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Everything posted by casketchris

  1. Kenneth were going to start calling you Capt St Babyface
  2. welcome to da pub fine sir
  3. wow wow wow, i was told nothing about me buying food, just drink ya cheap basterd
  4. i dont be using any o them fancy words in me title
  5. that was a look of shock not enjoyment
  6. thank you for the info
  7. it hurts my head
  8. i'm trying to go for the golden age period, whats the best for that era?
  9. what your telling me that the black holster with the skull and cross bones stamped into it that the gut in ojai tried to sell me was not historical
  10. looks great i have yet to try and make mine, it scares me...
  11. I'm sure this has already been talked about but i was wondering on correct time period pants, and if dfb's are o.k or if i should change them to a more correct item.
  12. as a smoker i was excited at first glance but after really looking its snuff
  13. if it helps i work at a wastewater plant and have more than once been coverd in human crap.
  14. my car has had more different dead people in it than living people.
  15. i thought i read once that they were going to rebuild the QAR, and that a company had already donated a motor. any info on that.
  16. Drinks all around (put them on me captains tab, that be Saint Kenneth)
  17. Tab is for wimps i'll have a Moxie, welcome to the pub
  18. after a thought of saying hello passes through my head, i slump over my table and pass out (welcome)
  19. well if my captain is going then i must go to. see you all in fresno.
  20. welcome from one new member to another.
  21. I have been in the "pub" for a week or so but thought I should make a formal introduction, my name is Chris and I'm one of the founding members of the "Kern County Pirate Guild" along with Kenneth.
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