock ye have there. I'd say poor Naval Gent, but I'm sure he deserved what upcomin's ye gave him. LOL Right nice there, Bright! Ye look ready t' cause mayhem an' havoc... if ye haven't done so already. Hehehe. Bo... I'd swear... ye've gotten even more handsome! Ye look splendid, my good man! Fine frock ye have there. And th' family looks equally handsome! Such a fine crew ye have there. And grand background, too. ~Lady B
  17. Bloody hell, I'm missing Bday after Bday. Well, here's a belated birthday wish for ye, Midnight. Oh, fabulous Captain with th' awesome images om MySpace. Now, question bein', did ye get what treasures an' plunder or other Bday wishes he wanted? Happy Bday to ye! ~Lady B
  18. Aye, shall send th' good vibes an' prayers towards ye, Jessi. Let's hope th' Fates won't let ye take that route. ~Lady B
  19. A hearty belated happy birthday for ye, Silkie! :) Hope ye had a fine day with plenty o' plunder dropped at yo'r door. Here's to ye, Silkie! :::toasts::: ~Lady B
  20. A quiet night, a carriage ride and chocolate. Ooooo... sounds romantic. And blissful! Purchased Bess a friend? Oh, dear. :) Psst! Wm Booth Draper has PURPLE cotton velvet for $5 a yard! ~Lady B
  21. Well, I'll be... A hearty happy birthday to ye, Silas! Hope ye had a grand one. ~Lady B
  22. LOL.. completely understand, Bo. Annoying how everyone things they are right, know more than others, and HAS to be the one to give advice even when you don't want it. I have a hard time with people because of that reasons. But then again, who doesn't have a tough time with people. :) Wouldn't know about the tabs and moustache, Morgan. Hehehe, but yeah, that would be ouch, wouldn't it? My sister's dog was an inside dog. Somehow, she got out. And well, the rest you know. But it was horrific to hear my neice's blood curding scream and watch my nieces bawl they poor little eyes out. ~Lady B
  23. I'm thinking about covered buttons, NC. The waistcoat has taken the way backburner; I haven't gotten much farther with it than what you see above (unfortunately). Lord knows when I will wear it. ~Lady B
  24. According the Beth Gilgun (author of "Tidings of the 18th century"), the cabbage style roses are more of a 19th c style design. Earliest it could have been used is around 1812. That's according to Beth Gilgun. I've yet to see the cabbage roses printed onto fabrics before the French Rev War. Maybe Sterling can shed some light on this. ~Lady B
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