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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Very adorable. Mary you have a find duo there.. :) Thanks, Rose. He's only but 17 mos old and huge! Bound to get bigger. Here's a more up-to-date, modern, realistic photo of Magellan... Cute, isn't he? More often than not you find him like that. This morning he was hugging me. He had laid out for me yesterday when I got home, his canned food, which one he wanted. Too cute. Yes, he's my baby. ~Lady B
  2. Aye, all in hats an' whatever else, Bess! Aye! Categories! What Yearbook wouldn't be complete without those? I never did get a HS Yearbook (though I contributed a couple of photos of other yearbooks before I was a Senior)... Nor did I have Prom... OOO!!! Prom could be like the RF2 Ball! Don't forget Homecoming! Powderpuff (girls playing football, instead piratesses getting rough!)... Awards (like "most likely to be hanged by the EICo award or killed by their own crew award, etc) or voted as (best or worst dressed, scariest pirate, etc) ...Oh, what else... Could take the Yearbook with you to events to have folks sign it in person or mail it to some if you like. Tis an idea. Let's toss around ideas. Especially those of you who have a Yearbook. What all do you have in your Yearbooks and what would you like to see in a Pub Yearbook? ~Lady B
  3. Thank ye, Michael. :::blushes innocently::: The waistcoat 'll compliment a crimson velvet frock coat I'm making, too. ~Lady B
  4. Ok, mates... here be my weapons. Finally yo'r able to see them! M' carbine (I use for Rev War), the doglock (thanks Kass and hubby!), the G. Washington pistol (non-functional but nice), m' Dragoon Potter saber (one of the many left-overs from "The Patriot"), and my dagger that says "De estos chiles pocos da la mata" (which not sure exactly what it says but asked a friend of mine from the Oaxaca area of Mexico what it meant, she's not sure but possible it's Portogese meaning "With this knife, I bring death". What's super cool is that the other side of the blade is exactly the same design on the back of the Aztec Gold from "Curse of the Black Pearl". Creepy, eh? Mind you, everything there - except the Washington pistol - is very functional. The wee silver dot is a quarter (bicentenial quarter nonetheless). ~Lady B
  5. Kenneth... Wow! Great deal, mate! Mighty nice an' fancy boots, Pogue. Hehehe... FINALLY! have the pictures available for viewing! So... here they are of my selection of shoes: my Boots, that were once Dragoon boots (from G. Gedney Godwin for half price) but had to cut them down (not cause of piratey things either) the fancy white shoes I wore at RF2 with my gold gown. Got them from Fugawee... black shoes from Townsend, I wear these at the Rev War events... and of course, my old pair of fancy shoes I converted m'self from a very old pair of victorian style shoes I never hardly used. They turned out great and are currently too small for me (as they are a 9 and a half) and are for sale... I've a couple other pairs of shoes I converted, but don't have pics of them yet as they are buried somewhere in my Rev War stuff in Storage. ~Lady B
  6. Don't mean to double post here... but FINALLY got this one finished. My new waistcoat... ...with french seams to be reversable. Tis a bit more on the Hollywood/Fictional/Legend side rather than purely historically authentic, but that's ok. I'll eventually make a historically authentic one... someday. One down, several more to go! ~Lady B
  7. Tis an idea here, mates... having a Pub Yearbook with pics of us at events of that year, etc.. just like a class yearbook. another idea is like the pen pal booklets where you make a tiny booklet with your current name and addy on it, then send it off to a friend and they will send it to someone else, etc. Eventually you will get it back with various people to write to. But instead of writing to them, have them paste a pic or scrapbook a page of themselves as a pirate or whatever. They could write something, too, I guess. But the yearbook... would be fun! Cost? Well... I suppose I could check into it. :) ~Lady B
  8. Ahoy! Not from around the Boston area... not by a long shot. But, more than eager t' give ye a proper Pub welcome. Make m' drink a tankard o' Mango Mojito! Hope ye find a crew 'round th' Boston vicinity, Mate. Nothin's mo' fun than some piratical plunderin'! ~Lady B
  9. Ahoy, Grace. Good to hear from one who sails th' Midwest, too. Hope t' cross paths with ye someday. How's 'bout a tankard o' Irish Cream. I love m' drinks! ~Lady B
  10. My compliments to ye, Amanjiria. Very well done. Comfort is key really. ~Lady B
  11. Abrams, What in specific an' more detail were ya lookin' to obtain? Drop me a line if you are still looking. Perhaps I can help ye, too. ~Lady B
  12. Oh, I have a few things, Sterling that I won't singe at all. I only singe the edges of my "business" cards, those modern things to give out to modern people. They like that. But my maps, most documents I have, etc... I won't singe at all. I do try to keep them nice so they don't get ruined. Tis tough for a couple pieces though. Found some oilskin/cloth to wrap it all up in if I want to obtain it sometime. I'll check again, Chloe. I just haven't had much luck around here with good authentic looking stuff. And what paper they do have, I already have. Patrick... that is a hoot! Again, to the singing... true, Hollywood. But imagine the story you create and tell when someone asks why that paper is in two or why is there a piece missing in the corner.. or why is it singed, etc. ~Lady B
  13. I keep seeing more and more stuff that folks seem to be buying but I NEVER see them in the stores! Example, a VERY wicked CD boombox that looks like the Dead Man's Chest. Open the lid, you can put the CD in, etc. Someone showed theirs on LiveJournal and said they saw them at Best Buy. ::Shrugs:: I've seen a few things on eBay... which I can NEVER find anything that is on there anywhere else. The cute Jack monkey is now stuff, the animatronic Davy Jones heart that actually beats, PotC collectable pins, etc. I've been fortunate to receive a couple pins from a good shipmate of mine who gets these classical collectables and she LOVES the PotC ones. Just curious to obtain some more stuff but everything local and where ever else are rather the same thing for months and no one's buying it. Hate the idea of buying something blindly and paying for shipping. That may convinent, but it can be rather pricy. WANT MORE POTC STUFF! More Barbossa, more Davy, more of everyone else except Jack and Will... TOO much out there of Jack and Will. ~Lady B
  14. What scarey is I remember that episode. They use to show the Monkees on Nickelodeon back in the mid 80s. LOVED their show and their songs. Bus pirates? ~Lady B
  15. Sounds like a plan. Alas, may be more rum left over... I just can't seem to bring myself to drink when I'm bummed out. Odd, isn't it? Don't know... piracy... and I mean the real thing... is starting to sound REALLY good! Hell, why not! I'm being robbed practically every bleedin' day! ~Lady B
  16. Mission... ye look absolutely fantastic! Love th' look on ye! ~Lady B
  17. M.A. d'Dogge, I promise, next time I sees ye, I'll have m' writin' stuff with me. :) Otherwise, I might b' able t' conjure up a pen pal like letter if ye so wishes t' sees it an' not be wantin' t' wait for a few months. Thank ye, gents, fo' th' ideas. Anyone ever tried using wood for a seal? I'm just seeing what avenues I have without spending the coinage I don't have (need to plunder some soon, as I'm being plundered from; long story there). Again, anyone have ideas on obtaining huge laid paper or parchment/fake parchment? I know I use th' fake parchment paper I get at WalMart to make wee "business" cards from and singe the edges to make it look mighty piratey. I've gotten TONS of compliments on those and keep running out of them. ~Lady B
  18. ..like crap. Mentally and physically. REALLY down in the dumps. Every day that goes by, a deserted Island sounds SO much better! ~Lady B
  19. Hey, shipmates! Got the latest catelog of theOriental Trading Companyand they had some awesome piratical fun stuff in there for Halloween. And a few things you can use any other time not just Halloween! Check 'em out! ~Lady B
  20. Fantastic! Now, my problem be... I can't find laid paper or parchment larger than legal size to write upon. Easy enough to find laid paper and parchment look alikes... but to obtain the really good stuff and larger... yeah, right. So, anyone know where to obtain good historical paper (besides Williamsburg) that is the size of the US Documents (D of I, Constitution, etc)... both laid paper and the parchment... ::raises hand::: I am in the market! I use the old fashion way with the paper... with ink I obtain at Barnes and Noble... and better yet, real goose quills! Yes, I have TONS of goose quills and make my own quill pens. I've MORE than enough to last me for years and years and have been thinking about selling them some. One pen I've used for nigh 2 years, if that goes to show you how good they are and how long they last if used correctly and taken care of. Not to boast my penmenship with quill pens, but I must say I do a rather good job and would rather write with my quill pens than a regular ball point or fountain pen. Any one know how to resculpt seals? I've one from Townsend with that fantastic handle but the pewter seal I'm none too charmed with. And want something a little different/better. ~Lady B
  21. Michael, Bo, AnnaMarie... m' compliments, mates! Very fine attire ye all have. ~Lady B
  22. I like, Bloodrose! Fantastic choice o' colors - red an' black! Ye appear ready t' plunder th' devil out of any poor ol' devil. Aye, Rats... tis a mighty fine pic of both ye an' MD. Deserves t' be framed! ~Lady B
  23. Mab.. forget the beginner and the halfway. Mate... it's fantastic! Far better than some halfway stuff I see out there at least like the fishnet tights with the big boots and piratey stuff all from Hot Topics or other stores around that is FAR from pirate but more modern pirate pop culture. I tell ye what, of all the outfits I saw for PotC AWE... your's tops all I saw. And that's better than the 2 fairly decent outfits I saw. Yo'rs is snapping fantastic! Great job, Mab! Honestly, I'd keep that one for a while. I like the look and flow of it! You SO pass as a pirate! ~Lady B
  24. Well, glad ye piped up and bought a round o' drinks fo' us, mate. Aye, I'll have a mango rum mojito. I'm in a fair mood this evenin'. M' feline Magellan an' I be havin' a wee bit o' fun an' games. So... what brings ye t' crawl from th' shadows an' carouse with we dangerous but fascinatin' lot? ~Lady B
  25. Amen, Alyx! I've experimented and failed. But, I do tire of the bland black leather or bone leather shoes. Nice buckle, GoF. And I like Mick's shoes. Mighty nice. ~Lady B
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