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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Welcome to th' Pub, MadL Glad t' see ye've come out t' play. Drink? So that b' were it all went! well, mate... ye be buyin' an' Ray has plenty t' drink. So... why not a glass o' Hypnotic fo' this Lady. Do tell us a wee bit 'bout thy piraty self. Hmm? ~Lady B
  2. I heard, Cheeky. My thoughts and prayers were upon ya since I heard. How ya doin' now, m'dear? Rest up for RF4. :) Thanks, Christine. Indeed it's tough not letting things get to ya. Chills and restlessness, eh? Now some may call that a medical reason... some may say it has to do with the spirit realm. :::Shrugs::: toughy. All in all, prayers are with ye, too, Christine. Good to hear you are doin' better, too. ~Lady B
  3. Jezzy.... nice name. :) Welcome to th' Pub, Jezzy. Splendid of Honour Bright t' direct ye here. Sweet red wine fo' me this fine evenin'. Thank ye. So... pyratin' be yo'r main staple, eh? Well... cant argue with that. Again, welcome to th' Pub. Enjoy yo'r carousin'! ~Lady B
  4. Oddly enough, this song was easier to memorize than any other. I've the lyrics and constantly find myself singing it now and then. So, anyone who sees me at some event... don't be surprised if you might hear me sing "Hoist The Colours". ~Lady B
  5. Hmmm... that is a dilemma, Rumba. Well... Lemme think since you have high arches, perhaps a different form of colonial fancy shoe might work better as they are more like a slipper. Lemme take a look around. I did spot a couple shoes on eBay. a couple others were nice but were a size 8 and a half. These were black shoes, too. Now, out of curiosity, would this type of style work better? These are on eBay, a bit more pricy and in need of buckles.... but they seems a little more let restrictive: eBay; Vintage colonial style shoe Now... I found last night at WalMart a shoe rather close to this: vintage 18th c shoe It had a short and very narrow heel, pointed toes and was rather flat and open atop the foot. It was black. I think there was a size 9. I'll double check. ~Lady B
  6. Depressed. Hate this city, hate my job, hate my family, and many other things. Need to move out of this state.I just wish stupid things would stop piling up so I CAN have the coinage to leave this God forsaken, damned state! Idiots! Every bloody person in Iowa are damned idiots! I don't mind one Manager but the other Manager... he's pushed me several times to the edge of wanting to just walk off the job. I don't cause I need money. Tired of his BS. Has no damned right to bitch at me for 2 people walking out cause they didn't get served right away! What was I suppose to do? Drop the 5 other people I was dealing with at the same time ( 2 phone calls, in person and via drive thru all at the same time)! Oh, I feel rather abused. Hate this crap. Doesn't make me feel any better, in fact makes me feel worse and tosses me into a Depression. among having to be at my family's beaconed call, a cold, cold truck (which with the below zero temps we've been having is NOT good).... Life sucks. ~Lady B
  7. Hehehe.... It is a bit baffling but exciting. And a nice print. ~Lady B
  8. Heysa, Rumba... The main questions being: 1. How much are you wanting to spend on the fine shoes? 2. What size? 3. What type are you looking for? Now, you generally answered #3 as your are looking for something to wear as though attending a Ball or a fancy Garden Party. Another question is... How long will you be wearing them? Do you need inserts? Do you mind heels or would your perfer a flat? What activities will you be doing in these shoes? Now, every once in a while, I do run across some shoes that would pass as 17th or 18th c and would make fancy party or ball shoes. I constantly look but currently don't buy anything as I haven't a large group to cater to... yet. But, I do keep my keen eyes open. And I'm aware that there is a market out there for folks looking for shoes that are cheaper and even some not of the black leather. So... let me know what you are looking for/style, Rumba. What size, color, etc... and I'll keep my eyes open. Otherwise, check here: Colonial Shoes by Costumes by Patti Jo Hopefully that link will work for ya. They are the Colonial style shoes for women in black, white and bone. They are cheap but nice. I'd get a pair myself but they never seem to have a pair anywhere online that's a size 11. AMasquerade has these shoes, too. But not the wider variety as Costumes by Patti Jo. LOL... yes, goes to show you what I do when I'm desiring something in specific. I've two expensive pairs of shoes - one from Jas Townsend and Sons the black leather ladies shoe and the bone white Martha style from Fugawee. And niether of them were cheap, that's the truth of it. And as we all know there are plenty of sutlers out there with shoes but they are not the cheap type ranging nigh $100 or more. But I will still keep a look out for what you want. :) ~Lady B
  9. Understand completely, Sea Rover. I might purchase a map or two from Kass, but will be unlikely that I'll purchase anything else more due to arising opportunities and other issues. Even if I want a new hat blank... can't get that. All in all, ye and Bess 'll be missed. Will try to obtain at least one wickedly compromising image of Peaches. But, I don't know.. him dancing with the Roman last year was hilarious! Oh, and the Polish Officer version of Lawrence of Arabia. ~Lady B
  10. Very nice, GoF! This is a reproduction of an actual print? Heck, if so... goes to show you the wide variety of items available to the growing world at the time. Not as small and narrow in merchandise as we all thought. :) I'm bouncing with glee, GoF! I'm utterly fascinated with findings such as these. Would that print really be used as a neckkerchief? Or for somethin' else? Curious here, cause it was toss all belief I was told in Rev War groups out of the water with such proof. Diversity in attire! I LOVE IT!!! ~Lady B
  11. Ye will be missed, Sea Rover. Will definitely have some fun fo' ye. Anything you might want or need that you wish us to keep a good look out for? We'll have plenty of pictures. And most definitely look forward to seeing you at Port Washington. ~Lady B
  12. Wish I could attend it. Haven't heard much about it since '03. Sounds like an interesting event. ~Lady B
  13. Welcome to th' Pub, Hana. Glad t' see ye here with this wily group o' carousin' sea folk. Florida, eh? Ooooh, plenty o' pirates and events down yo'r way then. Lucky lass! As it's customary t' purchase spirits fo' we oldies of th' Pub.... I'll be takin' a glass o' Hypnotic. Thank ye kindly. ~Lady B
  14. Can't remember if I posted a welcome here or not. If I haven't, here ye go.. if I have, then just means ye get another welcome from me! Welcome to th' Pub, lass! ~Lady B
  15. I'm absolutely stunned! Nearly refusing to believe Ledger is dead and will no longer be in any more films. It's absolutely shocking! Completely unexpected. Aye, he's one of the last celebrities I would even consider to die so suddenly. He's such an Orlando Bloom quality (appearance) about him. My response upon hearing it on the ABC Nightly News- "WHAT?!?!" and that wasn't spoken softly. First saw him in "The Patriot". He grabbed my attention since then. He's continued to amaze me with his work. Such an incredibly tragic loss in the film industry. He will indeed be missed. ~Lady B
  16. And in the meantime, Michael, keep yo'r pistol handy and close by the comp... that way when somethin' goes wrong.... shoot it! Well, don't shoot it fo' real!!! Silkie... best just to come anyway. Guaranteed... you will see things that just cannot be explained or shown or told!!! ~Lady B
  17. Mae... It was VERY, VERY cold last year for RF2. I'm not exagerating here. I do believe that the wind chill got to around -15 to -40! That's below zero temps! VERY noticable... you step outside - whether getting out of your car or just stepping outside for a moment, and you instantly froze! So... 20's will be a fantastic delight compared to last year. But, aye... don't fo'get to wear something mighty warm if you go outside... just in case it's incredibly freezing cold like last year. Inside, you haven't a thing to worry about. Can't wait t' see the mantua, Michael. Congrats on the chemise though. Those can be tricky to make, too. The Ball is a fantastic place t' showcase th' fine fashions. :) And, yes, those gowns no matter what type they are are quite something to make. Makes one happy and proud when it's complete and turns out the way you want it! Yes, I will ask about that "Mid Air Collision Over Kansas". And yes, just bring as much coinage as ye can, Michael. Trust me... it's VERY, VERY easy to spend $2,000 at this event cause you find almost anything your reenacting heart desires! We'll b' thinkin' of ya, Matt. Thank ye for th' support. Ye'll be missed. ~Lady B
  18. Oh, to see Michael's face when he tries MerryD's "Pirate Initiation Drink". Pity. Ye'll be well missed, Sterling. B'sides.... an extra party will only provide another excuse. For what? Haven't a clue. Gown is progressing well. Starting on the preparations for the event. Can't wait. And hopefully it won't be a bitterly cold this year as it was last year. ~Lady B
  19. Ooo... I could fancy that! Sterling... ye might want to keep th' idea of a party still open, mate! ~Lady B
  20. Alas, don't really know myself, Alyx... but I'm somewhat with ye. As I have a wool felt hat that needs reshaping (looking bad). Alas, I haven't a block to do anything with. Perhaps the both of us will learn something here. :::looks around to the others::: well? Ideas? Something? Someone? ~Lady B
  21. :::CRINGE!::: I'm trying not to be a Nazi on the attire, but I don't want to be loose about it either. Hard to find that happy medium. Aye, easy to spot the one who's making an effort and haven't the coinage for it but want to do this seriously compared to the tweens and teen look of half-arsed look. I've seem some of that look. But anyway, back to the subject... Good point, Hilde. I hate the idea of going with a waistcoat that is not exact. So far I can get the exact everything even if it will take me another 3 years. But it's possible and probable. I've gawked many times at the clothing in the movies on 18th c period attire and gone hunting in books and online for the similarities. It's amazing, really. Films are more accurate in their attire than most reenactors I know (except the reenactor soldiers are more accurate, not the women where as the film soldiers are not accurate and the women are more closer to accuracy). I know I adore the whiteish petticoat of Elizabeth Swann's gold ceremony gown from Curse of the Black Pearl. I had the opportunity to see it up close and personal and I was highly amazed at the detail of the petticoat and the gown. The petticoat was a quilted linen with elaborate whitework. Gorgeous. Worse comes to worse... I'll just become a Weaver and work towards making that exact fabric in the future. Still haven't found it. Even went back to a local fabric store looking at more Upholstry and drapery fabrics among other fabrics. Madness I tell ye! ~Lady B
  22. Welp, Mr McDrago... aye, granted th' regimental would be rather .... exposing and bold. The kilt as a pirate would be interesting that's fo' sure. But ye fancy breeches.... aye, Reconstructing History is one place to go. Depends upon how exact to period you want. Otherwise, here are some Sutlers I recommend highly: Jas.Townsend & Sons Search under the men's clothing for breeches, slops and more. G. Gedney Godwin Both 17th and 18th c items. Smiling Fox Forge Smoke and Fire Ghost Forge Great selection of attire, well made, fine fabrics. I've a few other sutlers on my favorites but they don't cater to breeches, slops or any sort of pants. If you are wanting fabric for period pants, check out Wm Booth Draper. Paul & Hazel Dickfoss are seasoned reenactors and have searched far and wide to find and pass along to the reenactor authentic fabrics of the 18th c. Otherwise, if you know someone who can obtain a good historical clothing book and sews well.... Simplicity, McCalls and Butterick patterns are going on sale within the next couple weeks at local Hancock Fabrics stores. Easy to convert these patterns to period correct or not. Your choice on whatever look you want. Hope this helps in some manner. Good luck. ~Lady B
  23. Monkey it is. In a frantic mad dash workin' m' fingers off here to get this gown done in time. What th' bloody hell was I thinking making this bleedin' gown so damn elaborate!?!?! Can't wait. :) So excited! Each day that passes by I'm bouncing more and more with excitement. Yes, I need to get out more often. If that goes to show you how much snow we've had here. Now it's freezin' cold temps! Hopefully won't be as freezin' cold during RF4 as it was for RF2. Holy Mary Mother o' God that was freakin' cold! Michael's bringin' th' drinks?!? Oooo... I could like that! ~Lady B
  24. :::Does the butler dance::: Ooooo! We get t' meet Michael! Eager t' see ye an' yo'r lass, Michael. I'm sure ye'll have one incredible time. Not sure what I'll be wearing on Friday when I and MerryD arrive. It'll either be a piratey shirt... or the dirty, dusty favorite 225th Battle of Camden shirt. :) Either way... ya can't miss me... keep yo'r ears open when you hear Cheeky cry out "LADY B!" OOooH!!! Oooh!!! Cheeky! Wouldn't believe what I saw at ToysRUs this evening (having taken my nieces and nephew there just for kicks)... A little white monkey (Barbie like) and it makes noises!!! Cute, adorable thing! Alas, (or maybe this is a good thing)... it won't bite! Otherwise, I can bring the Drunken Monkey. I'll definitely bring that Drunken Monkey to Port Washington. ~Lady B
  25. Poor Sterling. here be some virtual hugs with hopes ya feel better by the time RF4 rolls around. Prayers bein' tossed yo'r way at the same time. Has not th' procured tea helped? Perhaps a tonic comprised of rum and other spirits t' help ye. Either way, feel better soon. ~Lady B
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