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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. I'd posted mine up here long ago, alas, it disappeared. But here be the 2 different versions. Pardon as they are rather crude: ~Lady B
  2. I think it would be absolute fun! Come on, mates! Stop thinking like a dull, overgrown adult and think like a kid on how much fun it was (despite the arguments) to play war. Shooting at each other but no one was seriously hurt or killed. Unless you did something stupid, but that was a rarity. I saw online that some paintball place had made a pirate ship for their course. It was pretty basic, but cool! I think it would be mighty fun to have pirate paintball. Or even Colonial paintball. Any type of war before 1800 done paintball style would be awesome! Mates! I'd go for it! If something like this was near me & had fellows nearby willing to do something like this.. hell, I'd jump at the opportunity in a heartbeat! ~Lady B
  3. Oooo.. she be a wild one, gents! I've had more than m' fair share of the free life. Bachelorette for long enough. Alas, God and th' Fates have been cruel and deemed me to remain as such still. Hell, I don't require much from a gent other than he be a pirate, too! Willin' for adventure as well as some seclusion at times. I've a long list I suppose, I think I mentioned it all here before. And won't tire ye all again. But, bloody hell is it difficult t' find a good pirate willing to sail off into the sunset with a piratess! Those of ye out there with yo'r Pirate or Piratess of yo'r dreams, hang onto them. Tis a treasure there unto itself. Cause ya can't find Pirates or Piratesses out there any more with a head for treasure and commitment to their First Mate. ~Lady B
  4. Tis grand t' have ye here with th' lot of us, Cyanne. And thank ye fo' th' rum! Do make yo'rself at home here. Enjoy all th' Pub has t' offer! ~Lady B
  5. Good.... still a wee bit tired. T'was nice to sleep in this morning. Mmmm.... Spent the whole day yesterday at the Equestrian Center. Then went to see Shakespeares' Macbeth last night with my sister (cause she had to see a traditional play for her class). ~Lady B
  6. Aye, I be with ye both, Callenish and Syren. Silkie's new sig is awesome! Yo'r sig is awesome, too, Syren. So... I'll nominate ya, too. ~Lady B
  7. Oh, how fantastic! My Neices and Nephew love VeggieTales. Very cute and fantastic, wholesome series. Can't wait! ~Lady B
  8. Good... busy... and again in some pain. This time, a horse got too close to me (holding him for the Farrier) and headbutted me by accident. The dork! So, my nose is mighty sore. Hope I didn't break it. ~Lady B
  9. I've brought a few recruits to our Rev War unit but they back down cause of the critisizm received for "not period correct attire". Despite it's borrowed from various members of the association. It just frustrates me. I say if a person is interested and at least attempting to make an effort (and you know if they are making an effort) then why growl at them? Example... I saw at theater on opening night for AWE several people (mostly teens) who came in utterly bad and cheesy loosely "pirate attire". No effort made. But there were about 4 whom impressed me terribly and did my best to recruit them. They showed effort and was interested in the history. They had the look, even if it was 10% it was FAR better than that loose pirate look that was apparent the get up was from Hot Topics or WalMart. I don't discourage from snatching at those who haven't the coinage to purchase $40 a yard fabric to make a fantastic authentic outfit or the coinage to buy a functional blunderbuss (as we know is not easy to obtain cause of gun laws, and I do explain this to folks). It's where the heart is that matters. Not the pure look. Patrick... I'm a pirate.. I have already been seduced by the Dark Side! Mwahahahaha :::evil grinz::: Very well done, Michael. Very impressive. Don't worry really about all that sewing stuff. You have a fantastic looking outfit there. My compliments to ya. Cute shirt, Saltypots. :) Nice images of your attire, Blackbonie. ~Lady B
  10. Welp... my dream vessel would be the same as my fictional role playing vessel. Her name? The Resurrection Here is what she would pretty much look like: She'd be a crimson red and blackest black full-rigged, 3 mast Galleon with crimson red sails. The adornments and elaborate carving work would be of various deities and demons from various cultures of brass and silver. The figurehead would be a figure of a skeletal Angel appearing to be in flames like a Phoenix with a claw-like hand outstretched towards it’s prey as though in desperation to grab it. Number of Guns aboard: 56 These would be the type of guns: Pirate, obviously. Home port? Tis a good question. I don't know if I would have a home port. I'd just sail her around where ever I could. But, if I did have a home port, it would be some private island, small and true to piratical form for all us pirates to use. A nice haven for the lot of us. Course, I would be Captain, very Mary Sue of me, I know... but, tis my ship afterall. I would indeed, to perhaps the highest bidder offer a "guest cruise". Prize? ::pops lips a la Davy Jones::: Sorry, couldn't help that one. Well, now... if I gave that away, everyone would know my secrets and plans, now, wouldn't they? End? It would NEVER end! It's like the song that never ends... it goes on and on my friends! So, that be m' dream ship. Lofty, aye... but, aren't dreams usually lofty? Otherwise they wouldn't be dreams. ~Lady B
  11. Oooo... Bess! Absolutely splendid and devilish! Ya look mighty wicked in yo'r new attire! My compliments! Aye, I agree with Kass... comfy AND sexy! It's something about a piratess in "men's" attire that screams "IN CONTROL! and don't you forget it!" I think the fireman had great reason to hang around you, Bess! Yo'r just smokin' in that outfit! Loving it, Bess! Loving it! Oh, and... nice hat! Very grand, GSC, very grand! Handsome gent ye are as a pirate. Splendid attire there. ~Lady B
  12. Oi! Quit hoarding the rain down there! My lawn crunches when I walk on it, it's so bone dry. Hell, you can have the bleedin' rain! And the lightning... and the high winds, etc... Granted we needed the rain, too... but not THIS much! :) ~Lady B
  13. Thanks, Jill. I've always liked yours. :) Very hilarious, Sterling. :) Now... I'd like to nominate Iron Bess! Her's SOOO ROCKS!!! And of course, Bilgemunky. Need I say more there? ~Lady B
  14. I hear ya, Patrick. I don't mind doing buttonholes by hand or by machine. At least by hand I have a little more tedious control. And, GoF... too late. I'm "fell" in historical before I "slipped" into Piracy. So, Piracy is my release from having to be 100% period and historically correct with the Rev War. ~Lady B
  15. Feeling like a drowning, wet puppy! Rain, rain and more rain! Ok, so not just rain, but freakin' nasty storms! However, progressing well with the horse I am working with. His canter sucks though. Kinda ok today. Feeling blah. Don't know if it's the weather or something else. ~Lady B
  16. I admit, I'm more the Hollywood/fantasy/fictional pirate. A bit frilly and extravagant. But even as a Hollywood pirate, I like the fabric at least half natural fibers and other materials/items to be close to period looking. It's obvious I won't wear anything from Hot Topics or Spencers that is some modern cheesy Pop Pirate getup. Only thing I had from Hot Topics was a ring and that's lost in Lake Michigan courtesy of m' nephew. One can find perfectly historical fabric, too. But, unfortunately, I don't have at least $50 to $200 to spend per yard. I know the fabrics that William Booth (Hazel Dickfoss runs it with her Husband) they are as historical as historical can get. But incredibly pricy fabrics. I, personally, don't have that kind of money to blow for something I do occassionally. Now, If I wore it every day and worked in it every day... perhaps I might invest in it. But for now, I use other stuff. I'm working on a few new clothing items (two waistcoats, two frock coats, one satin ruffled shirt) that are taking more time to work on cause my old sewing machine is not working properly. So, everything is being hand sewn. Grr... not fun when you haven't much time to work on it. No, can't take my sewing machine in to get fixed. When I mean old, I mean old. It's older than I am, belonged to my late great grandma. It's one of those very old table sewing machines (the ones built into a table). So, I'll eventually look at it when I get some time available. A fantastic pair, Patrick. My compliments. Breeches can be mighty tedious to construct. "Tidings of the 18th Century" by Beth Gilgun is where I first learned a little more of period handsewing. There are several books out there on period attire that mention the hand sewn techniques of the day. And, honestly, despite the time it takes, handsewing I like better cause you have more control over the piece that you are working on. And it helps with one's embroidery skills. ~Lady B
  17. I'm eagerly awaiting the DVD for AWE already. Stealthy poster? I won't ask. Don't wait too long, laughingcrowe... the film is filtering out of the theaters to make room for new releases. Already AWE is not at anything here. Hopefully it'll make it to the cheap theater soon. ~Lady B
  18. An interesting challenge, Captain. I'm sure someone will take up your challenge. Well, let me be the first to welcome ye to th' Pub. As for a drink... tonight, let's make it something mellow... a mango Marguarita, please. Monster size. ~Lady B
  19. Thanks guys, for the advice and help. :) My health is important to me. So, with that factor as well as losing the weight cause I ride horses, as well as I just want to get back down to a shapelier me before I turned 20. I'm surprisingly healthy for my weight and all, but I don't want to take the chances any more and need to lose that weight. Heading to the Gym tomorrow after working with the horses. Figured that with my workout with the horses and Chores & cleaning the stall daily... should help with excersize. I gave up on the diets cause of the aspertame (?) gave me headaches. So, Dr Pepper generally became the only soda I drank. After finding out what Coke does to your gullet... yeah.... rare occasion I'll have my coke with rum only. ~Lady B
  20. Yup... know the feeling, Matt. ~Lady B
  21. Haha... jumping into this thread for the first time. I'm bound and determined to lose the weight. Need to for a variety of reasons. It's not been easy for me to do so in the past. But, currently, I'm slowly working into it. Slowly being the key word. Oddly enough, I've had people tell me I'm loosing the weight and look it. But the scale says otherwise. Annoying. But, clothing is proving that a we bit though, too. I know I'd like to go to the college gym a bit more. Conflicting time schedules have generally defered me from going. But, I do need to do something other than just cut and cut and cut on the food. Cause that doesn't help. But, I'm not doing too bad. I can almost mount up from the ground now. Not easy as hell as my knees and hips are not all that flexible, but they are FAR more flexible than they use to be. Ok.. so here is my goal... to be at least a size 16 again in shape. I had that in High School and honestly, I think I looked pretty good. Here's an old pic of me in HS: So... one habit I need to break is... soda. I'm HUGE on Dr Pepper. Granted I drink nigh a liter a day. So, breaking my habit of that is not easy. All water all the time just makes me ill. Do drink some teas, mostly ice tea. Some propel. But I do drink quite a bit of water, too. Any ideas, mates, on how to lose weight for someone who has a hellish time just losing more than 10 lbs any more. I'm constantly on the move, too. ~Lady B
  22. Thanks, Jill. Unfortunately no one took a pic of me flying off the horse.. so, can't use that. Rather leary about being healthy again. Usually means that something else is bound to happen! But, I'm counting on NOT getting hurt for quite a while yet. Hope yer resting well, Jill. At the moment for me... I should be heading to bed as I have to wake up early. But, I'm no where close to being tired. Not yet at least. Ehh... I'll wear myself out somehow. ~Lady B
  23. Hm... how very intreguing! I know a couple CEOs of former jobs that should be reading this and taking it to heart! ~Lady B
  24. Mighty nice weapons there, mates. ~Lady B
  25. Jill... ow! My sympathies, m'dear. I'd say beat the crap out of them when you feel better. When they least expect it. Exhausting? How so, Jenny? If you don't mind my asking. At current, decent. Did chores this evening at the Equestrian Center with a girl who is moody at times, and has chewed me out a few times for something my horse has done. Like I can have total control of the beast. But, she was in a good mood and was surprisingly nice to me this evening. So, that eased some nerves. ~Lady B
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