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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. I say th' bodice 'll look fanastic an' fancy in either coat, m'dear. Aye... the bodice 'll go with it. ~Lady B
  2. Aye, Rats. Cantigny is a Rev War event. Most of whom you may have met at RF2 will be at Cantigny. Best I can say is check the schedule on the NorthWest Territory Alliance website. Not much in specifics though. I don't know what the cost is to get in, that's decided on Cantigny Park not through us. Callenish! Would be fantastic to meet ye, mate! Hope you are able to swing out west here! The Lakes be mighty fine an' close enough to satisfy any wonton seaman or seawoman. ~Lady B
  3. Oh, my goodness! What a barrel o' monkey's drunk on rum this turned into! To put it simple, to the starter of this thread... yes. Those are some of the minimum items for an outfit. There are various versions depending upon the year/era and the locale of the persona. Here's m'self at an event a couple years ago. This is my fav outfit I love wearing. Comfortable, too. I've gained tons of compliments on it (oddly enough not from fellow reenactors, just a few of them. Picky bunch). Shows me wearing a petticoat, a gown of sorts (which is generally a polonaise), my neckerchief, a hat (I had a pinner hat on underneath), my apron...and underneath I had my chemise, bloomers, stays, stockings and shoes. Those of you who were at RF2 saw me in this outfit. I wear a neckerchief usually now to keep my skin from tanning and burning which is still easy to do even if wearing a hat. And even in the shade! My stays... I swear, I love them! Despite sometimes they are a pain. I would rather have them on than not have them on! As much work as I do around the camp, they are THE greatest back support! I don't fancy wearing the caps cause I feel like some Amish gal. :::cringe::: I will have my hair "washed" and in a fairly decent do and will wear a pinner and most often my hat since I am outside. I don't wear my hat when it's windy. In that case, I will wear my pinner and on a rare occassion you will see me wearing one of my caps. The apron I wear usually only when I don't wish to soil/dirty the front of my dress and petticoat while working on supper, cleaning or something else. Otherwise, I'll take it off when I am out and about like taking a stroll and shopping. All in all, I wear something stylish but casual. Nothing utterly fancy really (despite what so would think or say) and it's the general basics. I'll add some nice casual jewelry to my attire like a ring, necklace (which is a watch) or some other necklace with a ribbon, earrings (always). My petticoats do come down to the ground. I will lift them up if necessary to walk so as not to trip and stumble.. but I will not hem up the petticoat to where you can see my shoes or even the ankles. My elbows are indeed covered. And you will never see my chemise. Late at night you may see me in undress somewhat. But I will be wearing my banyon (granted it's not totally period correct at all, but it does it's job well and besides, it is afterhours). I tell ya though. This is a topic that will forever be on debate. Long story short as to why... I shall not explain. I prefer to keep my head. I delt with plenty of it in the NWTA, don't need that here, too. Generally, it's go with what is your persona's attire, what they will be doing, who they are, what era, and what is comfortable! Oh, and PS... in Washington's Rules of Civility, stated in there one shouldn't leave their quarters half dressed. ~Lady B
  4. welp, I had shown pics of him before. Gone I suppose. But here be a cute graphic image of my kitty, Magellan. I'll have the more realistic ones coming soon. Not that the above image is not so realistic, he is a pirate kitty after all! I just have to upload the newer pictures onto the comp. ~Lady B
  5. Cool! :::whimpers::: wish I could see all yo'r hard work, Patrick! Cedar Rapids is one bleedin' dull place! I don't know what to do, where to go, etc... cause there really is nothing around here for Halloween. Just a wee spat of 2 hours Trick or Treating for the kids and that's about it. Rarely do you see folks dress up. It's pathetic. Depends really on what I'll be doing when Halloween rolls around. ~Lady B
  6. I enjoy the ones done by Berg and Toby. I like Berg's new one for DragonCon 2007! ~Lady B
  7. I made a Barbossa teeshirt for a mate here(well she use to be here) and it came out pretty nice. I have not seen Barbossa by himself on any item unless it's the action figure. Shame as he deserves special treatment as well as Jack! Aye, amen to that! Tis a shame, really. Too much out there with Jack and Will on it. It's not selling all that fast and some not selling at all. I think there are a good amount of people who want PotC items just not with Jack and Will on it. And some items with other characters: Elizabeth, Norrington, Barbossa, Davy Jones, Beckett, etc. I've not bought any PotC merchandise cause it's not worth buying! It literially is all Jack and Will all over it! No one wants Jack and Will all over it that's bleedin' pink and other gross designs! I am more than tempted to make my own Barbossa and Davy stuff! I'm also waiting for wave 2 of the Zizzle figures. I've not seen those and am beginning to wonder if those will EVER hit the market! I understand that Barbossa and the human version of Davy Jones is in wave 2. Dying to obtain those! I see some things on eBay but never buy them (always seems to be at the time I don't have the coinage for it). Awesomely cool items like an animated monkey Jack, the animated thumping heart of Davy Jones and the Disney pins and more. NEED MORE POTC STUFF!!! it's been all the same stuff since before AWE and pretty much everyone has it already. It's collecting dust on the shelves. Now... hey! Oh, I found it annoying that they have the 12" of Jack, Will, and Sao Feng! But, heck! Where was Davy Jones?! and why was there not one of Barbossa?! ~Lady B
  8. Tis always interesting to read this thread, what to do, etc. Honestly for me... here I am.. 33 years old, not married, etc. Perhaps I'm not the greatest woman in the world and defintely no Angelina Jolie (thank God). But, I'm not the woman who will cheat, nor will I do drugs, nor will I dump the kids off somewhere and go drinking or leave the kids with ya, etc. I have my problem areas, what person doesn't have them. But I do what I can, how I can, to work through them. Even if it takes a few years. All I ever asked for was someone willing to enjoy life with me, to share some of the same passions in life. I know I don't ever want someone like my Bro in Law. Nor am I looking for some Jack Sparrow or James Bond. I just want someone who wants a life with someone, willing to work out anything and not give up saying it's too hard when it's not. Again, a friend told me... what is it about them you are willing to tolerate and what is it about them you will NOT tolerate? If you like something I don't fancy, I could perhaps tolerate it. And I hope vice versa. Patrick... Bo... I think some of us ladies share your similar issues. But I guess, I have to ask myself a question every day... what is it about ME that won't allow me to have the dream I want? MerryD... if men are that intimidated by my hobbies and who I am, what I do, etc... then... well, my words are not all that kind. I'm admit I am old fashion. I believe in man making the moves. Not I. I know that sounds shallow of me, but... it's true. Now, if I think he's worthy, I will give him more than a chance. No... heartache does NOT make one stronger. It just continues to hurt. That's all it does. And honestly, no offense to all out there who assisted to help me out... I guess if you get over someone and forget about them, etc. Apparently you didn't Love them. Cause I know and have read Love Stories, talked to people, etc. People who are in Love will NEVER get over that person once they are gone. There is always that void. Whether it's your Grandpa and Grandma passed away a few years before ( or vice versa)... or if it's a young teen... or some fictional character like Davy Jones. Cause that person made such an influence upon the other in every level. OK.. I'm jumping off my ranting soap box... ~Lady B
  9. :::nods::: aye. Couldn't miss them. I was stunned they were able to drag those inside! But sent ye Mr Hess' contact, hope ye gots it. I know he'll be at the Cantigny Park in Wheaton, IL Sept 15 & 16 for that even if you want to talk to him face to face. ~Lady B
  10. Hehehe... Aye, I remember it. Well, there was about 3 threads discussing that in some manner. But, aye. A Pirate Island like a year round Festival, tourists can come to visit, folks can live like pirates, etc. Get the real deal life with a healthy mix of historically authentic, Hollywood fiction and Ren Faire entertainment. I still dream of that happening one day, Siren! I swear.... I'd move there in a heartbeat! ~Lady B
  11. Hey, Shadoes. Hun, I wouldn't worry about Hollywood and Historical. Cause, despite the fictional stories they toss in, Hollywood has been doing their very best to be authentic looking. You can't drag them in the mud for trying at least. They have Professionals working on these, especially PotC. ::: waits now for the slew of folks wanting to bash that::: All in all, Shadoes, go with what you know is historical documentation. Yes, there were Pirate women. Yes, talk about the Whydah. Yes, talk a little bit about the famous ones. Talk a little bit about the various pirates around the world. The eras most popular for Piracy and why? What did Pirates go after most and why? And as Bess stated, their rules and they democracy. Mention it was all hard work and the possible cost if caught & arrested. One works on how to explain all these things to different age groups. I've had to learn that myself in Rev War reenacting. Simple short term words for kids so as to keep their attention. Teens, something adventurous and exciting. Adults, depends upon the individual but most can handle the indepth truth. I'm sure you will do fantasticly fine, Shadoes. Just follow your instincts, write up an outline, and go from there. Test, trial, etc. You will find what works and what doesn't. ~Lady B
  12. Aye, will do some inviting. I know a couple folks in the Rev War who would jump at the opportunity just as they did with Port Wash. As to the Artillery, I know Hamilton's Artillery was there at RF2. I think there was another Artillery unit (I could be wrong) but Hamilton's Artillery was there for sure. Bill Hess is one of the Gents to contact for the Artillery. I'll see if I can conjure up his email addy if not someone else to contact. And do keep us informed on dates and other info. ~Lady B
  13. Wait.... What?? You are French knotting the material for an entire coat!?? :::nods:::: Aye.... I'm completely insane (unfortunately I can't officially prove that... yet). Yup... putting in those french knots on the fabric I bought one by one by hand. Pain in the arse, but more than well worth it. Just need those buttons. Aye, I suppose, Bess. Can be both heads, too. Uhhh... That kinda came out wrong. ~Lady B
  14. (Thinking...) Hmmmm....... I could do that. Oh, dear... she's a plot brewin' in her devilish mind. Even if I had the body for it, I don't think I would do something racy with the Barbossa outfit I be making. Damnable french knots are a hellish thing to be adding in one by one for the coat. All in all, eager t' see more pix, Bess! Jacky.... better those heads be turnin'... rather than heads a rollin'! ~Lady B
  15. Bein' a Lady m'self... I use ribbons to tie my shoes. I don't even bother with the buckles. I've a couple antique mock buckles that'll work fantasticly with the ribbons, too. I wore a pair of the buckles with my gold gown at the RF2 on my white/bone shoes. I use the ribbons on both my expensive, nice pair of shoes as well as the inexpensive ones I altered. Change the colors to match the outfit, even adjust to feet swelling or decreasing, etc. But, aye, the leathery ties may be better fo' ye gents, depending upon yo'r look. It is rather easy to find a pair out there to convert. If not for yo'rself, than for someone else. "Tidings of the 18th century" by Beth Gilgun had some fantastic ideas on converting and altering modern footwear into historical/period footwear. ~Lady B
  16. Now, what pirate would I be without having some Illegal Military Connections? Prayers and hugs that you get better soon, Sterling. And lets hope no borken bones. If so, speedy recovery (Recovery! Not delivery! Sorry, I couldn't mail order a wench). ~Lady B
  17. ::Whimpers::: I'm beginning to feel rather isolated in the Land between Two Rivers (Iowa). Nothin' fun like this happens 'round here. Bloody sticks-in-th'-mud Iowans! Alas, tis a long drive for me that direction, mates. Perhaps next year I'll be able to make more events. :::knocks on the wood of the Black Pearl::: Oh, and define "polyester Pirate"? ~Lady B
  18. Thank ye, Mary. Aye, I have the same lyrics. Thought there was more. But, guess not. :) Coolies.. thank ye. Aye... I sing it lots. Got m' nephew involved, he fancies singing it often, too. ~Lady B
  19. I think someone posted them somewhere or gave a link... I tried looking for it (no, I don't look desperatedly hard for things). Anyone know the correct lyrics for it? ~Lady B
  20. We be pirates, Bo. We are ALWAYS in sticky situations! A weekend gathering or invasion (a few of us did something like this a few years back in Chicago) would be fun. Hotel and restuarant. I have coupons for Cheeseburger in Paradise! Need to use those up, closest one is in the Chicagoland area. Another wee fun bit, and it's been done before but not often around here (rarely done)... a weekend camp (a nice weekend). Yes, odd to have it in the late fall, winter or early spring..., but would be fun. Just the lot of us having fun. Yes... yes I am crazy. A great spot that already has a tavern and is rather secluded, is south of Danville, IL (south of Chicago) along the border of IL & IN that Forest Reserve there. Been there once, they often hold historical events there and again, they have a couple buildings there already, one of them is a tavern! It's fantastic! Enough room for plenty of camping folk. Plenty of room for a skirmish, etc. I know... I'm thinking rather wildly. But... tis an idea. Again, lemme know when and where, mates. Oh, and if I make it to Cantigny Park in Wheaton, IL for a Rev War event Sept 15 & 16, the tavern 'll most likely be there, and most of ye 'll remember a few Militia gents from Port Washington who 'll be there, too. I'm sure they'd fancy carousin' with th' lot of ye again. Otherwise, it'll be next year before I get back into the Rev War. Taking the time off to deal with a few things first. PS - I was looking at the NWTA website and their photo album... guess who all be there, mates?! NWTA Photo Album Reenactor Fest '07 ~Lady B
  21. All in all, she doesn't look like a bad vessel. Nice find, Rumba! It's still a nice boat. Um, ship. ~Lady B
  22. UPDATED! As of Sept. 2009, this is what I have: -Green cotton velveteen. 3+ yards. No stains. Looks great, just don't want the green. Will trade for blue velveteen or some other fabric, buttons, boning, lacing/trim, etc. Interested, PM or email me to work on trade. ~Lady B
  23. It's a fetching bodice, Bess. Aye... we be pirates... ANYTHING goes with our outfits. It'll be mighty racy with the coat, bodice and the bloomers! Oh, if Mr Rush could see how ye've twisted around the Barbossa outfit! Will have to pester someone and make sure someone takes at least one pic of ye, Bess! ~Lady B
  24. Have 18th c tent... will travel (when I can). Have rum... will carouse! Just a wee get together would be fun. ~Lady B
  25. Aye yie yie! ::: Shakes head::: No comment! Aye, got fancy Fugawees m'self that Rats attempted to steal or borrow without the intention of returning. Don't see why he needed them. I'll post something about my footwear in the footwear thread. But, dear Lord, gents! Ya make a Lady drool! Fine the lot of ye! Eager t' see more. ~Lady B
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