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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Welcome to th' Pub, Munk. Ye've come to a fine establishment for piracy. Glad ye stumbled in and shall look forward t' conversin' with ye. Storms at Fells Point? Sounds like Port Washington. Oh, dear. Did the "curse of Port Washington" follow ye, Sterling? ~Lady B
  2. MY RUM IS GONE!!!! ::: grabs the whip, is ready to flog the one who took the bottle of Pirate's Choice rum::: ~Lady B

    1. CaptainB


      T'wasn't me! I'd never steal rum from a fellow pirate!

  3. Also a good point, Cross. Some fashion items stay the same, as others change. But would a seafaring person even care or have a choice of the changing fashion? It's 1680, how many seafaring men wear a style of clothing from 1630? or 1640? or even 1660? Some might have, some might not have. I guess, to me, it's the understanding of how individual a person's character they are portraying is. Luckily, we have a good range of examples to work with. But should we be careful to label a piece or a fashion from 1680 when it's actually 1664 when it was first introduced and worn mostly from 1667 to 1671? A good means to say it was also retro just like bell bottoms have become retro more than once if I recall since 1977. Oh, the joys of fashion. And what pirate, buccaneer, smuggler, etc would have followed it or not. ~Lady B
  4. I've never known the SCA to be rather historically correct let alone accurate especially when it comes to attire. They are not as strict and dedicated to historical accuracies as, for example, the Northwest Territory Alliance or the British Brigade (and even those associations are struggling with historical accuracy). I'll second Michael here. Don't get us all wrong, we all do it for enjoyment, fun, and pleasure, etc. But some are more historically focused than others. We all have our different views on how we portray piracy. We've all come to agree upon that. Piracy and pirate attire has changed HEAVILY in those two and a half decades. Think about it, how much as attire changed from 1970 to 2000? That's about the same difference you are talking there. What a Gentleman wore in 1665 was different than what was worn in 1685. And most likely, I doubt a shirt lasted 20 years either. :) So, attire changed as well as world and local events, among many other things. The only way I know what specific look I want for that timeframe, especially as specific as a decade or a year... is research. Google is a start, check out websites, books, talk with others, etc. Museums have great examples as I've found a TON of pictures of great examples of attire and other items. Even looking at chairs, chests, sewing kits, plates, etc. The only real way to know what that specific look is, is if you research. You'd be surprised the amont of info out there. But don't settle with it. Keep going. ~Lady B
  5. Hawkey, thank ye for the eloquent praise of OST. Aye, many of us indeed are lookin' forward to OST and shall be dressed in our piratical finest. Hopefully, most of us will be able t' commandeer a theater. I'm still attemptin' to commandeer a theater without luck seein' as some of these Theater Companies are a stuffy lot worse than the EICo! But still attemptin'. T'was thinkin' the IMAX at the Navy Pier in Chicago might be a grand place for the Chicago area. Nay a word from them. Ahh, Blackbeard. Aye, a bit different in looks than from his last Disney appearance in "Blackbeard's Ghost". Granted that film was rather different than th' book. But, how could we all not like Blackbeard? Hmm? Unless there be pirate hunters and there be some here. Jack? Jack!? Oh, dear God, NO! Tis Hector Barbossa we be awaitin'! Aye! He's th' Pirate's Pirate! Patience is slippin' away from me as th' date draws nigh! I'm overly eager t' see dear Hector in action! ~Lady B
  6. Wishin' ye a grand Happy Birthday, Oderlesseye! Hope ye plundered plenty. ~Lady B
  7. Yeah, right, Michael!!! Ye know better! As if it's possible for us t' travel lighter! I have been accused of taking too much stuff with me. But think about it, when ye go to an event where there is historical camping you take your tent, cooking and eating stuff, chair or something to sit on or a few of them, clothes, weapons, hat, footwear, accesories like a table, writing desk with pen and ink and paper, various tools, tools of the trade if you do some demonstration like Navigation.... oh, need I go on? That adds up to be a lot! I use to load up my stuff in my Jeep (God rest it's soul). I was able to fit in it my tent/poles/stakes, clothing chests, cot, quilts, cooking and eating utensils, sewing kits, hats, footwear, weapons, lanterns and candles, and several other items. No table, no chair, or anything else since I didn't have it yet. One thing I laughed at that my former Commander use to say, jokingly but we all knew it was true: "The more stuff you get means you get a bigger vehicle, but getting that bigger vehicle means getting more stuff. Bad thing". LOL... he's right! ~Lady B
  8. Aye! I'll second Gertie on this one. Congrats and Huzzahs for those Nominated. ~Lady B
  9. Ahoy, pubmates! I've a black leather baldric I want to trade for a good leather belt. It's still in good condition, and can hold an elephant. Ok, so not an elephant, but it can hold very heavy weapons for it carried m' sword for a good few years. I'll post a picture of it soon. But for reference, it's a dragoon's baldric I purchased from G. Gedney Godwin back in 2005. Make me an offer, mates! ~Lady B
  10. Damnit man! Ye have me incredibly, utterly, patheticly JEALOUS of ye now! ::: whimpers; drooling over the yet-to-be-finished weapon::: ~Lady B
  11. I darn well gave up on MySpace since it's practically impossible for me to be on there. Likes to mess up my computer horribly. So, ye'll find me most of all on Facebook. Now, besides my mundane name and profile, I did finally create... well, two pages for Lady Barbossa - one you can Like and one you can befriend. Choice is yours. Check them out here: Lady Barbossa's facebook page to befriend Lady Barbossa's Facebook page to Like I haven't figured out which on I like most. Difficult to tell. Oh, and might I add, I also have Lady Barbossa on Live Journal. Lady Barbossa on LiveJournal ~Lady B
  12. ::: applauds::: Absolutely brilliant, Oderlesseye! Tis definitely befittin' of ye. :) ~Lady B
  13. Sick. Tired of being sick. I need more grog!

  14. Ye be welcome, Di. LOL, those are things that should be posted on the Facebook page for Trek Fest. :) I really have to appreciate the Kirk puns. ~Lady B
  15. Lookin' forward to a Pirate Festival, I need a nice getaway t' have fun with fellow pirates. ~Lady B

  16. ::: points to above post::: Surely there has to be some people attending this year. ~Lady B
  17. LMAO!!! Oh, I love it! So incredibly perfect. :) Gives a whole new meaning to "Star Trek: INSURRECTION"! Can ye just see Picard or Kirk all pirated out? Hmm... I wonder if Shatner would dress up like a pirate? Tis a fine vessel with a perfect name. ~Lady B
  18. The el Capitan has all the fun. ~Lady B
  19. Hmmm... shall have to go take a look. I never really venture into the toy section eventhough my nieces often do. Odd, isn't it? LOL... Poor Barbossa. ~Lady B
  20. ::: shakes head::: Welcome, Matthew. Glad ye made it to this establishment. As ye've noticed, ye'll find everythin' ye need here or be pointed in th' right direction. Also... no bashing meant. Many of us here reenact and perform other eras. So, we be a most understanding lot. :) ~Lady B
  21. Aye, and now it's used EVERYWHERE! Just read a small blurb under a front page picture in the local newspaper of a guy walking his dog that he "acquiesced to her request"! LMAO!!! And people think me odd. I didn't quote Barbossa in a NEWSPAPER!!! LMAO!! And amen, Bright! Amen- :: clears throat::: I mean... "Arrr-men". ~Lady B
  22. Hmm... and family think me weird for being a pirate, what about a local newspaper who loosely quoted Barbossa "acquiesced to her request", an article of a guy who was out walking his dog. Yeah, LOL, and I'M Odd! LOL ~Lady B

  23. Indeed that's some brilliant work! I'm always ever increasingly amazed at the talent that the Pirate Community has. Huzzah! ~Lady B
  24. Welcome to th' Pub, m' good man. Tis a fine place ye've ventured upon. And, aye. Post some images of yo'r handy work on The Thieves Market. Would fancy a gander. Glad piracy fascinated ye and got caught up in the mayhem of the fun. BTW, ye'll find no finer bunch o' cur, scallywags, sea devil, scoundrels and all around pirates of every sort. ~Lady B
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