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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Aye, Madame Rose! May ye have the most blessed day and plenty o' treasure cast at yo'r feet that'll make even a pharoh jealous. Happy Bday to ye, Barbary Rose ~Lady B
  2. Yikes! Jill, Hope that be th' only time you feel it. Gall bladder felt like that (couldn't breathe either). Yes, getting older does suck healthwise that is. Well, at least it's a good thing with the 2 mile hike, m'dear, that ye didn't keel over. SIREN!!!! :::Clobbers the girl; big hugs:::: oooh, you have been SOOO missed! Good to hear you are doing better m'dear. :) My prayers and thoughts are always with ya. Thanks, Sterling. Will do, mate. Ooo... cards. ~Lady B
  3. Port Washington is a guarantee, Mr Tarr. Be more than glad t' have ye swing by. ~Lady B
  4. I am now seeking a place t' stay, mates. And if possible someone to ride down with, too? Even if I meet ya part of th' way. Long story. I don't want to jeopardize my going down. But if things continue to fall though, I won't be able to make it. Help, mates! Pirate Lady here needs a room! ~Lady B
  5. Game of Chess sounds good. Been wanting to play chess with my nephew for a few days now. Haven't been able to. Sorry to hear about the kitty, Jack. That's terrible. I'd be devastated if Magellan died. Heck, what am I saying... I WILL be devastated when he dies. Hope you have plenty of pictures of the kitty cat and tons of memories of your baby. The cat is in kitty heaven. Well, I'm sick again. Hate being sick. Getting mighty old. Having some issues with my Crew. Beginning to wonder if these people really want to do any of these events. From what they tell me they are intimidated on having meetings before events, working on and making outfits, about having weapons and generally doing anything at events. So.. yeah. On top of all the crap, I feel like I have some people who are tearing me down. I need to find some folks willing and able to have some fun at events and not sit on their bums just dressed in cheesy outfits. Help. Vehicle breakdown again. With all the damn pot holes... yeah, broke the PoS that I've been using. Joyful. Just went I'm planning on PyrateCon... all this happens. Glad you are over the flu, BriarRose. Not fun being sick with the flu. ~Lady B
  6. Nice duo, Edward. :) ~Lady B :angry:
  7. Hpnotiq fo' me, Kisslin'. Glad ye found th' wily, wooly lot o' us. ::: Looks at Sterling with a quarky smirk ::: Colorado says ye? Know some pirates off that way. Again, glad t' have ye on th' Pub. ~Lady B
  8. Nope. Stays are not all that hard to make at all. Depends upon if you want them fully boned or partially boned. Ones I have are fully boned with reeding, no trim (so I can replace the reeding whenever I wish) and strapless. Easy to put together, but the more slots for the boning you make, the more time consuming it will be. As to period accurate... I'm th' same way. I like it looking somewhat period correct but with some slight twists which I would say makes it more historical fiction/PotC style ... something like that. ~Lady B
  9. Ahhh, th' land b'tween two rivers, eh? Might not be all that far from ye then. I be on th' side closer t' the ol' Miss, not far from th' ports o' Dubuque an' Davenport. Good t' know there be another in th' region. 10?!?! oh, dear Lord, woman! ye need pamperin' an a rest! Oooo... I'm tempted t' swing by yo'r house t' be drowned in liquids. I pray that sometime soon we'll cross pathes, m'Lady Constance. ~Lady B
  10. Free rum says ye? Oh, forget th' rum! Let's celebrate to the nines with th' nines! Let all th' cannons ring out in salute t' Bess' bday, mates! Hoist yo'r tankards high like th' colours and we be singing praises to th' lass with a cheerful grin. Here's to ye, Red Bess! May there be many more Bdays in th' future fo' ye so's we can celebrate them. We'll be right celebratin' at Port Wash, to be sure! ~Lady B
  11. Well, I replied to ye elsewhere b'fore a proper welcome to ye here! I'd say shame on me.. but... PIRATE! And, aye, yo'r fall from grace be no issue at all. Tis what b'comes of we Ladies who associated ourselves with varied questionable company. But I'd have it no other way. Good t' have ye with th' lot o' us, Lady Constance. As I tell many others b'fore ye... ye'll find no better bunch o' scallywags and scoundrels than on this here Pub! So, do sit. Enjoy th' carousin'. Mind yo'r treasures (as they could easily be apprehended from ya). From where do ye hail, missy? ~Lady B
  12. Interesting Lady B. I've never heard that or had a problem with the reed in my stays. Granted I've only worn them for ~42 days in the past year. I have slept in them more than once though I honestly wouldn't expect to have to replace reed regularly. If nothing else they should mold to the wearers shape & replacing means you have to start that shaping all over again. The few times I've heard of broken reeds were either cases of tight lacing (a no-no even in period) or in half boned stays where each reed has to do more/ take more stress. If breaking is a problem I might consider fully boning to lessen the stress on individual reeds. Never really had much trouble breaking them. Just as you stated they tend to form to ya and that can be bothersome. So, I do replace them and they are easy to remove to wash the stays, too. Then replace with new reeding to fit more comfortably. Constance.. Kate has a rather good suggestion there. Yes, it's easy and simple to make the petticoats/skirts. I usually use on average 2 or 3 yards of fabric to make my petticoats. A small sliver to make the waist band and I use twill tape or small cotton webbing to make the ties on the side where there is a split no bigger than 7 inches for the pockets. and this allows for any waist adjustments, too. Absolutely fantastic and easy to make. However, if you feel you need a pattern to give you an idea or help guide you, there is a butterick pattern out there that I suggest either Butterick patter 3640 or 4484. That's perhaps the closests I've seen compared to some of the books out there on historical clothing. Once you've made a petticoat historically like that, you won't forget it and it gets easier and easier to make. Don't do drawstrings... the are worse to make, actually. I hate drawstrings. I like my petticoats better with the waistband and the pleats. :) Hehehe... very good question, Constance. :::Shrugs::: don't know. From what images I've seen of whores, they dressed almost similiar to normal women with the petticoat, some gown, maybe a hat, stockings, shoes. Not all that often did I see a pic of one wearing a neckkerchief/fichu or some cap or their petticoats to the ground. The outfit looked nice but was rather worn somewhat. I don't think Gizelle and Scarlett (and other whores) from PotC were all that far off from the reality of what whores looked like back then. The reed boning I heard about and a couple ladies suggested to me reed boning was easier during the summer months as they didn't conduct the heat and were cooler. Whalebone isn't exactly a type of boning we can all use, so one does with what one can with what is available. Just... don't get the plastic crap. Painful as the devil. I wish ye luck, Constance, on yo'r quest. ~Lady B
  13. Aye! Tis grand t' have ye back with old comrades in arms, m'dear. Ye have been well missed. ~Lady B
  14. I'm with Callenish on this one, MadL... I've seen Ghost Forge's stuff and they are incredibly knowledgeable folks. Incredible stuff, too. Oh, how we all enjoy such references! When you call a place, ask. Eventhough it's rather embarassing. Might be more than worth the embarassing question. Ya don't want th' Family Jewels uncomfy that's fo' sure. ~Lady B
  15. Hahaha... oh, dear... Iron Bess is havin' a Mai Tai. I'll chime in like th' rest of m' collegues here. Welcome to th' Pub. Glad ye "stumbled" by. Or were ye dragged in here? Either way, glad ye graced us with thyne presense. I shall be havin' a glass o' HypnotiQ or Destinee. Or both actually. Do tell us more 'bout yo'rself, lass? Might bit curious 'bout ye. 'specially when there be mention o' Barbary in thy name. ~Lady B
  16. Jill beat me to it. But here be a cheer fo' ye, lass! Miss ye here on th' Pub! Aye, an' we look forward t' hearin' of th' wee child as they be raised all proper pirate-like. Pirate is in their blood, now. Many grand wishes of a happy Bday to ye, Maeve! ~Lady B
  17. Oooo... a sly fox he is if he's procured yo'r pockets, lass. Aye, Happy Bday to ye, Flintlock! I pray t' cross paths with ye soon 'nough. B' sure t' stay 'way from th' gallows, mate. ~Lady B
  18. Aye! :::hoists up tankard::: Here's to ye, Wade on yo'r Bday! Bloody hell, man, are we getting old! Aye, he got re-married to a lovely lass and still carousing in his usual way, too. With or without the Jack Sparrow outfit. Again, a grand and happy Bday to ye, mate! ~Lady B
  19. Aye! a very happy Bday to ye, Mate! here's to ye an' the day ye graced this world with thine appearance so that ye can enjoy some wild and incredible fun an' carousin' with th' rest of us. Make it all the more fun. Huzzah to ye, mate! ~Lady B
  20. Well, th' Captain has a grand sword, too. I believe I posted somewhere else (the arsensal thread) a picture of m' weapons. The every coveted dragoon saber and the pistol... both freakin' huge. Aye, Bess! But I know many a lass who would kill for yo'r hat. Granted, I won't kill ye for th' hat. No matter HOW much I want an' desire it. ~Lady B
  21. Aye! Huzzah! Th' Pub has been a constant compared t' other forums. And been incredibly active...again, compared t' other forums. There be no better place I know of than th' Pub. I honestly can't recall all th' details how I found th' Pub. But I found th' Pub first and Pyracy.com... then spotted No Quarter Given and other things. And it all snowballed from there. ~Lady B
  22. Hhmm... that is a toughy. Generally it's tough NOT to get dragged into historical accuracies cause of the facings because the facings ( along with the lacing and buttons hinted to who the regt was). Now you are going as a Regular soldier of the Army and not a Marine? Or a Grenadier? Curious to see what you go with, Michael. ~Lady B
  23. Hmm... interesting question and interesting finds. I'd pondered this m'self. And good to see the evidence (hopefully). Think those are leather or wool? Or maybe made of some doeskin? Indeed, Patrick. Interesting to see a pocket put on the leg and not on the hip or the waist where I have previously seen them. Most interesting. ~Lady B
  24. Believe it or not, RumbaRue... I made it. No, I didn't kill another pirate for it. The blood would have ruined the velvet. and yes.. it's a VERY big hat. Ye'll see it when I'm down there at PyrateCon. ~Lady B
  25. Awww. congrats to th' doggie! Gene Simmons 'll be VERy envious of her. ~Lady B
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