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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Seein' the Royaliste at Port Washington some time would be a thrill! I know folks would enjoy it! Granted the Windy 2 is there every year. But to have a real privateer vessel there.. Ooooo... Maybe a sea battle! That's something that hasn't happened at Port Washington yet! Any chance t' meet up with ye would be a wonderful possibility, Captain! Considering the past two times has been a wash out. Unfortunately. Perhaps the third time 's a charm? ~Lady B
  2. Thoughts an' prayers for th' both of ye. ~Lady B
  3. If not a Blacksmith. That IS ironic! If not a wee eerie in some mild manner. Aye? ~Lady B
  4. Awww...bummer. Perhaps next time, m'dear. :) Aye, nigh a month. Already I'm workin' m' fingers off on this gown. Then it's t' finish the other outfits for PyrateCon. Looking forward t' RF4 a great deal! :) ~Lady B
  5. All in all, I enjoyed the film. I've seen FAR worse films with WORSE plots and god knows what else to it. Those films make AWE Oscar material for Best Picture. The DVD was wonderful. I heard that Best Buy had another disc with it of special features. Not sure yet as there is only one Best Buy here in town and that's on the other side of town! I was pleased with the DVD and the special featuers. LOVE "Two Captains, one ship"! Absolutely fantastic! Again, poor Barbossa. Neat info in there. And again, the "Easter Eggs" were rather cool. Can't wait for the Boxed Set. I'll buy that in 2008 along with the box set of "The Mysterious Cities of Gold"! Perhaps there is one of the reasons where I fancy PotC... is cause of MCoG. Taking historical and mixing it with fictional and fantasy. Turning the unbelieveable into the possible. And that's where my love of History started, too. Anything is possible. ~Lady B
  6. Which of the Seven Deadly Sins do you most personify? Which? HA! I don't think one personifies me. Or even two! I think all 7 personify me! Here... let me explain: * Lust? Hmmm... Well, depends upon yo'r point o' view. So, Aye. In a manner o' speakin'. Wicked Lady I be. * Gluttony? AYE! When There be th' opportunity o' eating! God know I don't eat a balanced daily amount. On average... I eat at least one meal a bloody day if I'm lucky! Damn right I feast and fulfill that gluttony! * Greed? :::Glances around::: Oh, not at all! Oh, come on now... PIRATE!!! * Sloth? Aye... this I admit. Generally with whatever motivates me less! I've no need fo' eagerness no' ambition unless it's over somethin' I REALLY desire and ready t' take it at cannon-point * Wrath? Wrath? what wrath? ^&**$#^%!@*$@&*$#^& Ye haven't see wrath yet!!! Granted nothing like Calypso, but bloody dang near close! * Envy? Oh... We will NOT go there. * Pride? Damn straight! Proud to be a BARBOSSA!!!! Among other variations of pride. So... I'm no angel any more. Not th' sweet innocent everyone thought I was especially went I began this piratical venture a few years ago! ... PIRATE!!! Oh, and do look at m' quote in m' signature. I think that'll give ye a hint how much these 7 Deadly Sins bother me... ~Lady B
  7. Yo Ho Ho! Wishing ye and yo'r kin a very merry piratical Christmas. Tis th' day ye get th' gifts without plunderin'! Oooo... Blessings to all on this glorious day of joy and laughter. Enjoy this day of peace and prosperity. ~Lady B
  8. Harsh words when the general concensus has been thumbs down for AWE and opinions appear that folks never saw the film or still have a grudge against DMC. Opinions be fine on AWE. A couple folks gave those opinions in general about Beckett's demise or the Locker scene with Jack... etc. I found AWE a complete delight. Perhaps I do enjoy those charming fantasies with wild romps and adventures. And the glorious return of Barbossa of course. If it had bad sound, horrible graphics, unbearable acting, terrible lines - and I have seen a couple films like this - then I'd consider it a waste of film. All in all, I consider it a fun film. Granted I thought the part with Jack in the Locker was rather way out there. Ehhh, true. Each to their own. But I'll be damned if folks bitch about a film without it givin' it fair chance! Frankly, AWE is WAY, WAY better than the bombardment of these freakin' political ads on TV! I'll be soon ending up like Jack in the Locker! Any, annoys me. Just think about how grand it is just having a decent pirate film out there. Could be worse now. Could be no more pirate films EVER! I suppose I'm fed up with all th' bitchin' about how disappointing Pirate Films are. If ye be disappointed in th' story or the turn out of a film... make yo'r bloody own film! Star Wars fans do it. Opinion... WHAT in specific did ye not like about th' film? What scenes bothered ye? What characters did ye fancy what others did ye think needed better work? Why did ye not like it or what did ye like about a scene? I think that's a better asking of opinions instead of sounding carbon copy that AWE wasn't good cause of DMC. And, aye, that's what I hear everywhere. Love th' lot of ye... and consider ye all with honor and respect. But, damnit all, why belly ache over a film ye never saw or only saw once?!? Missin' out on the special features, too. What more ye want of this film? Let alone any pirate film? I like the DVD cover for the limited edition. Very nice. The Special Features are just grand. Love the "easter eggs"... salt flats, reintroducing the "rocks" to the salt flats.. hilarious. All in all a nice layout and look. Thumbs up. :::Standing here with a loaded pistol; annoyed with the copycat complaining & criticing of AWE::: ~Lady B
  9. Why over critique and over analize this film? Kids like it, adults like it, teens like it. NO film will be as perfect as we want it to be. But, PotC has given us a wild and adventurous ride. Hell, how many of us would LOVE to be on the Black Pearl during that Maelstrom scene?!?! :::Raises hand::: Much like Polar Express... just accept it, believe and enjoy! Don't analize, forget logic, stop processing should-be's and leave behind the doubt. Would ye rather NOT have a Pirate Film? I'm grateful for such a film...otherwise, I doubt if I would have known about this place, met other people had tons of fun at various events, or made such glorious outfits, etc. If they make a 4th... I'll highly welcome it. ~Lady B
  10. Briefly was a part of the beta testing. But didn't stick with it... generally haven't had the time for it. That kind of gaming hasn't really interested me. Writing the stories completely freehand, etc works better for me. I knew a few who were part of the free Beta testing, too. And stopped cause of the subscription plus they hadn't the time. ::: shrugs::: I MIGHT (but unlikely) get involved in it. ~Lady B
  11. Welcome to th' Pub, Wayland! Oooo, creepy. Wayland is the name of m' hometown. Anyway... again, glad ye made way t' th' Pub. An' I'm sure ye'll find a crew over there 'cross th' Pond. Alas, ye be far from this Lady an' her crew... but I'd consider it a grand honor t' know ye, Wayland. :::removing large hat & elegantly bows::: Hows 'bout treatin' this Lady to a fine glass o' sweet red wine, hmm? ~Lady B
  12. I've m' room already. Just FINALLY started working on my new gown for the Ball saturday evening. It'll be a bleedin' miracle if I get it finished in time! I'm quilting the petticoat first then I'll be working on the stomacher. And inbetween it's sewing together the gown. It's going to be a sacque back in light blue silk. Pray it gets done! ~Lady B
  13. Jack! We definitely do NOT want ye to hit the road again, luv! Aye, ye've been missed. Time t' celebrate now that ye be back. Hoping I can meet ye in 2008... finally. :) Oh, by any chance be ye attending PyrateCon in april? Oh, do go!!! I'll buy ye a drink if you buy me a drink. That sound good? What'll ye have, mate? I'll have a sweet red wine t' boot. ~Lady B
  14. Yah.... how is a good honist Sailor suposed to get any sleep when Evil Pyrate hunters keep sprinkling them wit water...... Perhaps they are asking why their ship is gone as ye are the one laying out cold on the docks with a teddy bear in the arms cause your rum bottle is gone. Apparently, yes... folks are suppose to be allowed sleep. But, hell, there are times it's not even possible! Neat idea, Chole. It's always interesting to see our outfits change over time. No matter what impression you are shooting for. ~Lady B
  15. If where I live was Port Royal... I'd expect the Black Pearl to come sailing into harbor! That's how foggy it is! Dense and very thick. Been weird weather lately. On top of it all... another snow storm this weekend. Oh, I bet the political candidates are having a hell of a time here. ~Lady B
  16. We love t' hate ye and hate t' love ya. All in all, ye pose a fabulous challenge that will stir the blood of any pirate with a show of wits. HAHA! Beckett's replacement - Sterling! God help us all! :::evil grinz::: A good challenge and I greatly welcome that. Either way, Mary I'm sure was having fun. Tis true... at events.. to hell with sleep! I've heard DragonCon is THE worst where you literially get NO sleep. Heaven help me as that is one of the destinations my crew and I will be attending in 2008. Up to Mary which look she wasn't to go with. And looks great in both appearances. ~Lady B
  18. Ooooo... me likey! Both versions o' th' same image. Mighty nice, Mary! Spiffy an' dashing. Haha... that "chain" looks a bit familiar. ~Lady B
  19. What a riot, Cheeky! Bloody hell, can't believe I missed that! Oh, Rats... where yo'r stores well stocked? Pray tell how often ye stumbled down them stairs!? MUST do that at Port Wash... Cheeky an' I can attempt to make an effort to come to thy rescue... only to watch ye take that nasty tumble down them stairs. :) Ye know we loves ye. Aye, true, GoF. each compliments the other. Too much a pricy Lady t' give up m' velvets, cottons, and silks... generally the finery to be some humble, honest sailor or even poor pirate. What kinda pirate would I be if I wasn't surrounded in m' plunder? Hmm? Sides.... gotta give Sterling and others mighty good reason for them t' give chase... think of all th' bounty they are able to gain from my capture! That is... IF anyone can capture me! :::evil grinz::: Oh, may make ol' Bess there a Lady o' sorts... swindle th' local Governors from their trinkets of wealth and secrets. What say ye, Bess... Cheeky... Errr, Lily? Fantastic outfit, Mission! Puts th' fear of Medicine in any man or woman it does! ~Lady B
  20. Anyone recall back in the 80s on Nickelodeon an animated series called "the Mysterious Cities of Gold"? Originally a French series that was dubbed in Japanese and English. The French version and Japanese version has been out for nearly a decade. FINALLY the english version will be available in 2008! Here is a link to one website that will have the official English DVD set info for England: The Mysterious Cities of Gold UK DVD set Distributors for the US and Canada are still in the works. Exciting as this is a GREAT animated series that greatly appeals to children both to inspire their imagination, spike their interest in history, and enjoy good family entertainment. I had all 39 episodes on VHS since the 80s, were watched a lot by myself, friends, younger kids, nieces and nephew and are completely worn out. Incredible images, fantastic music and the story over all is grand. Aye, loops holes... always will be loop holes in practically any story. But from a child's point of view... it's a fabulous adventure! A snipet of what the series is about: In the year 1532, a Spanish orphan named Esteban joins a party of Spaniards in their search for one of The Seven Cities of Gold in the New World, hoping to find his father. He is joined on his quest by Zia, an Incan girl, and Tao, the last descendant of the sunken empire of Mu ("Hiva" in the English dub). The series is a mix of ancient South American history, archaeology, and science fiction. Esteban, Zia, and Tao encounter the Mayans, Inca, and Olmecs during their journey. The characters discover many lost technological wonders of the Mu Empire, including a solar powered ship (the Solaris) and The Golden Condor, a huge solar-powered would-be ornithopter (mechanical bird), capable of traveling considerable distances under the sun's power alone. They are constantly pursued by antagonists Gomez and Gaspard, who are also in search of the Cities of Gold. ~Lady B
  21. Oh, I be entertained, amused and laughin' m' arse off over all this! First off, Toxicadia... don whatever attire yo'r piratical heart desires. We all have various tastes. Goes t' show the wide spectrum of piracy. I, bein' one of the fops so to speak. That is IF I get these bleedin' outfits done! Curious t' see what ye come up with, toxicadia. :) Sterling... Dear God, man! And such a splendid outfit, Captain. :::uses Vader's voice:: Impressive. Most impressive. :::end of Vader's voice::: Cheeky... ALWAYS love Bess. Wild woman she is. And t'was a mighty tastey bun back at Port Wash if I do say so m'self! I'd love t' try more of yo'r buns in the future. But... don't know. Sterling perhaps I can offer a good price for th' lass. ::: evil grinz::: ~Lady B
  22. Ye've found no better place, Toxicadia, on the world wide web. Th' Pub be th' best place by far. Grand t' have ye here. Easy enough t' tell yo'r passion for pirates in yo'r words. Huzzah t' ye, lass! ~Lady B
  23. JACK! Tis a grand pleasure t' see ye back! Granted, m' own opinon... we be far woolier here than at KTTC. Oh, since ye be returnin' after a long hiatus here... how's 'bout a drink? Rum! Oooo... now I be curious what this new pirate persona be like. :) ~Lady B
  24. Welcome to th' Pub, Commodore Swab. Pleasure t' have ye here with this wily lot. Do sit and point out them fine vessels. Nay, I won't be commandeerin' them from ye. I've m' sights set upon another vessel. Conch Republic, eh? Ooooo.... Loverly. Welp, Commodore, I'll have whatever be th' fav drink of yo'r current island of residence. ~Lady B
  25. Should watch At World's End at least once, Bo. If only for Barbossa. There be a few scenes in there - each on of them with Barbossa - that make it all worth while. And as we've mentioned... it's Barbossa's return that made the movie. Then again, I was about to punch the daylights out of my dad when he came to visit and we all sat down to watch the movie. The vast majority of the time watching was listening to him call the movie "stupid" amoung other things... which ruined the magic of it and got the kids all obnoxious to where they kept picking on each other and so on and so forth. Never did finish watching it. Nope... up and left eventually... with my movie. Cause apparently no one was watching. PotC takes a childlike imagination and interest. One will never get it if they haven't that child within them. It's meant to be fun. And I don't know onekid who has seen it and doesn't like it. ~Lady B
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