i just modified it i did not do the cuts for the drop front and i widend the legs to about 18 inches if you would like i can make a drawing for you with exact numbers
i know they are not 100% but i think the brass look really good on them
thanks for advice in this post and my other about the slops... i blame you for this addiction or sickness i have now after seeing how cool a "real" pirate looks when i met you in ojia
ok im looking for any historical imput on what i should be doing. some of the things im already in the works on are a sailors coat and a blue and white checked shirt and me buckle shoes are on the way...
two drunk people not in pirate garb. a crew of pirate. me and my capt and billy as the best men. and non of us had ever met any of thes people before... and it all went down inthe last 10 min of the first day... f**king weird