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Everything posted by casketchris

  1. its based on a ride at disneyland...
  2. the majestic sound of a raw sewage pump (stupid having to work on sundays)
  3. Jaws harp and learning to play the didge
  4. cannon flash was seen
  5. iron bess correct me if im wrong but i thing i remember them auctioning of the original black pearl figure head
  6. great pics guys i just wish i could have gone for more than one day... stupid city of bakersfield wanting their toilets to be able to flush
  7. i dont know i enjoy seeing the uber nerds
  8. ^ i play airsoft with a group of friends < im sooo tired of hand sewing... but i cant stop V whats your worst fear
  9. congrats to you and may you have a great future together
  10. i agree color is one of my main objectives
  11. thanks for the comment CrazyCholeBlack i have green stockings right now and im working on my checked shirt
  12. the champagne of beers, Miller High Life est'd 1855 premium brewed
  13. jacky i just modified it i did not do the cuts for the drop front and i widend the legs to about 18 inches if you would like i can make a drawing for you with exact numbers michaelsbagley i know they are not 100% but i think the brass look really good on them
  14. ya ay i know like i said on their way
  15. Gay (gay as an arrow is straight)
  16. ya me and my capt go to give him a complament on his clothing and the next thing i know we are the best men in a wedding
  17. Then I saw that there was a way to hell, even from the gates of heaven. JOHN BUNYAN, The Pilgrim's Progress
  18. no worrys mate
  19. kenny the most important thing is you could walk at the end of the day unlike me and fat chris
  20. jacky the pattern was a drop front breecher pattern i got with this crapy jack sparrow pattern set i had to change them quite a bit ...
  21. thanks for advice in this post and my other about the slops... i blame you for this addiction or sickness i have now after seeing how cool a "real" pirate looks when i met you in ojia
  22. ok im looking for any historical imput on what i should be doing. some of the things im already in the works on are a sailors coat and a blue and white checked shirt and me buckle shoes are on the way...
  23. two drunk people not in pirate garb. a crew of pirate. me and my capt and billy as the best men. and non of us had ever met any of thes people before... and it all went down inthe last 10 min of the first day... f**king weird
  24. if they want to know what happended to them all they have to do is watch "Storm of the Century" (1999)
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