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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Wicked! I've heard of a couple people who have it and LOVE it. Haven't seen it here where I live... yet. Course I really haven't hunted it down and driven all over the city for it. As if anyone in the stores will know what I'm talking about if I call them! Very cool, Bess! ~Lady B
  2. Thanks, Jon. I've spoken to a couple folks I know in the Mexico area. One of the lasses I know lives in the Yucatan and even she doesn't know what it means and she's a native Mexican! She believes it's Portuegese. She's rather thrown off by it. Granted, she's in the Yucatan and the knife is from the Oaxaca province. But, from the few I spoke to, the statement what I have is what we all came up with. Cause they thought the chile peppers translation didn't make sense and was rather silly. Very nice, Hurricane. :) Lucky devil. :::whimpers::: I want a cannon. I won't say a word over the "Hanger/Banger" issue. ~Lady B
  3. I'd say set a date well ahead of time. That way folks can make plans and not be scrambling to find a way to that gathering. Considering we all are scattered around the midwest here (meaning hours away instead of minutes). ~Lady B
  4. Is Ken blonde haired and handsome looking? That could be it, Michael. I only caught a few things about the Whydah exhibit and mentioned that the artifacts were in a traveling exhibit. Didn't catch the location where it currently was. I suppose if anyone's able to see it, I would think it would be worth it. Saw artifacts from the American Rev War a couple years ago at the Herbert Hoover Museum and that was incredibly awesome! ~Lady B
  5. I'm highly eagerly awaiting "Elizabeth: the Golden Years" for a number of reasons. Mr Rush be one of those reasons. ~Lady B
  6. This was SO wicked! Saw it on Good Morning America this morning as well as a mention on Regis and Kelly that National Geographic has a documentary (not sure when or where it will be airing, didn't catch that part) about the shipwrecked pirate vessel AND will sponsor a Traveling exhibit of the artifacts from the Whydah! I'll do some search where this site is at, all I got was the mention of it. But if anyone else knows more, feel free to post something about this, too! It's FANTASTIC! I have to admit... I'm eager to have a look see m'self! ~Lady B
  7. ::Le sigh::: auction off the Dutchman?!? Then few will ever see it! Ehh... who knows. Would be awesome to own the Flying Dutchman. I don't know, mates. I know a LOT of folks who fancied the Dutchman more than the Pearl. Speakin' of th' Black Pearl, where is said vessel? ~Lady B
  8. I agree with Sterling! I'm highly impressed! Very fine attire ye have, Mr. Bagley. ~Lady B
  9. What do they plan to do with the Flying Dutchman, Bess? The Dutchman is an absolutely FABULOUS vessel! Sparks one's imagination and interest. I've heard more folks like the Dutchman now more than the Black Pearl! I hope that it's repaired. Any ideas that are being tossed around? Perhaps making it fully seaworthing and having it sail around to ports to festivals?!? :::Raises hand::: if so, SIGN ME ON!!! I'll serve 100 years before the mast!!! ~Lady B
  10. The issue I have had with attempting (and I mean attempting) to make these shoes have been with the sole and the fabric. You can glue fabric over the leather or whatever, but will peel off after the first or second event. And with limited equipment, even using barge glue for putting the sole back together, it won't take long after some usage to have the sole pull apart. I'm going to attempt another experiment (mentioned this to Siren) and HOPEFULLY will turn out the way I want it. And will be like these fancy style shoes we see. ~Lady B
  11. Coolies. Mom makes it similiarly like that, too. The Hot Chocolate I fancy making occassionally is truly an aphrodesiac and a hell of a drink! It's from Tidings of the 18th Century by Beth Gilgun and it's 18th c hot chocolate. Take 1 cup of water. Shave 1/4 ounce chocolate (unsweetened or bakers) into the water and boil. Add 2 tablespoons of loaf sugar and continue to boil for a short time. Be careful to watch the pot as the chocolate is inclined to bubble over. If you are going to add mile, add about 1/2 cup and boil the chocolate with the milk in it. Pour into a coup and grate some nutmeg on top. I've used organic sugar or sugar cubes. I've made it with just the water and with just milk. The half milk, half water is ok. Altering the water and milk to taste really and is best that way. :) My mom has a LOT of cookbooks of recipes from my Grandma, great Grandma and ladies from farming communities on cooking. Eventually I hope to attempt some of their recipes in a dutch oven, in pots and other 18th c camping cookery. I've only done two stews at events (cause of the camp rations they gave us) and that was a beef stew and a chicken noodle soup. Beef stew was easy enough having cut up the beef into stew portions. peeled and cubed the potatoes, shaved off and sliced up carrots, and peels and sliced up onions. Cooking the beef in water for at least 15 minutes over an already hot water. Then tossing in the potatoes, carrots and onions into the beef and the stock now. Then letting it cook then simmer until it comes to the verge of mush (cause apparently my Commander likes it that way). Chicken Noodle... boil a whole chicken for a couple hours at least in water in a dutch over. Remove chicken and pull good meat off bones. Discard bones, use chicken stock that was made from cooking the chicken in the water. shave and slice up carrots, slice up celery, add egg noodles ( that you either bought or made) and allow to cook for at least an hour. Corn on the cob. Not perfected yet but it has worked. Peel back but don't remove the husks. Remove the silk. Butter lavishly the corn. Cover corn back up with still attatched husks, then place on coals or embers, or rack, or rock next to the fire. Cook there for at least a half hour, recommended 45 mins. It cooks slowly. Lamb roast in a dutch oven. I tell ya... I bought one, cooked it.. and it went faster than I could say "Tarleton's coming!" And all I did was put a small lamb roast in a dutch oven, with a little water to cover the bottom of the oven and kept ensuring that there was a little water the whole time. Added bay leaves to the water and atop the lamb roast with sage. Took about 4 hours to cook with it sitting next to the fire and embers ontop the dutch over lid... but again the lamb roast was a huge hit. I did likewise with a beef roast, but with peppercorn, basil and parsley. Mashed potatoes (white or sweet) generaly just boiling the potatoes in a copper boiler. Then remove and mash. Add butter and a touch of milk. top with parsley or other herbs as you wish. Camp cooking for me hasn't been something extravagant. Yet. Until I get more time and events to cook. ~Lady B
  12. New Orleans is quite the distance for us up in the northern midwest. Already, SO much is going on in so many areas of the country that it's no longer funny. PyrateCon in New Orleans, PiP in Key West, Ojai in California, Blackbeard Fest in SC, Port Washington in Wisconsin, Reenactor Fest in Chicago, many, many Ren Faires and more Pirate Fests popping up... are frankly more than 6 hours drive. At least from where I am where the Land Between Two Rivers has VERY little to offer and so I have to travel long distances to get to. Airfare isn't cheap... nor is gasoline. A get together in the Midwest would be fantastic especially for some of us Midwesterners who can make it all over the US to see everyone. Granted, it would be FANTASTIC to see all of you. But is it really . But... I guess: 1. think about those local to and those not so local. Is it a local event or not? 2. if it's more like an event, with SO much going on, better have this thing planned out at least a year in advance. My opinion. Again, ::: points to the events above::: For that foppish (and even non-foppish) 18th c event, I'd say that'll take some planning. I'm open to help out with that, great with ideas, horrible with admin tasks though. As to some wee midwesterner get togethers... I'm sure we can do that, Tarr. :) Though I'm sure more folks 'll be able to get to you easier than I and a few others. Distance is horrible, mates. Hell, I think we need to have our own Pirate town! That be my two doubloons ~Lady B
  13. Physically, mentally, and emotionally hurting and feeling like shyte.
  14. Careful, Cheeky. Th' gents may attempt to be Handmaidens. I do look forward to it, m'dear Cheeky. Very nice, Bonnie! Impressive! You look fantastic, Ol' Jack! ~Lady B
  15. Hehehe... thank you. Hoping someone 'll purchase it. I need to get rid of it to make some room for my new gown I'll be working on here soon. I hear ya, Mate. It's a tough thing to give up some things and sell them. Took me a while to figure out whether to sell that gown or not. :::hands him a tankard of rum::: hope this cheers ye up. ~Lady B
  16. Absolutely fantastic, Cheeky! I LOVE it! Can't wait t' see ye in it in person. OOOO!!! You MUST simply where it to Reenactor Fest! Aye, there is NO way to lose you in a crwod wearin' that! ~Lady B
  17. I finally did it and my gold gown I've worn a few times including at Reenactor Fest... is now up for sale! Elizabeth Swann style gold gown Take a look if ye wish. Hoping it sells (cause I have no place for it now). I'll have a couple more things up for sale soon, but not on eBay... more direct from my site (which 'll hopefully be up by the end of this weekend). ~Lady B
  18. Aye.... ::points to Sterling::: as Sterling mentioned. :) ~Lady B
  19. Curious to see this project of yo'rs, Cheeky! ~Lady B
  20. Amen, Ransom! There's a bit more to the Colonial era than 2 wars (the Seven Years war and the American War for Independence). I say more all around Colonial, too! But, oh those outfits are spectacular and splendid! I say.... the Gentlemen are PURE eyecandy! ~Lady B
  21. Alex.... m' question to ye is... which decade and portrayal are ye going for? That's ALWAYS the first question and detail when searching for something. :::points to all the links::: this be a reason why. So many clothing ideas tossed at ya mainly cause of a vague general idea. I'll PM ya. ~Lady B
  22. Oh My Bloody God! Absolutely fantasticly brilliant! Thank ye SO much fo' sharin' that, GoF! It's just incredibly stunning! I ADORE all their outfits! Every single one of them! Now... why th' devil can't we in the US just button our yippy traps up an' have somethin' as fantastic as this?!? Seriously! Look at th' variety of attire! It's just incredible eye candy t' gawk at! I'm whimperin' at the sheer magnatude and scope of such an 18th c extravaganza! :::Clobbers and hugs GoF::: Oh, Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!! Now THAT... is an event!!! Oh come on, Patrick! There's plenty of women there showin' plenty of clevage!!! Admit it! Ye fancy the images!!! ~Lady B
  23. OY VEY!!! Reenactor Fest... PyrateCon... DragonCon... Port Wasthington Pirate Fest... various other fests and reenactment events..... Mates, I'm not made o' money! Too much t' do! Wish I HAD plundered some vessel burdened with gold an' silver an' jewels! But, If I can... I'll try t' make it to PyrateCon. Can't be guaranteein' anything. It looks splendid already. Especially fo' it bein' only it's 2nd year. ~Lady B
  24. I've not been to it m'self but I hear it's one of those events a Colonial must go to at least once in their life! Tis not really piratical or about pirates. It's more a Colonial type event. Feast of the Hunter's Moon ~Lady B
  25. Ooooh, dear. Now Rats 'll get th' idea t' be a pirate wearin' a tutu at RF4. Poor Sterling. There ya go, Patrick! A great pic of Sterling an' his wacky crew! This'll be a new version (piratical one) to "the Wackiest Ship in the Navy". Next thing ye'll know... he'll b'wearin' Ladies shoes! Hey! can happen! He came pretty close t' stealin' m' new white fancy shoes at RF2! ~Lady B
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