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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Sounds relaxin', Rob. :) Currently, sitting here taking a break from cleaning up having tossed about items as I feverishly start working on some spare attire pieces. All while battling a sinus congestion. I work tonight so, gotta get as much done as possible. :) Oh, and stopping occassionally to twist around to pamper and pet Magellan. :) He's purring like a motorboat with a smug look on his face. One hell of a happy pirate kitty he be. ~Lady B
  2. So... the funny stuff aside (yes, I was busting m' gut with Patrick Hand's cartoon there. Right great there, Patrick.:) )... Rum will not go bad then? I've been wonderin'... cause I have a bottle of Pirate's Choice Molasses Reef, unopened in m' private stock... been savin' it for the right time. I've had it for two and a half years already. ~Lady B
  3. So... ye also gonna spend money to th' point yo'r broke all yo'r life due to incredible repairs and updates to yo'r home? :) I can heard Sterling complainin' of all that racket coming from yo'r home (when Sterling is not out t' sea). A hearty welcome to ye, bloodyblade. Ye've managed t' build yo'rself a good place there. :::Turns t' Governor Jim::: so... what now, "Guv'n'r"? Hmm? A fort t' keep we residents safe? I'm still awaitin' m' imported illegal fabric and rare woods. ~Lady B
  4. Someone make sure ye get video or at least audio of Mission with th' "damnit, Jim!" statement to Jim. Hehehehe Sterling... the human pin cushion. And... havin' only mentioned th' suitors... I neglected t' mention "Th' other gents" like Animal and th' sort who be sneakin' a peek at yo'r daughter. :::Makes sure is FAR, FAR away from Animal; says a prayer for Animal's soul, wondering if Animal has Life Insurance::: Most interesting, QM. Baffling but interesting. Would ne'er have pegged ye as such. Cross... I think ye'll be safe. Sterling 'll most likely beat Animal somethin' fierce. Most likely to a pulp. ~Lady B
  5. LMAO! Well, apparently Callenish jumped upon th' "FB bandwagon". :) Right nice there, Cross. Ye look spiffy and handsome indeed. Command presense moreso ye will. Lookin' forward to th' rest of th' outfit. ~Lady B
  6. Tis th' wornderful thing out researchin'... we get t' be our own type of Mythbusters but with attire. And perhaps there is that one saying "Results may vary". ~Lady B
  7. Ye truly be a colorful lass

  8. I'm with a couple others... the closer it gets to this event, the better I will know if I can attend or not. Generally, transportation down there is my only issue at current. I have the camping gear and everything else, just no means to get down there... yet. ~Lady B
  9. Again, tis right nice, Mr. Roberts. I applaud ye. ~Lady B
  10. LOL... Ooo, tis a bad spot for a lad t' be. True enough. :::ponders::: Nope, no hope fo' th' lad when hangin' around this lot. Mission... as long as ye don't turn anyone into a frog! Jim.... :::Stops a moment; Has a Star Trek moment::: Oh, God. I can just hear Mission say "Damn it, Jim! I'm a pyrate, not a doctor!" Anyways... :::nods a little::: Fair 'nough. Govenor ye be. Granted ye'd have t' convince th' rest of us. Put yo'r sword an' pistols and cannons away! Let's see how th' first month 'll go. Pray none 'll hang ye. :::Clears throat::: And we shall see what perks ye obtain. Alright.... Now, who's gonna be m' first smuggler t' run t' Europe and obtain me some of those illegal fabrics? Hmm? Oh, and Cross needs some of them fine, rare woods, too. I wants him t' make me a couple pieces of furniture out of ebony and rosewood. ~Lady B
  11. Cross... I feel yo'r pain, mate. Williamsburg appears t' be a fantastic place to be employed. Heck, if hired in the right spot, would be wearin' period attire, portrayin' th' life and getting paid for it! What a dream! LOL... in the immortal words of Mr. T... "I pity the fool!" that crosses Sterling... especially when it's associated to th' dear daughter and Sterling has a sword within reach! I think that's th' only warning anyone will get, folks. Ye've been warned. LOL And true about they grow up so quickly. M' nephew turns 16 in March. Granted he be m' nephew, seems more like m' own son since I practically raised the whelp. And now... he's caught th' eyes of many lasses. It's frightening. Need t' ship the lad off t' sea, get him away from all th' gals with ragin' hormones! LOL... Bo... I hope no one 'll be racin' across th' countryside screamin' "The British are coming! The British are coming!" Hehehehe... Ransom.. ye hold up to yo'r image right well there, lass. ~Lady B
  12. :::looks at Jim with a curious smirk::: Oh, come on now, Hook. That be all? No place o' yo'r own? How vessel t' command? Brower be a lucky lass then. :) ~Lady B
  13. LOL... Animal... Yo'rs is hilariously fantastic! I think we'd be the lot that would tell stories to the kids - or as Sterling puts it, Snotties! - about a wild man out on the fringes and ye'd eat them up if they went bad or out there. :) But then again, the look on their faces when we have a few pints with ye in the tavern! LOL Sterling, hell, you can have both! Ship out at sea, most likely where ye be, but then ye'd need a fine home for yo'r snotties, aye? Especially that daughter of yo'rs? Who be comin' of age, the suitors 'll be seekin' her hand in marriage. Ye might want to be livin' near a fort for that. What, pray tell, would ye grow on that there plantation o' yo'rs? Hmm? And would fancing hunting upon yo'r land when ye have a hunting outting. And likewise ye'd be invited t' do th' same. Course, the whole of the towne would be invited to th' hunting outting. Patrick... LOL, 100% buccaneer, eh? No, don't ye be takin' off with m' hogs and cattle now. Ye hear? Likewise with ye, Animal. Cross... I'd be more than honored t' have ye as a neighbor. I'm sure with vasts forests nearby ye'd have plenty of wood to work with. And I'd be more than glad t' supply ye with some finer, rare woods that not be indiginous to th' area. How that sound? Sterling 's not th' only merchant vessel 'round. That is... when Sterling 's NOT hunt we pirates down. Well, Will... we WOULD need a lighthouse t' keep our ships away from the rocks. That's a God-given. So, no issues there. Besides, many of th' lasses who's beloved be out at sea will be flockin' to yo'r lighthouse awaitin' the return of their loved one. I'm shocked, Mission. Would have thought ye'd be the local "Doctor" with a fabulous Apothicary. I need somethin' for m' stiff knees. Hehehehe Roberts... none t' worry 'bout th' family. Would be glad t' have tea and visit yo'r wifey and the wee lass at least every other day. Jim... I'd say it's all of that mixed together. That's why I says... have fun with it. Heck, we can "elect" a "Governor" and governing council if we so choose. Have parties and balls. NO trade is out of the question. As long as it's colonial or agrarian age. Besides, I'd be more than happy t' trade and ship what Patrick Hand roasts, ship in and our whatever Cross creates, and various other delights that we women of the towne would very much fancy to have. And more. So... have at it.. have fun. What be yo'r dream if ye lived back then. Pew, Brower... I would fancy visitin' yo'r establishments often. :) Hawkyns, I'd come to yo'r tavern, too. Not th' brothel, just th' tavern. Syren... tis a loverly place. I'd fancy having some floor coverin's from ye. If not a couple other items. Oh! And takin' bets for th' horse races over at Sterlings plantation! I'll put forth one, perhaps two of m' finest horses. Sterling? Ye up fo' that? anyone else have a good horse t' run? Hmm? ~Lady B
  14. Hehehehe... poor Callenish. Heaved aside by ol' Hook. Careful, Hook. Syren be a wicked lass in her own right. And... a plunder m' cherry be only as good as th' quality o' rum. So, it best be a right grand rum, Cptn. Oh, an'... Hook. :) By all means please introduce thyself on a seperate thread m' good man. That way we can give ye th' proper welcome and attention ye deserve. Now... if our newcomer 'll be so kind... I'll buy him two rounds ONLY if he buys me two rounds PLUS enthrall use with his tales. Aye? Make th' first one Hpynotiq and th' second Pirate's Choice Molasses Reef rum... if'n ye please. ~Lady B
  15. Come on all ye, give a wish or two for Cptn M th' Frenchy! Huzzah! A mighty happy birthday to ye, M. Hope it be a grand day for ye, filled with what treasure ye be wantin' and plunderin'. ~Lady B
  16. Now... always pondered about what a colonial town or city would be like with all of you! All of us living so close together (God and heaven help us all) in a colonial like town but with certain amenities (Those things we cannot simply live without and are necessary). So... If we had a colonial style town - say like Williamsburg, but a port town like Charleston - what would your business/career/trade be? What would your home look like? Would you be in town or outside of town? Just have fun with this, mates! Me? Well, my home would look much like the Kershaw-Cornwallis house (I've been in this house a few times, LOVE it)... My trade? Perhaps be one of the seamstresses at one of the local shops making attire. Obviously a Gentlewoman. Maybe teaching/instructing local young girls on how to be a proper Gentlewoman. Perhaps I have a small plantation on the edge of town growing hemp, tobacco, maybe some indigo.. if this is in a warmer climate, I'd have sugar!(Ye all know where that most likely 'll go!) Perhaps I own a shipping vessel or two. The Resurrection would be the main ship: If I had another, it most likely would be called the St. Elmo's Fire. If I could afford a third vessel, it would be called the Crimson Mourning. ~Lady B
  17. sorry t' hear that, QM James. At this rate, we all may as well establish our own town. A colonial one that is (with some good aminities, if ye know what I mean) and create the jobs! ~Lady B
  18. LOL.. Oh, dear God! Welp, lookin' forward t' readin' that article, Mission. Tis crazy, isn't it? Wait until ye have two TV statons fighting over who is better at interviewin' ye. LOL ~Lady B
  19. How's about the worst of them, Jack... the french seam! So many stitches. ~Lady B
  20. Is it possible for good rum to go bad? How can one ensure their fine bottle of rum will last for more than a year. Do you store it like wine, with the cork covered by the liquid? Or sitting up? Do I need to worry about 'sediment'? Do corked rum need to be drank right away or can it be stored for a year or more? How do you know if rum has gone bad? ~Lady B
  21. Looks great. Coming along right nice there, Constance. :) Hehehe, looks like yo'r cat has a fascination with fabric just like mine. ~Lady B
  22. Sounds like a good idea there, Patrick. ~Lady B
  23. PERKEO!!! Ye live! Been a while since last heard from ye. Well... I currently am a part-time (barely any hours) On-Air Announcer at a local radio station (KCII in Washington, Iowa). And when I'm not working at the radio station (which is a God-send), I'm a round-the-clock SLAVE to my family. If ye all think I be kiddin'... I'm not. Currently, job hunting for a 2nd and 3rd job. Not going so well, of course. Getting "The Captain's Share" up and going is currently on the backburner. Reenacting is currently in hiatus until several things happen (better job or jobs, vehicle, away from family... far, FAR away, better health, etc). ~Lady B
  24. Ok.... So again, what type of rope? How many yards or feet will I need? and to those woodworkers out there, suggestions on where to drill the rope holes? That's what I'm doing at the moment, too, Brower. Not exactly comfortable (since I have the board but not a mattress), but hoping to change that. ~Lady B
  25. Ahoy an' welcome to th' Pub. Glad t' have ye here. And always welcoming some good info on pirates. Not heard of this gent but ye've peaked m' interest. Lookin' forward t' seein' ye here'bouts. By all means, enjoy thyself. ~Lady B
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