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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Curious to see what ye come up with, Liam. There are at least a couple good starting characters - Raleigh and Drake. I'm sure there were others. Happy hunting and researching. ~Lady B
  2. Oooo.... there be a couple o' right fine gents in right fine coats there. I'm impressed. ~Lady B
  3. Check with local churches as well. Majority of them have missions in Haiti and I'm sure they would greatly welcome help of some sort. My thoughts and prayers go to those in Haiti. I know when I heard about the Earthquake last night (while at a meeting to form a Disaster Committee for the county I live in, ironic), immediately what came to mind was Port Royal's devastation 300 years ago. ~Lady B
  4. Aye, most true, Constance. Most true. So... have ye obtained th' answer to yo'r question yet, lass? :) ~Lady B
  5. ::: dancing in place like the butler from the "AristoCats" ::: Can't wait to do this next year! LOVE doin' this! :) ~Lady B
  6. Hmm... interesting question, Bo. Always have heard about the blocks of tea, both black and green. But, ye raise a valid point. Just looked at a "sold list" image copy for a ship's ledger but made NO mention of selling tea. Sold sugar, wine, rum, tread, knives and all sorts of other items but no tea. Gonna look at another one - a cargo manifest - to see if it says anything. ~Lady B
  7. err... umm, I think ye all missed th' point. Oh, well... Back to the Stays... ~Lady B
  8. Scuttle not yo'r fine Birthday wishes, but b'stow them upon one of th' finest an' wildest pirates of th' Great Lakes - SCUTTLE SALLY!!! Toss in a toast, give this lass three cheers an' gents, don't ye forget t' give this lass a kiss. And Pete, Quint does NOT constitute as a kiss. Hoist yo'r tankards high and joy with me in this glorious occassion as we celebrate th' Brithday of Scuttle Sally... the wicked Piratess of Port Washington! ~Lady B
  9. Aye. T'was the first Treasure Island version I saw. It's rather decent. And ye actually see Mrs Silver in it - a Jamaican woman, t' boot. Use to have this on VHS, havin' taped it off of HBO back when I was a youthful lass barely in m' tweens. Bloody well wore th' darned tape out! :) I fancied this Orson Wells movie moreso than Citizen Kane. But this version still doesn't compare to the 1990 version with Charlton Heston and Christian Bale. And McCool.... Ye lookin' for the Orson Wells version? Or the Charlton Heston version? I've a VHS version of the 1990 version with Heston and Bale. I haven't gotten 'round to copyin' it off onto DVD for m'self yet. Granted at this time, it's packed away. But again, I dare say, I fancy this last version best. The story best follows the book and the attire is fabulous, too. How's this for a taste: ~Lady B
  10. LOL, I laughed when ye started getting towards where ye went. Interesting, Oderlesseye. I guess I don't see it either. Granted I see some lady with long, dark hair but I know that's not it. Hehehe, sorry... Seen too much of Ghost Hunters. Ghost Adventures DID get up that way (light guys I guess) and they DID catch a white spectre. Spooky! but awesome. Difficult to believe windows as they are tricky for many reasons. Someone should suggest ol' Fort Zach Taylor for TAPS to investigate. That is, unless it's NOT haunted. ~Lady B
  11. ::::makes an sour-puss, horrific face and a god-aweful sound to match the scarey look:::: Oh, dear GOD! One of those horrors that's endured even still at historical reenactments like F&I and Rev War. :::cringe::: Petticoats that don't cover the ankles, strapless stays over a cookie-cutter chemise that hangs off the shoulder and MAYBE a hat or cap but hair still left down.... That second image looks like a banyan. I've a loose version of this and it's fabulous! Classy and simple. And great for those times when you are even out of your stays at night, heading to the shower in mules and a chemise or that midnight bathroom break. Or you can't get to change to your proper day attire swiftly enough. ~Lady B
  12. Nothing new under the sun, Lady B. Everything repeats itself with just a bit of tweaking.. I had a phenomenal hedgehog wig whilst doing the later end of the Rev. War... worked great for balls unfortunately never rode well under a dragoon helmet... LOL... That darn Afro- hedgehoge look. :) At least would make for a heck of a prank - bad helmet hair. Anyway... back to the bodice gown.... I would imagine one would have to factor in how long one wants the train to be, right? Since your using the length of the fabric rather than the wideth like on mose 18th c petticoats and overskirting. Aye? Maybe 6-7 yards sounds about right. :) ~Lady B
  13. Ooo... the last one I've not yet seen, Sterling. Tis interesting. The first two - if ever I have the time and money for it - I plan on making (heaven forbid).... sometime. Th' blue with gold embroidery is beyond stunning, of course. Constance... if pinned right, really... no one gets hurt. I abhored the idea of pins, too. Frightened to the point I refused to use them on ANY of my garments... but the more I fiddled with the idea and experimented and talked to various others... it's not really that painful. Because the sharp tips are covered and pinned to stays. Worse comes to worse... use safety pins. The Amish around here do (amazing what ye find and learn at the local Farmer's Market). As long as they are rather hidden, which can be easy with a bit of practice. ~Lady B
  14. Niiicce! :) I bet th' Wifey was droolin'. Ye look right sharp there, Mr Roberts. Bravo! ~Lady B
  15. That's... ummm, mighty disturbing. Usually I would say "Ooppps, stupid people"... But one of the units from the NWTA had one of their cannons stolen a few years ago, too. Oddly, the cannon was in a storage unit and all locked up and someone still grabbed it! I have heard of cannons being stolen in multiple states from Kentucky and now up there in Michigan, from Pennsylvania to Illinois. This is VERY disturbing, mates. This makes the 3rd cannon stolen in less than a decade that I have heard of. ~Lady B
  16. Hmm... interesting. Never used interfacing no matter what it was. I've always just used the cotton ducking for the outter and inner part of my stays. Current stays I'm working on ( more mid-18th to late really), is of the blue striped ticken. Enough support for me (I'm no skinny minnie) and the boning won't be a problem (I use reeding as it's the most comfortable and highly recommended since I began reenacting). Best way to find for you is just to experiment. And as to lacing... Since it's usually just me and no one really sees my stays, I have the lacing in the back (which I usually never undo, but I can adjust) and in the front. That way I can lace it up myself when no one is around. May or may not be period, but then again, the stays is something that's most often (but not all the time) NOT seen as it's underwear. It's like you exposing your bra in this day and age. ~Lady B
  17. Ahhh, that would explain why some of the bodice stays why they be so decorative. It's rather interesting, too. So many styles! Huzzah! We all don't have to be cookie cutter! :) Great finds there, Sterling. I'm always amazed with what ye are able to find. Only a few of those I've been able to find. Ye are the Indiana Jones of period attire. Oh the hedgehog look! That's fantastic, isn't it? I was bouncing off the walls when I spotted that. Laughed as that became retro in the late 18th c. LOL, ironic, hmm? ~Lady B
  18. Happy Bday to ye, Chain Shot. :) Many blessed plunderin' for ye. ~Lady B
  19. Right neat idea there, Roberts. I think ye've started somethin'. I've several pelts m'self and been wondering what t' do with them. Now what did ye use for "stuffing" of the muff? Cotton batting? Wool? somethin' else? And ye think ye all be cold?!? Tis been no more than 9 above here with windchils durin' th' day of below zero and at night MUCH colder - below zero with windchills around 26 below or more. Brrrr!!!! Jack, if ye come t' Reenactor Fest... yo'r gonna need that warm weather gear! Guaranteed! ~Lady B
  20. Hey, Connie. Apologies this be a bit of a delayed posting... That's a good question. Vintage Textiles website has a surviving embroidered petticoat but it's from the late 18th c, not the early. However, some etchings do indicate the possibility of embroidered petticoats. Maybe Cheeky can add some insight here sometime. ~Lady B
  21. LMAO! Oh, I am GREATLY looking forward t' this! Don't fo'get th' boot to th' head! Ye should have this in Pirates Magazine, too. ~Lady B
  22. I hate double postin' here.... But I've a valid question (An' no one's posted b'fore me)... What is the best recommended type of rope to use for a rope bed? I'm thinking about converting an old three-quarters bed that I have into a rope bed. Not sure whether to drill holes in the sideboards or to add pegs at the top of the boards (I've seen both). ~Lady B
  23. I was Red-Handed Jill's piratical secret santa. ~Lady B
  24. Oy! I be one Lady who don't wear th' stays as often as I am suppose to. I fancy th' attire ye gents wear! Often right comfortable when I need to be a bit more flexible. Granted, flexibility is somewhat sacrificed with stays but not completely. Well, unless yo'r Cheeky, Skittles an' some other ladies when "Shout!" is bein' played. Hehehe... BTW, Constance... I decided t' use ticken an' muslin for my stays. Th' vast majority of th' time, no one will see m' stays and I need that extra support anyways since they will be lasting a LONG time (like a few years at least). Now... question to th' lot of ye... does it have t' be JUST wood beads? What's 'bout wool fabric bunched in a ball? I'm just ponderin' now if I want t' use this type o' button on m' gold jacquard justaucorps. Again, Cross... I'm right impressed with yo'r effort. Bravo. ~Lady B
  25. LMAO! Somethin' tells me dutchie is rather perturbed and jealous. Or somethin' else. :::Pats Dutch on the back::: Tis ok, m' good man. Roberts... well, he's a rare dime o' dozen o' men who can sew right damn good. Right fine breeches there, Roberts. They do look warm. Aye, Cross... somethin' warm like that would be nice. Tis almost 10 below zero here with wind chills nigh 30 below. So, th' wool would come in right handy! If th' temps keep up like this, those attendin' RF6 'll need those types warm o' breeches! BTW, Roberts... we look forward t' seein' a picture of ye in both th' weskit AND th' breeches once they be finished. Aye? Promise? ~Lady B
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